to Evaluate Treatment Response in Hair Diseases

Mar 23, 2021 by in Dermatology Comments Off on to Evaluate Treatment Response in Hair Diseases

div class=”ChapterContextInformation”> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020A. Tosti et al. (eds.)Hair and Scalp Treatments 20. How to Evaluate Treatment Response in Hair Diseases Maria Abril Martinez-Velasco1  , Norma Elizabeth Vazquez-Herrera2 and Antonella Tosti3 (1) National University of Mexico,…

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to Best Confirm Diagnosis Before Starting Treatment

Mar 23, 2021 by in Dermatology Comments Off on to Best Confirm Diagnosis Before Starting Treatment

div class=”ChapterContextInformation”> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020A. Tosti et al. (eds.)Hair and Scalp Treatments 1. How to Best Confirm Diagnosis Before Starting Treatment Rodrigo Pirmez1   and Antonella Tosti2 (1) Department of Dermatology Santa Casa…

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Immunotherapy: Step by Step

Mar 23, 2021 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Immunotherapy: Step by Step

div class=”ChapterContextInformation”> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020A. Tosti et al. (eds.)Hair and Scalp Treatments 3. Topical Immunotherapy: Step by Step Colombina Vincenzi1  , Benedetta Marisaldi1 and Antonella Tosti2 (1) Dermatology, Private Hospital Nigrisoli, Bologna, Italy (2)…

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to Select a Good Shampoo and Conditioner

Mar 23, 2021 by in Dermatology Comments Off on to Select a Good Shampoo and Conditioner

div class=”ChapterContextInformation”> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020A. Tosti et al. (eds.)Hair and Scalp Treatments 17. How to Select a Good Shampoo and Conditioner Maria Fernanda Reis Gavazzoni Dias1  , Rodrigo Pirmez2 and Hudson Dutra3 (1) Antonio Pedro University Hospital,…

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Extensions, and Electrical Devices to Improve Hair Volume

Mar 23, 2021 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Extensions, and Electrical Devices to Improve Hair Volume

div class=”ChapterContextInformation”> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020A. Tosti et al. (eds.)Hair and Scalp Treatments 18. Camouflage, Extensions, and Electrical Devices to Improve Hair Volume Jacob Griggs1   and Antonella Tosti2 (1) Dr. Phillip Frost Department…

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Treatments: Microneedling and PRP

Mar 23, 2021 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Treatments: Microneedling and PRP

div class=”ChapterContextInformation”> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020A. Tosti et al. (eds.)Hair and Scalp Treatments 4. Regenerative Treatments: Microneedling and PRP Colombina Vincenzi1  , Benedetta Marisaldi1 and Antonella Tosti2 (1) Dermatology, Private Hospital Nigrisoli, Bologna, Italy (2)…

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Mar 23, 2021 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Alopecias

div class=”ChapterContextInformation”> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020A. Tosti et al. (eds.)Hair and Scalp Treatments 11. Scarring Alopecias Sergio Vañó-Galván1  , David Saceda-Corralo2 and Rodrigo Pirmez3 (1) Ramon y Cajal Hospital, Trichology Unit, Dermatology Department, Madrid, Spain…

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and Infestations

Mar 23, 2021 by in Dermatology Comments Off on and Infestations

div class=”ChapterContextInformation”> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020A. Tosti et al. (eds.)Hair and Scalp Treatments 14. Infections and Infestations Daniel Asz-Sigall1  , Maria Abril Martinez-Velasco1 and Roberto Arenas2 (1) National University of Mexico, Department of Onco-dermatology and Trichology…

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in Children

Mar 23, 2021 by in Dermatology Comments Off on in Children

div class=”ChapterContextInformation”> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020A. Tosti et al. (eds.)Hair and Scalp Treatments 16. Treatment in Children Corina Isabel Salas-Callo1 and Rodrigo Pirmez2   (1) Instituto de Dermatologia Professor Rubem David Azulay, Santa Casa da…

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Areata: Clinical Treatment

Mar 23, 2021 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Areata: Clinical Treatment

div class=”ChapterContextInformation”> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020A. Tosti et al. (eds.)Hair and Scalp Treatments 9. Alopecia Areata: Clinical Treatment Norma Elizabeth Vazquez-Herrera1 and Antonella Tosti2   (1) Tecnológico de Monterrey, Hospital San José, Monterrey, Nuevo León,…

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