Spitz Nevi

Feb 12, 2018 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Spitz Nevi

Few benign melanocytic lesions encountered in clinical practice elicit the level of controversy as that generated by lesions within the spectrum of Spitz nevi. Unlike melanoma, the dermoscopic structures found…

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Procedural Pediatric Dermatology

Feb 12, 2018 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Procedural Pediatric Dermatology

Due to many factors, including parental anxiety, a child’s inability to understand the necessity of a procedure and a child’s unwillingness to cooperate, it can be much more challenging to…

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Pediatric Photosensitivity Disorders

Feb 12, 2018 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Pediatric Photosensitivity Disorders

Photosensitivity disorders in childhood are rare, with the notable exception of overexposure as sunburn, and therefore require a more circumspect approach. Practitioners who treat children are key players in identifying…

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New Findings in Genodermatoses

Feb 12, 2018 by in Dermatology Comments Off on New Findings in Genodermatoses

New technologies are accelerating the pace at which genetic defects leading to inherited skin disease are elucidated. Translation of these genetic discoveries into new therapies for patients with inherited skin…

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Systemic Treatments for Severe Pediatric Psoriasis

Feb 12, 2018 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Systemic Treatments for Severe Pediatric Psoriasis

Severe psoriasis is uncommon in children, but when it occurs, can be physically, emotionally and socially disabling. Systemic treatments such as phototherapy, acitretin, methotrexate and cyclosporine have been used to…

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Imaging of Vascular Anomalies

Feb 12, 2018 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Imaging of Vascular Anomalies

Accurate characterization of vascular anomalies is important in predicting clinical course and guiding treatment. This article provides an imaging review of vascular anomalies, highlighting the particular imaging characteristics of hemangiomas…

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Pediatric Morphea

Feb 12, 2018 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Pediatric Morphea

This article outlines the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of childhood morphea. Also known as localized scleroderma, morphea is a fibrosing disorder of the skin and subcutaneous tissues….

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