Management of Burn Injuries
Fig. 11.1 Escharotomies. The lines indicate the location for escharotomies. Note that it is important that the cut is deep enough to accomplish a tissue release. This needs to be…
Fig. 11.1 Escharotomies. The lines indicate the location for escharotomies. Note that it is important that the cut is deep enough to accomplish a tissue release. This needs to be…
Fig. 28.1 Compound finger flexion using distance between the fingertip and palmar crease as a measurement of finger ROM at the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. Source: Ellis and Bruton, 2002…
Figs. 47.1 and 47.2 Extensive purpura visible on abdomen on presentation and the final full-thickness eschar prior to debridement Fig. 47.3 Appearance of healed wounds on abdomen Related posts: of…
Q—Fluid filtration rate Kf—Capillary filtration coefficient (capillary surface area x hydraulic conductivity) Pcap—Capillary hydrostatic pressure Pi—Interstitial hydrostatic pressure σ—Reflection coefficient (Permeability) πp—Plasma oncotic pressure πi—Interstitial oncotic pressure After a deep…
Fig. 40.1 Sulfuric acid upper extremity burn 3. Phosphorus Burns caused by phosphorus occur secondary to reacting with the oxygen and its derivatives. It is a frequent agent in wars…
Fig. 38.1 Keloids (upper row) and h ypertrophic scar (bottom row) before (a) and 6 months after (b) four sessions of open spray cryotherapy (two passes of 10 s each) followed by…
Fig. 35.1 Deep partial thickness burns. Aspect before enzymatic debridement Fig. 35.2 Same wound after enzymatic debridement. Note that all dead tissues have been removed with the protection of living…
Fig. 16.1 Graph from Burn Navigator showing current volume (green), Parkland (yellow) and Modified Brooke (bright green) guidelines and projected 24-hour fluid volume A single-center cohort study showed that computerized…