Topical Skin Care and the Cosmetic Patient
One of the most important components of any antiaging treatment plan is topical skin care. A basic skin care regimen includes a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Moisturizers that contain beneficial…
One of the most important components of any antiaging treatment plan is topical skin care. A basic skin care regimen includes a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Moisturizers that contain beneficial…
Keywords Facial anatomy, Facial aging, SMAS, Facial retaining ligaments, Facial fat compartments Introduction The anatomy of the face is fairly constant. Variant anatomy is seen in the thickness of…
Embryogenesis Embryogenesis is a dynamic multiple-step process that begins when an oocyte from a female is fertilized by the sperm from a male (the pre-embryonic period). The first 2 weeks…
Abstract The following case studies are presented to reinforce what you have learned from reading Principles of Dermatology . Chapter Contents Case 1 – White Spots What Is the Most…
Abstract The evaluation of a patient with hair loss requires a detailed history, physical examination, and, in some cases, laboratory tests and biopsy ( Table 20.1 ). Important elements of…
Abstract Examination of the oral cavity can provide important diagnostic information for dermatologic diagnosis and therefore should be included in every skin examination. A variety of skin disorders can be…
Abstract Induration represents dermal thickening resulting in skin that feels thicker or firmer than normal. Scleroderma is the disease that best exemplifies this process. All of the diseases included in…
Abstract The skin can be the window to systemic diseases. The presenting cutaneous symptoms and signs will lead the clinician to a more focused differential diagnosis and thus aid in…
Abstract The nail is a specialized keratinized appendage found on the dorsum of each finger and toe. It protects the distal phalanx against trauma, is used for fine grasping and…