Lip Augmentation
48. Lip Augmentation Michael Larsen, Robert K. Sigal DEFINITION OF PROBLEM THE AGING LIP ■ Collagen framework loosens, dermis thins, orbicularis oris thins and loses curve, redistribution of volume, cumulative…
57. Liposuction Cedric L. Hunter, Rohit K. Khosla, Jeffrey R. Claiborne, Simeon H. Wall, Jr. ■ First recorded attempt at lipectomy is attributed to the French surgeon Dujarier, who, in…
Ethnic Rhinoplasty
47. Ethnic Rhinoplasty Paul N. Afrooz, Dean M. Toriumi ■ Rhinoplasty is becoming increasingly more common in nonwhite patients worldwide. ■ Most patients desire an improvement in their appearance, with…
Breast Reduction
55. Breast Reduction Joshua Lemmon, Michael R. Lee, Daniel O. Beck, Elizabeth Hall-Findlay PATHOPHYSIOLOGY ■ Breast hypertrophy is thought to be an abnormal end-organ response to circulating estrogens.1,2 ■ Normal…
Hair Transplantation
32. Hair Transplantation Michelle Coriddi, Jeffrey E. Janis, Alfonso Barrera There are many patients that can benefit from hair transplantation, not only men (male pattern baldness) but also females with…
54. Augmentation-Mastopexy Purushottam A. Nagarkar GENERAL PRINCIPLES ■ Augmentation-mastopexy is a technique used to simultaneously correct low volume and skin excess. ■ Augmentation alone corrects relative deficiency of volume. ■…
Lateral Canthopexy
38. Lateral Canthopexy Jason K. Potter, Steve Fagien ■ Lateral canthopexy is an important adjunctive procedure to plastic surgeons performing blepharoplasty surgery. ■ Classically, lateral canthopexy was reserved for lax…
Noninvasive Body Contouring
64. Noninvasive Body Contouring Michael Bykowski, Derek Ulvila, Spero J. Theodorou, Christopher T. Chia PREOPERATIVE EVALUATION ■ History of weight loss and gain; type of exercise routine and current diet…
Correction of the Tear Trough Deformity
37. Correction of the Tear Trough Deformity Jason K. Potter, Grant Gilliland ■ Soft tissue depressions at the lid-cheek junction represent some of the most challenging, and difficult to correct,…