Single-Stage Free Tendon Grafting for Flexor Tendon Injury in Fingers

Chapter 24 Single-Stage Free Tendon Grafting for Flexor Tendon Injury in Fingers


Single-stage free tendon grafting is a common secondary procedure for tendons not suitable for or not treated by primary repair. The surgery must be carefully discussed between the surgeon and the patient to evaluate the risk and benefits of the procedure. This operation is usually indicated for injury of both flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) and flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) tendons in zone 2 in the presence of a good pulley system and without serious scarring. The decision as to the need for staged reconstruction is often made during surgery depending on the state of the pulleys and the extent of adhesions. The injured tendons are excised and replaced by a harvested tendon graft sutured to the base of the distal phalanx at the FDP insertion and to a proximal motor in the palm or distal forearm.


Single-stage free tendon graft is carried out as an initial procedure in selective cases including:

Preoperative prerequisites include the following:

Contraindications to single-stage free tendon grafting are:

The best indication for single-stage free tendon graft for flexor tendon injury is the grade 1 hand according to Boyes’ classification (Table 24-1)1 or according to Merle and Dautel’s classification (Table 24-2).2 For grade 2 or 3 hands, staged tendon grafting is preferred.

Table 24-1 Boyes’ Preoperative Classification1

Grade Preoperative Condition
1 Good: Minimal scar with mobile joints and no trophic changes
2 Cicatrix: Heavy skin scarring because of injury or prior surgery; deep scarring because of failed primary repair or infection
3 Joint damage: Injury to joint with restricted range of motion
4 Nerve damage: Injury to digital nerves resulting in trophic changes in finger
5 Multiple damages: Involvement of multiple fingers with combination of above problems

Table 24-2 Preoperative Classification Based on Modified Grading of Merle and Dautel2

Grade Preoperative Condition
1 Minimal or mild scar without major damages to digital vascular bundles and nerves
2 Extensive scar in the digit causing or together with:

3 Serious scar in the digit with:

In cases of disruption of both the FDP and FDS tendons, general surgical principles for this procedure include:

In cases with an intact or functioning FDS tendon, the following additional principles apply:

Operative Methods

Injuries to Both FDP and FDS Tendons

Mar 5, 2016 | Posted by in Hand surgery | Comments Off on Single-Stage Free Tendon Grafting for Flexor Tendon Injury in Fingers

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