Reconstruction of the Ischemic Hand

Nov 21, 2017 by in General Surgery Comments Off on Reconstruction of the Ischemic Hand

Ischemia of the hand remains an uncommon condition, but problems with arterial perfusion of the hand can arise from trauma (open and closed), thrombosis, or arteriovascular disease. Certain identifiable patterns…

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Reconstruction of the Rheumatoid Hand

Nov 21, 2017 by in General Surgery Comments Off on Reconstruction of the Rheumatoid Hand

Previous studies have shown large variation in the rate of common surgical procedures performed for the rheumatoid hand. This article provides a comprehensive overview of each surgical treatment option for…

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Intrinsic Flaps in the Hand

Nov 21, 2017 by in General Surgery Comments Off on Intrinsic Flaps in the Hand

Advances in anatomical research have created the base for a vast variety of flaps that can be raised in the hand. They are either based on the palmar arterial system…

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Thumb Reconstruction

Nov 21, 2017 by in General Surgery Comments Off on Thumb Reconstruction

Thumb reconstruction aims to restore the cardinal thumb traits and actions including mobility, stability, sensibility, length, and appearance. The level of thumb loss is divided into thirds: distal (tip to…

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