Airway Management in the Outpatient Setting

Nov 20, 2017 by in General Surgery Comments Off on Airway Management in the Outpatient Setting

Most outpatient cosmetic procedures are now performed in surgeons’ offices, with patients under local anesthesia and minimal intravenous sedation. Sedation at any level beyond minimal creates the risk of airway…

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Patient Selection in Outpatient Surgery

Nov 20, 2017 by in General Surgery Comments Off on Patient Selection in Outpatient Surgery

Ambulatory surgery is commonplace for a multitude of procedures and a wide range of patients. The types of procedures performed in the ambulatory setting are becoming more work-intensive, and patients…

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Outpatient Facility Standards

Nov 20, 2017 by in General Surgery Comments Off on Outpatient Facility Standards

Patient safety is the mission of the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc (AAAASF). Well-crafted standards are at the foundation of attaining successful Ambulatory Surgical Facility outcomes….

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