Tumors of cutaneous appendages

Aug 11, 2016 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Tumors of cutaneous appendages

33 Tumors of Cutaneous Appendages HAIR FOLLICLE TUMORS 563 Hamartomas and tumors of hair germ 563 Hair follicle nevus 563 Trichofolliculoma 563 Sebaceous trichofolliculoma 564 Trichoadenoma 564 Trichoepithelioma 565 Desmoplastic…

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Lentigines, nevi, and melanomas

Aug 11, 2016 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Lentigines, nevi, and melanomas

32 Lentigines, Nevi, and Melanomas Lesions with basal melnocycte proliferation 529 Ephelis 529 Lentigo simplex 529 Multiple lentigines 530 LEOPARD syndrome 530 Peutz–Jeghers syndrome 530 Carney syndrome 530 Laugier–Hunziker syndrome…

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Vesiculobullous reaction pattern

Aug 11, 2016 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Vesiculobullous reaction pattern

6 Vesiculobullous Reaction Pattern Intracorneal and subcorneal blisters 90 Bullous impetigo 90 Staphylococcal “scalded skin” syndrome 91 Dermatophytosis 91 Pemphigus foliaceus 92 Endemic pemphigus foliaceus 92 Pemphigus erythematosus 93 Herpetiform…

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Vascular tumors

Aug 11, 2016 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Vascular tumors

38 Vascular Tumors Hamartomas and vascular malformations 685 Eccrine angiomatous hamartoma 685 Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis 685 Nevus flammeus 685 Venous malformations 686 Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita 686 Glomulovenous malformation 687 Lymphangioma…

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Fibrous tumors and tumor-like proliferations

Aug 11, 2016 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Fibrous tumors and tumor-like proliferations

34 Fibrous Tumors and Tumor-like Proliferations Acral angiofibromas 618 Facial angiofibromas 618 Fibrous papule of the face 618 Pearly penile papules 619 Acral fibrokeratoma 619 Fibrous overgrowths, fibromatoses, etc. 620…

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Diseases of cutaneous appendages

Aug 11, 2016 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Diseases of cutaneous appendages

15 Diseases of Cutaneous Appendages Hair basics 298 INFLAMMATORY DISEASES OF THE PILOSEBACEOUS APPARATUS 299 Acneiform lesions 299 Acne vulgaris 299 Neonatal cephalic pustulosis 300 Acne fulminans 300 Chloracne 300…

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Vasculopathic reaction pattern

Aug 11, 2016 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Vasculopathic reaction pattern

8 Vasculopathic Reaction Pattern Non-inflammatory purpura 163 Senile purpura 163 Vascular occlusive diseases 164 Warfarin necrosis 164 Atrophie blanche 165 Disseminated intravascular coagulation 166 Purpura fulminans 166 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura…

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Bacterial and rickettsial infections

Aug 11, 2016 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Bacterial and rickettsial infections

23 Bacterial and Rickettsial Infections Superficial pyogenic infections 407 Common (non-bullous) impetigo 407 Bullous impetigo 407 Staphylococcal “scalded skin” syndrome 408 Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome 408 Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome…

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Granulomatous reaction pattern

Aug 11, 2016 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Granulomatous reaction pattern

7 Granulomatous Reaction Pattern Sarcoidal granulomas 134 Sarcoidosis 134 Sarcoid variants 135 Lupus pernio135 Nodular subcutaneous sarcoidosis 135 Blau’s syndrome 135 Reactions to foreign bodies 136 Other causes of sarcoidal…

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Mycoses and algal infections

Aug 11, 2016 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Mycoses and algal infections

25 Mycoses and Algal Infections Superficial filamentous infections 441 Dermatophytoses overall 441 Tinea capitis 441 Kerion 442 Favus 442 Tinea incognito 442 “Id reaction” 442 Tinea faciei 443 Tinea barbae,…

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