How to Ensure Safe Shipping of Botox Vials
Botox, also known as botulinum toxin, is a popular muscle relaxant widely used for both certain medical conditions and cosmetic treatments. As for the second case, it works perfectly for…
Botox, also known as botulinum toxin, is a popular muscle relaxant widely used for both certain medical conditions and cosmetic treatments. As for the second case, it works perfectly for…
Sagging skin is a common issue all people face as they age. After we turn 25, the release of collagen and elastin in the body slows down, thus skin loses…
2 Tincture of Time: Facial Aging and Anatomical Considerations Jose Raúl Montes and Jonathan J. Dutton Summary Genetic aging and photoaging result in thinning of all layers, effacement of the…
5 Following the Pattern: Hair Restoration Nicole Rogers and Marisa Belaidi Summary Hair loss can affect men of all ages, and presents in a variety of patterns. Fortunately, most men…
11 Aesthetic Concerns in Transgender Patients Yunyoung C. Chang and Jennifer L. MacGregor Summary Transgender and nonbinary gender patients are an important population of consideration in male aesthetic dermatology. Although…
4 High Brow Approach to Neuromodulators Edith A. Hanna, Matthew K. Sandre, and Vince Bertucci Summary Although women represent the majority of patients seen in many aesthetic practices, the number…
6 Finding the Right Balance: Chemical Peels Jeave Reserva, Seaver Soon, and Rebecca Tung Summary Chemical peels are a mainstay of aesthetic medicine and an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure performed…
3 Taking a Hard Look: Soft Tissue Augmentation Shino Bay Aguilera, Drew Taylor, Cameron Chestnut, and Luis Soro Summary As the number of male patients seeking cosmetic enhancements continues to…
8 Keg to Six Pack: Fat and Cellulite Treatments Daniel P. Friedmann and Deanne Mraz Robinson Summary The male demand for cosmetic procedures targeting localized deposits of subcutaneous adipose tissue…
1 The Male Aesthetic Patient: Preferences and Practice Mildred Lopez Pineiro, Sebastian Cotofana, Terrence C. Keaney, and Jeremy B. Green Summary This chapter focuses on describing the key differences in…