Small Papules Secondary to a Dermal Process

Mar 5, 2017 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Small Papules Secondary to a Dermal Process

Fig. 10.1 Lichen nitidus. A, Courtesy, Yale Dermatology Residents’ Slide Collection. Histopathology: Epidermal rete demarcating a lymphohistiocytic infiltrate in the superficial dermis Histiocytoses There are classic presentations of different histiocytoses (Fig. 10.2,…

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Blistering, Localized

Mar 5, 2017 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Blistering, Localized

Fig. 14.1 Microscopy of selected localized blistering conditions. *Can also be subepidermal.  Disorders With a Characteristic Morphology Bullous impetigo (Fig. 14.2) – somewhat tense vesicles/bullae or superficial erosions with collarettes of scale…

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Deep Soft Tissue Disorders

Mar 5, 2017 by in Dermatology Comments Off on Deep Soft Tissue Disorders

Fig. 23.1 Most common locations for several forms of panniculitis. Adapted from Bolognia JL, Jorizzo JL, Schaffer JV. Dermatology, 3e. London: Saunders, 2012, with permission. Fig. 23.2 Common forms of panniculitis. A,B Erythema nodosum….

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