Management of Burn Patients
Fig. 34.1 WHO surgical safety checklist With the patient surgically cleaned and draped, many techniques can be sequentially or concomitantly used to reduce blood loss [24]. The intraoperative measures available…
Fig. 34.1 WHO surgical safety checklist With the patient surgically cleaned and draped, many techniques can be sequentially or concomitantly used to reduce blood loss [24]. The intraoperative measures available…
Fig. 45.1 Patient at admission, presenting a 90% TBSA full-thickness burn injury Fig. 45.2 Multiple escharotomies were done upon admission Fig. 45.3 Early debridement of this very deep burn injury…
Fig. 46.1 Lower face and neck contracture with oral incontinence—preoperative photos Under general anesthesia, the burn contractures were released at the base of the neck contracture. When released, the soft…
45–51 °C within minutes 51 and 70 °C within seconds Above 70 °C less than a second The depth and severity of the burn are also determined by the ability of the contact…
Fig. 44.1 Folliculitis, both dorsum hands Decision was taken to completely excise all the scarred tissue and previous skin grafts and reconstruct with Integra as dermal substitute (Fig. 44.2). Skin…
Classification Type of lesions Distribution %BSA EMM Typical target Acral – SJS Spots atypical target Widespread <10 SJS–TEN overlap Spots atypical target Widespread 10–30% TEN with spots Spots atypical target…
Requirements Environmental Usability in IT-environment 0 0 100 25 100 Equipment needed 50 100 50 0 50 Usability in clinical settings 0 0 100 25 100 Usability in preclinical settings…
Fig. 42.1 Diagram showing the effect of a closed (a) and an open (b) arterio-venous anastomosis. From Boyd JD. Arterio-venous anastomoses. London Hospital Gazette 1939;42:2–8 42.4 Pathophysiology The general frostbite…
Under–resuscitation Over–resuscitation Oliguria < 0.3 mL/kg/h Polyuria > 1.0 mL/kg/h Hemoglobin > 18 g/dL (Hct > 55%) Decreasing PaO2/FiO2, →pulmonary edema Sodium > 145 mEq/L Increasing pulmonary artery wedge pressure, central venous pressure (CVP) Cardiac index < 2 L/min/m2 Rapidly increasing cutaneous edema Mixed venous oxygen saturation…
Fig. 8.1 Resources, and how they are utilized within a system or process of care, influence outcomes Bailey described quality improvement as ‘a broad range of activities of varying degrees…