Asian Blepharoplasty
The Clinical Problem Synopsis Upper eyelid blepharoplasty in Asians often refers to double-eyelid plasty and epicanthoplasty because about half of Asians lack an upper eyelid crease, so-called single eyelids. Many…
The Clinical Problem Synopsis Upper eyelid blepharoplasty in Asians often refers to double-eyelid plasty and epicanthoplasty because about half of Asians lack an upper eyelid crease, so-called single eyelids. Many…
The Clinical Problem ( Fig. 6.1 ) Introduction The primary physical function of the upper eyelids is protection of the eyes but, together with the eyebrows and forehead, they form…
The Clinical Problem: Prominent Bulging Suborbicularis Oculi Fat Pad and Retro-Orbicularis Oculi Fat Pad ( Fig. 9.1 ) The aging lower eyelid can be a complex and difficult problem to…
The Clinical Problem A variety of differing aesthetic treatments and procedures are presently available for nonsurgical periorbital rejuvenation. Although less invasive treatments will not replace surgery, a growing patient population…
The Clinical Problem ( Fig. 8.1 ) Rejuvenation of the midface was formerly limited to a lower lid blepharoplasty in conjunction with some form of a face lift. Neither adequately…
Introduction Aesthetic medicine comprises all medical procedures that are aimed at improving the physical appearance and satisfaction of the patient, using noninvasive to minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. These aesthetic procedures…
The Clinical Problem—The Aging Face ( Fig. 3.1 ) How Does the Face Age? Each face ages in its own way according to genetics and external factors, such as sun,…
The Process of Informed Consent Neal R. Reisman MD, JD, FACS The process of informed consent is very important to the practice of plastic surgery. Not only is it a…