

Lipodystrophy is the term that describes a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by a selective fat loss in a characteristic body distribution pattern that is often accompanied by secondary fat accumulation. The lipodystrophies can be broadly categorized into congenital/inherited and acquired types and then further subdivided into generalized, partial, and localized forms. Examples of inherited disorders are congenital generalized lipodystrophy (Berardinelli–Seip syndrome) and familial partial lipodystrophy while examples of acquired disorders are acquired generalized lipodystrophy and HIV/ART-associated lipodystrophy syndrome. The localized forms of lipoatrophy are most commonly observed and they occur at sites of medication or vaccine injections, pressure or panniculitis.


lipoatrophy, lipohypertrophy, lipodystrophy, fat, adipose, congenital generalized lipodystrophy, familial partial lipodystrophy, acquired generalized lipodystrophy, acquired partial lipodystrophy, CANDLE syndrome, metabolic syndrome, anabolic features, insulin resistance, antiretroviral therapy, HIV/ART-associated lipodystrophy syndrome



▪ Lipodystrophy: lipoatrophy, lipohypertrophy

Key features

  • Lipodystrophies are inherited or acquired disorders characterized by a paucity or complete absence of fat that may be generalized, partial or localized; lipohypertrophy may accompany the lipoatrophy

  • Though the terms lipodystrophy and lipoatrophy are often used interchangeably, lipoatrophy should be used specifically for selective loss of fat, with lipodystrophy implying a redistribution of fat, in part due to a hypertrophic compensation of the non-atrophic fat

  • Lipodystrophy syndromes represent a heterogeneous group of disorders that are characterized by lipoatrophy ± fat accumulation in characteristic body distribution patterns

  • Fat is a metabolically active organ, thus fat loss can be associated with metabolic derangements, which parallel the extent and duration of lipoatrophy

  • Patients with lipodystrophy typically develop the metabolic syndrome, which includes insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, hyperinsulinemia, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease and hepatic steatosis

  • Systemic manifestations of generalized and partial lipodystrophy syndromes include medical complications of the metabolic syndrome, hormonal abnormalities, organ dysfunction, anabolic features, glomerulonephritis, and autoimmune disorders

  • A distinct syndrome of peripheral lipoatrophy, central obesity, breast hypertrophy, dorsocervical fat pad enlargement, hyperlipidemia and insulin resistance occurs in patients with HIV infection undergoing treatment with antiretroviral therapy (ART; formerly referred to as highly active antiretroviral therapy [HAART])

  • Isolated or localized lipoatrophy can occur at the site of medication injection, trauma or pressure, in association with autoimmune connective tissue disease, or following certain panniculitic inflammatory or neoplastic processes

  • Microscopically, there may be a complete absence of subcutaneous fat or a decrease in adipocyte size and number. An inflammatory panniculitis may be seen in early disease


Lipodystrophy is the term that describes a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by a selective fat loss in a characteristic body distribution pattern that is often accompanied by secondary fat accumulation. Adipose tissue has crucial metabolic and endocrine functions, in addition to having a role in mechanical protection. The loss of peripheral subcutaneous fat and a compensatory accumulation of visceral fat is closely associated with insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and coronary artery disease. These metabolic abnormalities and their sequelae are now referred to as the metabolic syndrome and they underscore the important functions of fat, in its role as a diverse and crucial body organ.

More than a century after the first description of lipodystrophy and then delineation of generalized lipodystrophy into congenital and acquired forms , the genetic basis of several of the inherited lipodystrophies has now been elucidated. Mutations have been found in genes ranging from those encoding proteins essential for adipocyte differentiation to those encoding nuclear lamins (see below).

Clinically, lipodystrophy can be broadly classified into inherited or acquired forms and then further subclassified based on the extent of fat loss, in conjunction with genetic mutations, age of onset, and systemic manifestations ( Fig. 101.1 & Table 101.1 ). Based upon the distribution pattern, lipodystrophy may be subdivided into three major groups: (1) generalized; (2) partial (extensive, but not generalized); and (3) localized (limited to an isolated area).

Fig. 101.1

Lipodystrophy syndromes and localized forms.

Schematic representation of the predominant sites of lipoatrophy and lipohypertrophy. Additional syndromes, including CANDLE and familial partial lipodystrophy with mandibuloacral dysplasia, are outlined in Table 101.1 . Tables 63.9 and 63.10 review progeroid syndromes in which lipoatrophy can be seen. AI-CTD, autoimmune connective tissue disease; ART, antiretroviral therapy; IR, insulin resistance.

AGPAT2, encodes 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O -acyltransferase 2 (triglyceride and phospholipid synthesis); BSCL2, encodes seipin (lipid droplet formation); CAV1, encodes caveolin 1 (binds fatty acids and translocates them to lipid droplets); CIDEC, encodes cell death-inducing DNA fragmentation factor-like effector C (adipocyte apoptosis); LIPE, encodes lipase E, hormone sensitive type (hydrolysis of triglycerides to free fatty acids); LMNA, encodes lamins A/C (structural integrity of the nuclear lamina); LMNB2, encodes lamin B2 (structural integrity of the nuclear lamina); PLIN1, encodes perilipin 1 (formation, maturation, and function of lipid droplets within adipocytes); PPARG, encodes peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (essential role in lipogenesis); CAVIN1/PTRF, encodes caveolae associated protein 1 (biogenesis of caveolae and expression of caveolins 1 and 3).

Table 101.1

Lipodystrophy syndromes.

Patients with POEMS syndrome (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy, and skin changes) can also develop facial lipoatrophy. AR, autosomal recessive; AD, autosomal dominant; AGPAT2 , 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 2; BSCL2 , Berardinelli–Seip congenital lipodystrophy 2 (Seipin) gene; CANDLE, chronic atypical neutrophilic dermatosis with lipodystrophy and elevated temperature; CAV1, caveolin 1 gene; CAVIN1, caveolae associated protein 1; CIDEC , cell death-inducing DFFA-like effector C; DM, diabetes mellitus; HDL, high-density lipoproteins; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; JMP, joint contractures, muscle atrophy, microcytic anemia, and panniculitis-induced lipodystrophy; LDL, low-density lipoproteins; IR, insulin resistance; LIPE , lipase, hormone-sensitive; PI, protease inhibitor; PLIN , perilipin 1; POEMS, polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy, and skin changes; PPARG , peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ; PTRF , polymerase I and transcript release factor; PSMB8 , proteasome subunit beta 8; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; TG, triglycerides; ZMPSTE24, gene that encodes a zinc metalloproteinase.

Syndrome Age of onset Sex Genetics Distribution of fat changes Metabolic derangements Systemic associations Systemic complications
Congenital generalized lipodystrophy (CGL; Berardinelli–Seip syndrome) Birth F = M AR
Type 1: AGPAT2
Type 2: BSCL2/seipin
Type 3: CAV1
↓ Fat: face, trunk, extremities, viscera
Types 1, 3, 4: loss of metabolically active adipose tissue in the skin and viscera, but preservation of mechanical adipose tissue (palmoplantar, retro-orbital)
Type 2: both metabolically active and mechanical adipose tissue are lost
Types 1, 2: lack of bone marrow fat
Types 3, 4: preserved bone marrow fat
+++: IR, DM, ↑ TG; anabolic features; ↑ metabolic rate Type 3: associated with vitamin D resistance Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, liver failure/cirrhosis, organomegaly, acute pancreatitis, proteinuric nephropathy (see Table 101.3 )
More severe disease in type 2, with higher incidence of intellectual disability and cardiomyopathy
Type 4: prominent skin veins, cardiac, conduction defects, pyloric stenosis, muscle weakness
Familial partial lipodystrophy (FPLD; previously referred to as Köbberling–Dunnigan syndrome) Puberty F > M AD
FPLD1 (Köbberling type): not known
FPLD2 (Dunnigan type): LMNA [lamin A/C]
AR *
FPLD1: ↓ fat on extremities ± ↑ fat on face/neck, trunk FPLD2: ↓ fat on extremities ± trunk, ↑ fat on face/neck (double chin), muscular hypertrophy
FPLD3: ↓ fat on extremities/buttocks (less severe than FPLD2); trunk/viscera spared
FPLD4: ↓ fat on lower extremities with small adipocytes and increased fibrosis of adipose tissues
FPLD5: ↓ fat on lower extremities/buttocks; small, multiloculated lipid droplets histologically
FPLD6: ↓ fat on lower extremities, ↑ fat of abdomen and axillae
IR, DM, ↑ TG, ↓ HDL (more severe in FPLD3 than FPLD2) None preceding Acute pancreatitis, hepatic steatosis/cirrhosis, menstrual abnormalities
Clinical findings and metabolic complications more severe in women
Familial partial lipodystrophy with mandibuloacral dysplasia (MAD) Childhood or puberty M > F AR
Type A: LMNA
Type B: ZMPSTE24
↓ fat on extremities
Type B – may have generalized lipodystrophy
IR, DM, ↑ TG, ↓ HDL in some patients None preceding Premature aging, hypoplasia of mandible, clavicles and terminal digits, short stature, scleroderma-like skin lesions with mottled skin pigmentation
Autoinflammatory disorders (JMP and
CANDLE syndromes)
Childhood M = F AR
JMP syndrome: ↓ fat: face, upper extremities > generalized
CANDLE syndrome: ↓ fat: face, extremities
JMP syndrome: ↓ HDL cholesterol
CANDLE syndrome: ↑ TG
None preceding JMP syndrome: panniculitis precedes lipoatrophy; see text for other findings
CANDLE syndrome: atypical neutrophilic dermatosis, progressive lipodystrophy, recurrent fevers; see text for other findings
Acquired generalized lipodystrophy (Lawrence syndrome) Childhood or adolescence F > M
3 : 1
None known ↓ Fat: face, trunk, extremities
Preservation of fat within the bone marrow
++: IR, DM, ↑ TG (correlates with the degree of lipodystrophy) 1/3 have a preceding autoimmune disease (e.g. juvenile dermatomyositis, Sjögren syndrome) or infection; 25% have a preceding panniculitis Liver failure/cirrhosis, proteinuric nephropathy
Acquired partial lipodystrophy (Barraquer–Simons syndrome) Childhood or adolescence Rarely adults F > M
3 : 1
Sporadic or AD: LMNB2 (Lamin B2) ↓ Fat: face, upper extremities, trunk, with spread in a cephalocaudal direction
Spares lower extremities
↑ Fat: hips and legs
Hemilipodystrophic variants
Rare IR, DM, ↑ TG Often preceded by a febrile illness; 1/5 have mesangiocap­illary glomeru­lonephritis
Almost all have low levels of C3 and presence of circulating C3 nephritic factor
Autoimmune disease associations include SLE, dermatomyositis
Sequelae of renal abnormalities
HIV/ART-associated lipodystrophy syndrome 2 months to 2 years after initiation of combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) Adults > children M = F overall, F > M central adiposity None known ↓ Fat: face, extremities
↑ Fat: central (trunk/viscera), dorsocervical (“buffalo hump”), breasts
Lipomas (e.g. pubic)
++: IR, ↑ TG, ↑ LDL, ↓ HDL; ± DM HIV infection Cardiovascular disease

* Provisional for FPLD5 and FPLD6.

Localized lipodystrophy, which may be due to injections of medications or vaccines, pressure, previous surgery, trauma or panniculitis, is commonly seen. Of the partial lipodystrophies, the one associated with antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV infections has become the most common form . It is important for dermatologists to recognize this drug effect and the associated metabolic syndrome, as there are profound social, psychological, and medical implications. The dermatologist is also likely to occasionally encounter partial lipodystrophy that may be associated with glomerulonephritis or with autoimmune diseases such as dermatomyositis or lupus erythematosus. Finally, there are several rare genetic syndromes that will be discussed (see Table 101.1 ).


Adipose tissue functions as an endocrine organ via its secretion of hormones and adipocytokines, such as leptin, TNF-α, interleukin (IL)-6, and adiponectin. Altered expression and activity of these factors play a role in the development of insulin resistance and other metabolic changes seen in lipodystrophic syndromes, which are similar to those observed with obesity and the metabolic syndrome .

There appears to be a final common pathway of defective adipocyte triglyceride storage in conditions characterized by fat loss as well as fat excess. This defect can result from impaired triglyceride synthesis due to an enzyme deficiency (e.g. 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O -acyltransferase 2), defective adipocyte development caused by mutations in genes critical to adipocyte differentiation (e.g. BSCL2/seipin, PPARG, LMNA ), adipocyte apoptosis, or autoimmune- or drug-mediated adipocyte destruction. All of these processes can impair normal adipocyte differentiation, development, lifespan, and/or function .

The destruction or impaired differentiation of adipocytes leads to a cascade of hormonal and metabolic consequences. Adiponectin, a product of the A DIPOQ gene, is expressed in and secreted exclusively by differentiated adipocytes. It plays a positive role in regulating insulin sensitivity and glucose and lipid homeostasis. Plasma adiponectin levels are inversely correlated with fasting insulin levels and insulin resistance . Serum adiponectin and leptin levels are reduced both in murine models of lipoatrophy with insulin resistance and in humans with congenital and acquired lipodystrophies , including HIV/ART-related lipodystrophy . In mouse models with deficient mRNAs encoding leptin, infusion of leptin reverses insulin resistance . Similarly, leptin replacement was found to result in significant and sustained improvements in hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and hepatic steatosis in patients with different forms of lipodystrophy .

Congenital Generalized Lipodystrophy (Berardinelli–Seip Congenital Lipodystrophy, Berardinelli–Seip Syndrome)

Congenital generalized lipodystrophy (CGL) is an autosomal recessive disorder with four known genetic subtypes. The two major forms, types 1 and 2, are due to mutations in AGPAT2 , which encodes 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O -acyltransferase 2, and BSCL2 / seipin , respectively (see Table 101.1 ). It has been postulated that these genetic mutations cause lipodystrophy primarily by affecting adipocyte differentiation or lipid droplet formation in adipose tissue. In type 1, aberrant AGPAT2 enzyme activity causes a marked reduction in triglyceride and phospholipid synthesis, resulting in abnormal adipocyte function . In type 2, BSCL2 mutations affect the endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein seipin which is critical for lipid droplet morphology.

In types 3 and 4 CGL, genetic mutations have been detected that affect the function of caveolae, which are invaginations of the plasma membrane involved in signal transduction and endocytosis, including internalization of the insulin receptor. Patients with type 3 CGL have mutations in CAV1 which encodes caveolin 1 ; caveolins are essential components of caveolae and caveolin 1 binds fatty acids and translocates them to lipid droplets. Type 4 CGL is due to mutations in CAVIN1/PTRF , whose protein product is involved in the biogenesis of caveolae and the expression of caveolins 1 and 3 .

Differences in the molecular basis of CGL may account for the phenotypic heterogeneity . AGPAT2 has been found to be highly expressed in human omental adipose tissue, which may explain the preferential loss of metabolically active intra-abdominal adipose tissue but preservation of mechanical palmoplantar adipose tissue in patients with type 1 CGL. BSCL2 has been found to also be highly expressed in the brain , which may account for the higher prevalence of intellectual disability in type 2 patients.

Familial Partial Lipodystrophy

Familial partial lipodystrophy (FPLD) is a heterogeneous group of autosomal dominantly and rarely autosomal recessively inherited disorders (see Table 101.1 ). The most prevalent subtype is the FPLD2, which is due to mutations in LMNA . LMNA encodes lamins A and C, with lamins belonging to the intermediate filament family of structural proteins that compose the nuclear lamina. LMNA mutations lead to disruption of nuclear function, resulting in apoptosis and premature cell death of adipocytes. These mutations also alter plasma levels of leptin, with heterozygotes (mutation in one copy of LMNA ) having decreased plasma leptin and increased fasting plasma insulin and C-peptide levels . Of note, LMNA mutations are also responsible for a group of laminopathies that includes muscular dystrophy, cardiomyopathy, neuropathies, and syndromes of premature aging (see Tables 63.9 & 63.10 ). The clinical phenotype/syndrome is determined by the site and type of LMNA mutations .

The genetic basis of FPLD1 is unknown, but FPLD3 results from heterozygous missense mutations of the gene that encodes peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ ( PPARG ) . The PPAR-γ protein plays an essential role in adipogenesis (see Fig. 101.14 ), but the entire pathogenesis remains unclear. Although this subtype has a milder clinical phenotype than FPLD2, with a later age of onset and involvement confined to the distal extremities, metabolic disturbances are more severe, suggesting that PPARG mutations may have additional direct effects on metabolism.

In patients with FPLD4, heterozygous loss-of-function mutations have been described in the gene that encodes perilipin 1 ( PLIN1 ) . Perilipin is responsible for the formation, maturation, and function of lipid droplets within adipocytes. Lipoatrophy of the lower extremities is accompanied by marked hypertriglyceridemia and severe insulin resistance with type 2 diabetes.

To date, FPLD5 and FPLD6 are based on a single patient and two siblings, respectively, and because of homozygous missense mutations (FPLD5) and consanguinity (FPLD6), an autosomal recessive pattern is favored. The associated genes encode a member of the cell death-inducing DNA fragmentation factor-like effector family ( CIDEC ) that is thought to play a role in adipocyte apoptosis and lipase, hormone sensitive ( LIPE ).

Partial lipodystrophy may also be seen in association with mandibuloacral dysplasia (MAD), an autosomal recessive syndrome associated with mutations in LMNA (type A), or with mutations in ZMPSTE24 , which encodes a zinc metalloproteinase involved in post-translational proteolytic processing of prelamin A (type B) . The latter has been associated with severe mandibuloacral dysplasia, premature aging, and generalized lipodystrophy.

Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis type 2 (MCGN II) has been reported in a case of partial lipodystrophy due to a mutation in the LMNA gene, suggesting that partial lipodystrophy of both the sporadic and familial subtypes may predispose to this condition and the observed renal and complement abnormalities may be secondary to other factors associated with lipodystrophy .

Acquired Generalized Lipodystrophy (Lawrence Syndrome)

There is no known genetic defect. A third of patients have an antecedent autoimmune disease or viral or bacterial infection, but a causal relationship with the latter has not been established. Twenty-five percent of cases of acquired generalized lipodystrophy are heralded by panniculitis (see Table 101.1 ) .

The preceding panniculitis and the frequent association of autoimmune disease imply immunologically mediated fat cell lysis. Autoantibodies against the adipocyte membrane have been reported in one patient with this condition . As with the other forms of lipodystrophy, most patients have low serum levels of leptin and adiponectin.

Acquired Partial Lipodystrophy Syndrome (Barraquer–Simons Syndrome)

Acquired partial lipodystrophy syndrome occurs sporadically or may be autosomal dominant, with mutations in LMNB2 reported in some patients . Subcutaneous fat is often lost acutely after a viral illness. The exact pathogenesis is not known, but it may be related to adipsin, a protein produced by adipocytes which is identical to factor D (a component of the alternative complement pathway; see Ch. 60 ), as well as C3 nephritic factor (C3NeF), an IgG autoantibody against an alternative pathway enzyme. There is dysregulated activation of the alternative pathway, associated with C3NeF binding to the rate-limiting C3 convertase enzyme (C3bBb). This results in unopposed activation of the alternative complement pathway, excessive consumption of C3, and complement-dependent lysis of adipocytes.

Regional differences in factor D expression parallel the regional distribution of adipocyte loss in partial lipodystrophy, which may explain the cephalocaudal distribution of fat. Renal cells also express complement components, and a similar mechanism of complement-mediated injury may be responsible for the MCGN II seen in these patients .

Localized Lipoatrophy

The pathogenesis of localized lipoatrophy is heterogeneous. Circumscribed areas of lipoatrophy may follow inflammation from pyogenic abscesses, various lobular panniculitides (especially lupus profundus and panniculitic dermatomyositis), localized autoimmune connective tissue diseases (e.g. morphea), or subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma. Iatrogenic causes include traumatic and inflammatory responses to injected medications ( Table 101.2 ).

Table 101.2

Injected medications that can cause localized lipoatrophy.

Lipoatrophy can also be seen at sites of acupuncture.

Most common

  • Insulin

    • Non-human ≫ human, insulin analogues

    • Rarely, can occur at distant sites

  • Corticosteroids

Less common

  • Antibiotics

    • Benzathine penicillin *

    • Amikacin

  • Immunomodulatory drugs

    • Glatiramer acetate (multiple sclerosis)

    • Methotrexate *

  • Vaccines

    • Diphtheria–pertussis–tetanus vaccine

    • Quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine

  • Growth hormone

  • Heparin

  • Iron dextran

  • Exogenous material

* Including semicircular lipoatrophy.

In the case of insulin lipoatrophy, it may be induced by impurities and is significantly associated with the presence of anti-insulin antibodies ; mononuclear infiltrates near insulin injections suggest a localized immune response. Because repeated use of the same injection site increases the risk of lipoatrophy, the latter can be largely prevented by regular rotation of injection sites. Of note, lipoatrophy is fairly rare with the use of human insulin and insulin pump therapy. Lipoatrophy may also occur at injection sites of growth hormone and glatiramer acetate due to a direct lipolytic effect and panniculitis, respectively.

Lipoatrophia semicircularis may represent repetitive trauma or pressure-induced changes ( Fig. 101.2 ), due to constant or intermittent pressure from leaning against a desk or chair edge, basin, bathtub or counter, or from tight-fitting jeans or girdles. Both resolution of the lesions when trauma is avoided and the occurrence of similar lesions in multiple employees in the same workplace provide support for microtrauma as the etiology . Local hyperproduction of TNF-α by macrophages has also been implicated . Localized lipoatrophy of the upper and lateral calf due to pressure is commonly observed in women who cross their legs when seated ( Fig. 101.3 ).

Fig. 101.2

Lipoatrophia semicircularis (semicircular lipoatrophy).

Bilateral slightly curved depressions on the anterolateral thighs.

Courtesy, Diane Thaler, MD.

Fig. 101.3

Localized lipoatrophy of the upper lateral calf due to pressure.

A fairly common finding in women who cross their legs while seated.

Courtesy, Jean L Bolognia, MD.

Up to 60% of involutional lipoatrophy (see below) may be associated with prior local injections, suggesting a trauma-related phenomenon . Lipophagocytizing macrophages seen by electron microscopy suggest an initial stimulation by injectable material; typically, an active foreign body reaction is absent.

Lipodystrophia centrifugalis abdominalis infantilis is usually idiopathic, but has been reported to be associated with mechanical trauma or focal infection. Predominance of this condition in East Asia is notable and reports in twins and siblings point to the possibility of an HLA predisposition. In one patient with lipodystrophia centrifugalis abdominalis infantilis, positive immunohistochemical staining for Fas, bcl-2 and p53 as well as terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) in degenerating fatty tissue suggested apoptosis as a possible factor .

Clinical Features

Congenital Generalized Lipodystrophy (CGL)

CGL is rare, with an estimated prevalence of less than 1 case in 10 million . As an autosomal recessive disorder, there is often consanguinity. All subtypes are characterized by generalized loss or absence of metabolically active subcutaneous fat from birth, resulting in a cadaveric facies and distinctive muscular-appearing body habitus ( Fig. 101.4A ). Anabolic features are evident in early childhood ( Table 101.3 ). There is also a deficiency of bone marrow fat (types 1,2) and visceral fat (types 1,3,4). Type 2 CGL also lacks mechanical fat, in addition to metabolically active fat.

Fig. 101.4

Congenital generalized lipodystrophy syndrome (Berardinelli–Seip syndrome).

A Lipoatrophy of the trunk leading to muscle definition. B Extensive acanthosis nigricans.

Courtesy, Edward Cowen, MD.

Table 101.3

Features of congenital generalized lipodystrophy .

HDL, high-density lipoprotein; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; TG, triglyceride.

Lipodystrophic features

  • Lack of fat in the buccal region, resulting in a cadaveric facies

  • MRI studies show near total absence of subcutaneous fat and other metabolically active adipose tissues

  • Preservation of fat deposits in “mechanical” sites (types 1, 3, 4): orbit, palms, soles, tongue, breasts, vulva, and in periarticular and epidural regions

  • Muscular body habitus due to the extreme paucity of subcutaneous fat

Anabolic features

  • Muscular hypertrophy with prominent superficial veins

  • Acromegalic facial and acral features

  • Voracious appetite

  • Increased basal metabolic rate

  • Heat intolerance

  • Accelerated growth with a normal to slightly increased adult height

  • Advanced bone and dental age

  • Osteosclerotic and lytic skeletal changes

  • Masculine features in females (clitoromegaly rare)

  • Enlarged genitalia (usually limited to infancy and childhood)

Metabolic disturbances

  • Insulin resistance and severe fasting or postprandial hyperinsulinemia from early infancy

  • Insulin levels may decrease after several years, due to exhaustion of pancreatic β cells

  • Very insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus: noted at puberty with growth cessation

  • Impaired glucose tolerance is noted around age 8–10 years

  • Hypertriglyceridemia and sequelae (chylomicronemia, pancreatitis)

  • Hyperlipidemia accelerates at puberty (with growth cessation)

  • Low HDL-cholesterol levels (accurate assessment may be hindered by the increased TGs)

  • Low plasma leptin levels, corresponding to decreased body fat

Dermatologic manifestations

  • Acanthosis nigricans, often early onset and widespread

  • Hypertrichosis, including increased (often curly) scalp hair at birth

  • Hyperhidrosis

  • Coarse skin on the upper body

  • Hyperkeratotic epidermal papillomatosis (may represent an exaggerated form of AN)

  • Xanthomas

Gynecologic disturbances

  • Oligomenorrhea

  • Polycystic ovaries

  • Infertility (females)

Organomegaly and organ dysfunction

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (often fatal)

  • Fatty liver, hepatomegaly, cirrhosis, liver failure

  • Organomegaly: tonsils and adenoids, lymph nodes, spleen, kidneys, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries

  • Central nervous system abnormalities: hypothalamic–pituitary dysfunction, ventricular dilation, below average intelligence, ± mild mental retardation

  • Proteinuric nephropathy

The inability to store sufficient fat in the adipocytes results in the metabolic syndrome (see Ch. 53 ), which becomes more profound during puberty . Diabetes mellitus is evident by adolescence, but hyperinsulinemia can be detected as early as infancy. Enlarged genitalia are seen, especially in women, and may be associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome and infertility. Hepatosplenomegaly is typical and may be associated with umbilical herniation. Dermatologic sequelae (see Table 101.3 ) include acanthosis nigricans, which is noted by adolescence and may be extensive ( Fig. 101.4B ). Serious medical complications and metabolic derangements include cirrhosis from fatty liver, premature atherosclerosis, sequelae of diabetes, pancreatitis from hypertriglyceridemia, and a high mortality rate from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The mean age of death is 32 years. Type 2 appears to be a more severe disorder that is associated with intellectual disability, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and a higher incidence of premature death while type 4 patients have cardiac arrhythmias and pyloric stenosis.

Familial Partial Lipodystrophy

Familial partial lipodystrophy (FPLD) was first described by Dunnigan and Köbberling , who outlined the clinical characteristics of large Scottish and German pedigrees with familial syndromes of partial lipodystrophy. FPLD is classified based upon genetic mutations and clinical phenotype (see Table 101.1 ). This group of disorders differs from other forms of inherited lipodystrophy by a later onset (after puberty) and fat loss predominantly affecting the extremities, with sparing of the face . FPLD is a rare disorder, with a prevalence of less than 1 in 15 million .

In FPLD2, a normal childhood is followed by a progressive, symmetric loss of subcutaneous fat; the latter uniformly involves the extremities and variably extends to the trunk (anterior > posterior). Compensatory accumulation of excess fat occurs and results in a fat head and neck, with a round face, as well as increased supraclavicular fat (see Fig. 101.1 ). Acromegalic facies with a double chin is characteristic. As a result of the loss of fat in the limbs, there is an accentuation of subcutaneous veins and muscular prominence ( Fig. 101.5 ). Although FPLD3 has milder clinical features and an onset after the second decade of life, the metabolic disturbances may be more severe .

Fig. 101.5

Lipoatrophy of the lower extremities, leading to muscular prominence.

Courtesy, William D James, MD.

Metabolic disturbances in FPLD are similar to those in the generalized lipodystrophy syndromes. Glucose intolerance, ranging from mild to severe, develops during young adulthood. Acute pancreatitis and hepatic steatosis and cirrhosis may occur, with complications from diabetes mellitus, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy leading to premature death. When compared to men, affected women have been reported to have more severe triglyceride elevations. Dermatologic manifestations include tuberous xanthomas, acanthosis nigricans and hirsutism, while gynecologic findings include menstrual irregularities, polycystic ovaries, and fat hypertrophy within the labia majora.

Familial partial lipodystrophy with mandibuloacral dysplasia is a rare variant of partial lipodystrophy characterized by mandibular and clavicular hypoplasia, short stature, a high-pitched voice, and ectodermal abnormalities of the skin, teeth, nails and hair . There are multiple craniofacial defects, including dental overcrowding and a bird-like facies with prominent eyes and a beaked nose. Skeletal abnormalities include osteolysis of the clavicles, acro-osteolysis, delayed closure of cranial sutures, and joint contractures. Mottled hyperpigmentation, alopecia, atrophy of extremity skin, and nail dysplasia are the characteristic cutaneous findings. Less common clinical features include sensorineural hearing loss, delayed puberty, a high-arched palate, and cutaneous calcinosis. Features of the metabolic syndrome may be present (see Ch. 53 ).

Autoinflammatory Syndromes (see Table 45.7 )

J oint contractures, m uscle atrophy, m icrocytic anemia, and p anniculitis-induced lipodystrophy (JMP) syndrome

In addition to the clinical findings in its name, patients with this childhood-onset, autosomal recessive syndrome can have hypergammaglobulinemia, an elevated ESR, hepatosplenomegaly, and calcification of basal ganglia . The lipodystrophy may be partial, involving primarily the face and upper extremities, or less often generalized.

Affected individuals have mutations in PSMB8 which encodes pro­teasome subunit beta 8, a component of the immunoproteasome, which is found predominantly in monocytes and lymphocytes . Immunoproteasome-mediated proteolysis generates immunogenic epitopes that, upon presentation by MHC class I molecules, may trigger an autoinflammatory response. This results in a mixed inflammatory infiltrate within the adipose tissue and loss of adipocytes.

C hronic a typical n eutrophilic d ermatosis with l ipodystrophy and e levated temperature (CANDLE) syndrome

CANDLE syndrome is also an autoinflammatory syndrome whose onset is during the first year of life and is characterized by violaceous swollen eyelids, pernio-like lesions, and progressive peripheral lipodystrophy involving the face and extremities as well as recurrent fevers, arthralgias, contractures of the extremities, delayed physical development, anemia, and increased acute phase reactants . Most of the patients have mutations in PSMB8 (see above). There is currently no established treatment, but some patients have been reported to benefit from corticosteroids and NSAIDs.

Recurrent lipoatrophic panniculitis of children

This is a recently described syndrome in which painful subcutaneous nodules are accompanied by fever, malaise, abdominal pain, and arthralgias. Localized lipoatrophy then develops at the sites of nodules. Histopathologically, there is a lobular panniculitis with a mixed infiltrate composed of neutrophils, lymphocytes, macrophages, and mononuclear myeloid cells. Methotrexate and/or corticosteroids led to clinical improvement. The authors proposed that this constellation may represent an autoinflammatory disease.

Acquired Generalized Lipodystrophy

To date, ~80 cases of acquired generalized lipodystrophy (AGL; Lawrence or Lawrence–Seip syndrome) have been reported in the English literature. New diagnostic criteria for AGL have been proposed, as well as a subclassification into three subtypes ( Table 101.4 ).

Sep 15, 2019 | Posted by in Dermatology | Comments Off on Lipodystrophies

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