29: Release of a Spastic Elbow Flexion Contracture

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 29: Release of a Spastic Elbow Flexion Contracture

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35: Silicone Metacarpophalangeal Joint Arthroplasty

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 35: Silicone Metacarpophalangeal Joint Arthroplasty

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34: Reconstruction of the Central Slip with the Transverse Retinacular Ligament for Boutonnière Deformity

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 34: Reconstruction of the Central Slip with the Transverse Retinacular Ligament for Boutonnière Deformity

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24: Superficialis-to-Profundus Tendon Transfer

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 24: Superficialis-to-Profundus Tendon Transfer

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13: In Situ Cubital Tunnel Decompression

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 13: In Situ Cubital Tunnel Decompression

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21: Steindler Flexorplasty

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 21: Steindler Flexorplasty

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92: Excision of a Dorsal Wrist Ganglion

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 92: Excision of a Dorsal Wrist Ganglion

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28: Pronator Teres Rerouting

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 28: Pronator Teres Rerouting

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40: Correction of Constriction Ring

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 40: Correction of Constriction Ring

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