Viral Diseases of the Skin
Viruses are ultramicroscopic organisms that grow only within living cells. The antigenic material responsible for viral immunologic reactions is present in the outer protein membrane (capsid) of the virus. The…
Viruses are ultramicroscopic organisms that grow only within living cells. The antigenic material responsible for viral immunologic reactions is present in the outer protein membrane (capsid) of the virus. The…
Hair Hair is a protein by-product of follicles distributed everywhere on the body surface except the palms, soles, vermilion portion of the lips, glans penis, penile shaft, nailbeds, and sides…
The normal skin of healthy infants and children is resistant to invasion by most bacteria, because the cutaneous surface provides a dry mechanical barrier from which contaminating organisms are constantly…
Blisters or bullae are rounded or irregularly shaped lesions of the skin or mucous membranes that result from the accumulation of fluid between the cells of the epidermis, the epidermis…
The hereditary disorders of cornification, or the ichthyoses, are characterized by impairment in desquamation with hyperkeratosis and/or scaling. The ichthyoses are largely distinguished by their clinical and in some cases,…
The histiocytoses are a broad group of disorders characterized by an abnormal proliferation of the histiocyte, a type of progenitor cell in the bone marrow ( Box 10-1 ). Some…
Childhood Psoriasis Psoriasis is a relatively common immune-mediated disorder that accounts for 4% of all dermatoses seen in children under 16 years of age and occurs overall in 0.5% to…
Disorders of the Sebaceous Glands Acne Vulgaris Acne vulgaris is the most common skin problem in the United States, affecting nearly 80% to 85% of individuals at some point between…
Eczematous eruptions are characterized as inflamed papules and plaques, often in association with pruritus and serous discharge. The specific subtype of eczematous dermatitis is based upon the clinical morphology, distribution…
Several hereditary disorders of the skin primarily manifest as disorders of the dermis. Clinical manifestations range from laxity of skin to infiltrated papules and from rigidity to thinning of dermis….