Complications and Revisions
Complications and Revisions INTRODUCTION A surgeon should never perform a procedure for which he or she is incapable of dealing with potential adverse consequences. Even in the most capable…
Staged Pedicle Flaps
Staged Pedicle Flaps INTRODUCTION AND FLAP DYNAMICS Most operative wounds are suitably repaired with local adjacent tissue transfers. When a local flap is not able to achieve an aesthetic…
Eyelid and Periocular
Eyelid and Periocular BIOANATOMY AND BIOMECHANICS The upper eyelid begins superiorly at the superior orbital crease beneath the eyebrow and ends at the free margin of the upper lid….
Transposition Flaps
Transposition Flaps INTRODUCTION A transposition flap is elevated from an area of laxity, lifted over an adjacent area of tissue, and transposed into an operative wound. Even more so…