10: Extensor Tendon Repair in Zones 1 to 5

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 10: Extensor Tendon Repair in Zones 1 to 5

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64: Diagnostic Wrist Arthroscopy

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 64: Diagnostic Wrist Arthroscopy

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86: Proximal Row Carpectomy

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 86: Proximal Row Carpectomy

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90: Total Wrist Arthroplasty

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 90: Total Wrist Arthroplasty

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39: Pollicization for Congenital Thumb Hypoplasia

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 39: Pollicization for Congenital Thumb Hypoplasia

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2: Fasciotomy of the Upper Limb

Mar 5, 2016 by in Hand surgery Comments Off on 2: Fasciotomy of the Upper Limb

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