Chapter 24 Significance of the adrenal and sympathetic response to burn injury
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Thermal injury, like other forms of trauma, as well as infectious challenge, is a non-cognitive stimulus but also results in an elevated hormone/neurotransmitter milieu similar in magnitude to that of the cognitive ‘fight or flight’ response.1,2 However, there are important characteristics of the injury response that contrast with the fight or flight response. These include prolonged hormone/neurotransmitter elevation, the absence of increased muscle work limiting metabolic demand, and the presence of massive tissue injury. Additional hormone/neurotransmitter responses may also be evoked by surgical debridement of burn wounds and skin grafting procedures. The second surge of stress hormones complicates the severe metabolic derangements and compromised immune capacity, which is characteristic of the burn course during the initial 7–10 days following injury.
Two historical perspectives are important to consider regarding stress and the trauma of burn injury. First is the concept described by Cuthbertson,3 where the initial response to thermal injury is considered an ‘ebb’ phase characterized by reduced metabolism and tissue perfusion. Within days there is a transition to a ‘flow’ phase typified by increased resting energy expenditure and hypermetabolism, with supportive cardiovascular function. Changes in endocrine hormone levels are important for these acute catabolic alterations. The concepts of ‘stress’ and release of ‘stress hormones’ widely used today were clarified by the classic work of Seyle.4 His notion of stress responses include an initial ‘alarm reaction’ of fairly short duration with high levels of stress hormones, followed by a prolonged ‘resistance phase’ during which there is compensation to maintain homeostasis during continued stress. Seyle’s final stage of ‘exhaustion’ is where compensation cannot be maintained and death rapidly follows. The acute initial period of high stress hormone release encompasses both Cuthbertson’s ‘ebb’ phase and Seyle’s ‘alarm reaction,’ and the ‘flow phase’3 has similar features to the ‘resistance phase.’4 These compensatory changes promote increased energy expenditure and support cardiovascular function. However, in patients with severe injury the same compensatory changes result in depletion of energy reserves, extensive muscle wasting, and immune suppression, all of which are hallmarks of post-burn sequelae. This compensatory pattern is described as a hypermetabolic state, with patients displaying elevated resting metabolic rates for several months following injury.5–7 The extent of the hypermetabolic response is dependent upon the extent and depth of burn injury, septic complications, and surgical interventions. Nonetheless, questions related to the magnitude of stress hormone responses and beneficial versus detrimental actions in the recovery from severe thermal injury remain unanswered.
Part I – Sympathetic Activation and Release of Catecholamines Following Burn
Although clinical observations suggested the activation of sympathetic nerves in response to thermal injury,8–10 direct evidence for such activation was not fully appreciated until the simultaneous publication of papers by American and Swedish groups.11,12 These landmark studies described marked elevations in 24-hour urinary levels of norepinephrine and epinephrine in burn patients. Despite considerable intra- and interindividual variations, the increases in urinary norepinephrine and epinephrine were proportional to the size of burn, were highest during first 3 days post burn, and remained elevated for several weeks. Furthermore, these studies also suggested that subsequent surgical interventions and the onset of sepsis and septic shock such as hypotension or serious infections caused catecholamine secretion to increase again. Since these early reports of urinary catecholamines as measured by bioassay techniques, many studies have confirmed the initial sympathetic responses in burn patients using fluorometric, HPLC/electrochemical or radioenzymatic techniques in plasma and urine samples.13–16 With improvements in critical care medicine and the management of burn patients during the last 40 years, one can contemplate that prolonged sympathetic activity may not occur during extended recovery. In contrast, elevations in catecholamines may still occur in transient response to surgical procedures but cardiovascular, nutritional, and immune-related interventions, as part of the treatment regimen, may ameliorate the extent or impact of the hormone response (Table 24.1). In fact, the striking prolongation of sympathetic activation extending up to 35 weeks after thermal injury12 has been repeated by Herndon et al., using sophisticated, precise techniques. They found a sustained elevation in urinary epinephrine and norepinephrine levels, attesting to the magnitude and duration of catecholamine surge in pediatric burn patients.17,18 In light of the strong evidence for sympathetic activation following thermal injury, the compensatory or possible decompensatory consequences are important to consider.
Table 24.1 Influence of catecholamines on cardiovascular, metabolic, and immune response to thermal injury
Physiologic variable | Sympathetic mediated change following burn injury |
Resting metabolic rate | Increase36 |
Increase37 | |
Increase15 | |
Increase (in vitro)272 | |
Proteolysis | No change (urea production)38 |
No change (protein oxidation)36 | |
Decrease47 | |
Glucose production and oxidation | Decrease secondary to increase in lipid catabolism37,273 |
No change36 | |
Glycogenolysis | Increase (indirect evidence via cAMP)35 |
Gluconeogenesis | Increase (indirect evidence via cAMP)35 |
Lipolysis | Increase38 |
Increase36 | |
Increase37 | |
Increase40 | |
Cardiac output | Increase37 |
Increase38 | |
Peripheral vascular resistance | Unknown |
Heart rate | Increase47 |
Increase38 | |
T-cell number and function | Unknown |
B-cell number and function | Unknown |
Neutrophil number and function | Decrease89 |
Monocyte number and function | Increase (indirect – clonogenic potential)146 |
Increase (indirect – clonogenic potential)159 | |
Increase89 |
Citation of studies from the current literature suggesting that sympathetic activation is involved in changing the above physiologic variables following thermal injury.
In response to thermal injury there are acute responses in what Cuthbertson3 described as an ‘ebb’ phase and long-term responses that support a ‘flow’ phase. Cardiovascular adjustments to thermal injury appear to be critical for survival following burn trauma, and with initial reductions in cardiac output, sympathetic responses are rapidly brought into play, as reviewed by Carleton.19 Initial sympathetic activation contributes to the dramatic increases in peripheral vascular resistance that preserve mean arterial pressure but typically limit perfusion to the kidney and splanchnic beds. Although the mechanisms for the reduction in cardiac output are not completely understood, they are in part related to the sudden loss of vascular volume as a result of fluid transudation of plasma from the wound and from non-wound vascular sites.20,21 Movement of fluids from vascular to interstitial spaces is compounded by the loss of plasma proteins through the incompetent capillary beds that normally act to retain ions by Donnan equilibrium.22 Such apparent hypovolemia would initially reduce blood pressure and baroreceptor afferent nerve activity, with resultant increases in efferent sympathetic nerve activity. The resultant increase in peripheral vasoconstriction and consequent increase in peripheral vascular resistance are mediated in part by nerve-stimulated release of norepinephrine, but also to a significant degree by both angiotensin II (AII) and arginine vasopressin (AVP).14,23 As AVP has been shown to directly depress myocardial function in the isolated heart and this depression can be reversed pharmacologically, AVP may contribute to myocardial depression following burn injury.24
Cardiovascular disturbances might be predicted to be the dominant signal initiating a generalized sympathetic response, but the persistence of such sympathetic activation after hemodynamic stabilization suggests that afferent stimulation from other sources may initiate as well as maintain this response. Hemodynamic stabilization in burn patients typically requires 1–2 days after fluid resuscitation and is followed by the ‘flow phase’ of recovery, characterized by low peripheral vascular resistance, elevated cardiac output, increased peripheral blood flow, and increased metabolism.25,26 The marked decrease in peripheral vascular resistance most likely drives this hyperdynamic phase by reducing cardiac afterload, increasing cardiac preload, and thus increasing cardiac output. There is abundant evidence that mediators of neural, humoral, and metabolic origin are involved in driving the decrease in vascular resistance following thermal injury, but their dominance and sequential release are not well defined. In fact, the significance of β2 adrenergic receptors in vasodilation has recently been demonstrated using knockout mice,27 pointing to the importance of epinephrine. The situation is complicated in the burn patient by the increase in nerve-stimulated release of norepinephrine, which has the potential to mediate vasoconstriction. However, there is evidence that the local distribution of adrenergic receptors mediating either vasodilation or vasoconstriction will determine the effect of circulating epinephrine and nerve-stimulated norepinephrine release on peripheral vascular resistance.28 In addition, increased tissue metabolism has been recognized to produce metabolites that mediate increased blood flow by reducing vascular resistance.29 With markedly increased metabolism in major burns, these metabolites, along with catecholamines, nitric oxide,30 and atrial natriuretic peptide,14 may contribute to the observed decreased vascular resistance.
In this regard Macarthur et al.31 suggest that the inactivation of catecholamines by superoxide anions contributes to the observed hypotension of septic shock. Treatment with superoxide dismutase not only abrogated endotoxin-induced hypotension in anesthetized rats, but also elevated circulating levels of catecholamines. These findings suggest that compensatory sympathetic activation, which counteracts hypotension during conditions of sepsis, may be blunted by inactivation of catecholamines by superoxides in the extracellular milieu. More recently these studies have been extended32 to a conscious rat model with the infusion of live bacteria to simulate conditions of sepsis. Furthermore, in this study a 100-fold increase in the activity of superoxide dismutase mimetic agent was used to enhance plasma levels of catecholamines, increase blood pressure and improve survival. In their most recent work33 these investigators demonstrated that nitric oxide (NO), widely recognized as a mediator of hypotension during systemic inflammation, as occurs in sepsis, reduces the biologic activity of norepinephrine. Furthermore, increasing NO levels in an isolated, perfused, mesenteric circulation reduced vascular responses to endogenously released norepinephrine without altering nerve-stimulated release. These findings may provide some insight into the clinical observations involving critically ill trauma patients where exogenous norepinephrine administration is ineffective in correcting hypotension.
Following the initial insult of thermal injury the ‘ebb’ phase of recovery is characterized by a decrease in body temperature and oxygen consumption and a progressive elevation in lactate levels and hyperglycemia.34 The same period of recovery involves intense sympathetic stimulation, suggesting the involvement of adrenergic mechanisms mediated by adenylyl cyclase and cAMP in the mobilization of liver glycogen to glucose.35 Hypermetabolism that follows 1–2 days later in the ‘flow’ phase can also be attributed to adrenergic influences,15,36 but does not involve increased glucose mobilization and utilization. Adrenergic blockade only increased glucose production and clearance under these hypermetabolic conditions.37 The experimental studies of Wolfe and Durkot37 suggest that adrenergic drive following burn facilitates lipolysis, influencing fatty acid oxidation. These results are based on changes observed following adrenergic blockade with propranolol and further clarify that the observed increase in glucose production and clearance under such conditions reflects a shift to carbohydrate utilization in the absence of lipid mobilization. Examining the importance of adrenergic drive on lipid metabolism in burn was extended to human patients through the use of stable isotopic studies as well as adrenergic antagonists.38–40 These results not only indicate that lipolysis following thermal injury is mediated by β2 adrenergic receptors, but suggest increased triglyceride–fatty acid cycling, with resultant heat production.
The initial description of the sustained hypermetabolic response to thermal injury41 prompted studies to examine the role of thyroid function and catecholamines in mediating this response. Although abnormal thyroid function was not involved in the response,41,42 Wilmore developed experimental paradigms suggesting the role of catecholamines in mediating the hypermetabolic response to thermal injury.15 Evidence for the positive correlation of increased plasma catecholamines and whole-body oxygen consumption following thermal injury,15 as well as the demonstration that adrenergic blockade lowers the burn-induced increase in metabolic rate and cardiac output to control levels in animal models, directly support this contention.15,37 However, experimental findings in rats suggested that the adrenal medulla is essential for high rates of heat production following thermal injury, but is not responsible for the primary drive of the hypermetabolic response.43,44 Animals with hypothalamic lesions did not increase metabolism following thermal injury and were chronically hypothermic,45 not unlike experiments where the adrenal medulla was removed prior to thermal injury.43 These results are consistent with clinical observations in burn patients in whom reductions in heat loss were achieved with occlusive dressings, and elevated environmental temperatures have reduced metabolic rate and catecholamine secretion.46
Building on findings that catecholamines drive post-burn hypermetabolism, Herndon et al.47,48 demonstrated that paediatric patients could be treated with the β-adrenergic blocker propranolol to successfully reduce metabolic rate without compromising cardiovascular function. In a more recent study by this group,49 β-adrenergic blockade in pediatric patients for 4 weeks during recovery from severe burns reduced the elevation in resting energy expenditure and reversed the reduction in net muscle–protein balance by 82%. Such treatment also prevented fatty liver and loss in fat-free whole-body mass, and provided for a more efficacious recovery in these children.50 Similarly, gluconeogenic pathway was prevented with propranolol treatment in pediatric patients by downregulation of a key catalytic enzyme that generates fructose 6-phosphate.51
An important and all too frequent complication of severe thermal injury is infection, which frequently leads to sepsis, septic shock, multiple organ failure, and death. The development of septic complications can reduce predicted survivability by up to 50%.52 As with burn, infection results in marked sympathetic responses that are well characterized in both experimental and clinical settings. Whereas experimental paradigms of sepsis have used plasma catecholamines, nerve recordings and norepinephrine turnover to assess sympathetic activation,53–58 human studies have primarily focused on changes in plasma catecholamines.1 Similar to thermal injury, sympathetic responses also appear to be proportional to the degree of insult, based on experiments using incremental doses of bacterial endotoxin.54 Furthermore, animal models of septic peritonitis suggest that initial sympathetic activation as measured by elevated levels of plasma norepinephrine and norepinephrine turnover persist for many hours.53,56 Burn patients are most susceptible to infection during the second week of their hospitalization, when the sympathetic response as reflected by urinary and plasma catecholamines has moderated but is still high.13,14 Although the onset of bacterial infection and developing sepsis would be expected to cause marked increases in plasma catecholamines above that due to burn alone, longitudinal studies charting the course of plasma catecholamines following thermal injury leading into infection and progressing into septic shock are not available.
Sympathetic influences on immune function
For the activation of sympathetic nerves to influence immune responses, evidence of sympathetic innervation in peripheral lymphoid organs is essential. Existing anatomical evidence is based on immunohistochemical techniques to visualize tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of norepinephrine. These studies clearly indicate a substantial innervation of all primary (thymus and bone marrow) and secondary (spleen and lymph nodes) lymphoid organs.59–63 Furthermore, they also show sympathetic innervations in the immune cell compartment of the spleen (the white pulp), the periarterial lymphoid sheath, marginal zone and marginal sinus areas, as well as in the splenic capsule and trabeculae.64–67 Sympathetic nerve terminals have been described in direct apposition to T cells, interdigitating dendritic cells and B cells.65 The proximity of nerve terminals to immune cells may be critical in achieving the necessary local concentrations of neurotransmitters at the neuroimmune junctions to modulate immune functions. In fact, the neuroimmune junction is estimated at 6 nm,68 compared to 20 nm in typical CNS junctions, indicating that sufficient neurotransmitter concentration could be released across these small junctions to affect resident immune cells.
Anatomical evidence of sympathetic innervations of the immune system is complemented by evidence for nerve-stimulated release of norepinephrine in both spleen and bone marrow.69 Whereas evidence in spleen has been recognized for many years and has been assessed in a variety of ways, norepinephrine release in bone marrow has only been recently described, using norepinephrine turnover techniques based on radiotracer methods involving in vivo experimental paradigms.69 In contrast, exocytosis of norepinephrine from lymph nodes has not been demonstrated. To complete the criteria for the physiologic importance of functional innervations, nerve-stimulated release of norepinephrine within lymphoid organs must increase at the appropriate time to influence the immune response in conjunction with demonstration of norepinephrine-mediated immune modulations.
Lymphocytes, including activated and resting B cells, naïve CD4+ T cells, T-helper (Th1) cell clones, and newly generated Th1 cells, express β adrenergic receptors, but they are not expressed in newly generated Th2 cells.70–72 Furthermore, there is significant evidence that norepinephrine can modulate the function of CD4+T cells, which in turn can modulate antibody production of B cells.73 In addition, norepinephrine can directly influence B-cell antibody production depending on the time of exposure following activation.74 The physiologic importance of these in vitro findings is supported by a series of in vivo experiments involving severe combined immunodeficient (scid) mice depleted of norepinephrine prior to reconstitution with antigen-specific Th2 and B cells. These experiments demonstrate that norepinephrine is necessary for maintaining a normal level of antibody production in vivo.70 Furthermore, other recent whole animal experiments, also involving scid mice, provide evidence that the immune response itself stimulates the release of norepinephrine from adrenergic nerve terminals in bone marrow and spleen, which in turn can influence antibody production by B cells.75 However, in a prospective intent-to-treat study, β-blockade in 20 paediatric burn patients significantly reduced serum TNFα and IL-1β.76 Although these findings fall far short of direct application to immune cell function following thermal injury, they suggest the potential of sympathetic activation in mediating immune responses.
In addition to neural influences on T- and B-cell function, there are direct effects on myeloid cell function, particularly with respect to lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated cytokine production. The most striking examples of neural influences on macrophage function were demonstrated by the work of Spengler et al.,77 who concluded that α-adrenergic stimulation increases TNF-α release, whereas β-adrenergic stimulation reduces such release in response to LPS. They provided further evidence to suggest that extracellular stores of catecholamines in macrophages are capable of modulating TNF-α release. Furthermore, sympathetic inhibition of LPS-induced TNF-α release has been suggested to occur in whole animal preparations, although adrenergic actions on macrophages were indirect.32,78–83 More direct evidence of adrenergic inhibition of LPS-stimulated TNF-α production has involved whole blood.83–88 In our recent documentation, blocking β-adrenergic receptors soon after injury partially reversed LPS-stimulated TNF-α potential of circulating monocytes lost during the course of burn injury and sepsis.89 Apart from adrenergic inhibition of LPS-stimulated TNF-α release in isolated macrophages,90–93 similar inhibition of LPS-stimulated TNF-α production has also been demonstrated in human mast cells,94 microglial cells,95 astrocytes,96 and cytotoxic T lymphocytes.97 In contrast to adrenergic stimulation of TNF-α release, experiments with isolated atria,98,99 myenteric plexus,100 and brain tissue101 have demonstrated that TNF-α can negatively affect the release of norepinephrine.
Adrenergic influences on the expression and release of interleukin (IL)-6 have been suggested by a number of studies demonstrating increases in plasma IL-6 in response to direct or indirect stimulation.102–104 Adrenergic enhancement of IL-6 responses to LPS has also been demonstrated in vivo79,81 as well as ex vivo93 and in isolated cell systems.105,106 Catecholamines in combination with IL-1β stimulate IL-6 release from rat C6 glioma cells, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) has been reported to synergize with norepinephrine to induce IL-6 release in astrocytes.107,108 In addition, adrenergic agonists have been shown to mediate IL-6 release in brown adipocytes, pituicytes, hepatocytes, astrocytes, and thymic epithelial cells.107–113
In contrast, Nakamura et al.96 reported that catecholamines reduced the IL-6 response to LPS, and van der Poll et al.87 demonstrated that norepinephrine inhibits the LPS-induced IL-6 response in whole blood. Other evidence for adrenergic suppression of IL-6 responses has been suggested by the work of Straub.114–116 Using isolated splenic tissue preparation, electrically stimulated release of norepinephrine appeared to inhibit IL-6 production induced by LPS or bacteria. These authors suggest that adrenergic inhibition of IL-6 is reduced under conditions simulating infection, where cytokine mediation of the inflammatory response is compensatory in eradicating the bacterial load. It is apparent from these studies that catecholamines can exert a negative or a positive influence on IL-6. Given these different modulatory functions, the role(s) catecholamines play in the pathophysiology of burn injury remain unexplored.
Although the exact mechanisms of the negative modulation of proinflammatory cytokines by catecholamines are poorly understood, it may be achieved through the ability of catecholamines to induce the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10.81,84,117,118 Whole animal studies involving assessment of circulating levels of IL-1081 as well as studies of human whole blood and mononuclear cells stimulated with LPS in the presence of adrenergic agonists83,84,118 support this premise. In addition, experimental neurotrauma results in increased IL-10 consequent upon endogenous adrenergic stimulation in the absence of LPS or other evidence of infectious challenge.119 The only experimental evidence suggesting an attenuation of IL-10 with adrenergic stimulation involved a macrophage cell line (RAW 264.7).120
Evidence that elevations of IL-10 can be blocked with inhibition of protein kinase A (PKA)118,121 is consistent with adrenergic mediation of changes in TNF-α and IL-6, and suggest that activation of PKA is important in effecting these adrenergic modulations of cytokine release. More specifically, the recent work of Platzer et al.117 suggests that catecholamines in monocytic cells directly stimulate the IL-10 promoter/enhancer, and provide evidence that a cAMP response element was the major target of the cAMP/PKA pathway. In contrast, two independent studies from our laboratory report evidence that, although adrenergic stimulation increases IL-10 release from macrophages, release of TNF-α and IL-6 is inhibited by direct adrenergic stimulation not secondary to IL-10.122,123 These studies involved both peritoneal-elicited and bone marrow progenitor-derived macrophages under normal conditions as well as following cecal ligation and puncture injury. Epinephrine attenuated TNF-α but increased IL-10; however, addition of anti-IL-10 antibody did not prevent epinephrine’s ability to block TNF-α reduction. Further experiments demonstrated the action of epinephrine to inhibit LPS-stimulated release of proinflammatory cytokines to be mediated by β2-adrenergic receptors. The dominance of direct adrenergic inhibition of LPS-mediated proinflammatory cytokines was maintained during conditions of sepsis, although such conditions elevated endogenous levels of IL-10.
Adrenergic stimulation of bacterial growth
Since the identification of mammalian hormone and neurotransmitter receptors in bacterial cells, there has been considerable interest in defining a role for such signaling molecules in bacterial cells. As a consequence, support has emerged for the concept that release of norepinephrine within intestinal tissue promotes the growth of bacteria in the gut.124–126 Initial experiments demonstrated the growth-promoting action of catecholamines in vitro using several different bacterial species, and provided evidence that these compounds were not acting as nutritional substrates. Since adrenergic blocking agents did not block the growth-stimulating effects of norepinephrine, adrenergic receptors do not appear to be involved.127,128 Further observations suggest that norepinephrine may act within 8 hours to induce bacterial growth, during which time stimulation of growth factors can promote bacterial growth.129,130 Norepinephrine-stimulated bacterial growth has also been shown to produce Shiga-like enterotoxins from enterohemorrhagic strains of E. coli. Furthermore, norepinephrine promotes the expression of K99+ pilus adhesin, a virulence factor known to play a critical role in the attachment of these bacteria to the intestinal wall, which initiates the infective process.131,132 Although these studies use very high concentrations of norepinephrine compared to the observed plasma concentrations following thermal injury, bacteria in vivo may be exposed to high norepinephrine concentrations if they are in close proximity to the nerve terminal synapse. A related concern is the lack of information regarding the actual norepinephrine concentration in the culture media throughout the incubation period. Whereas rapidly growing bacterial cultures may generate an acid environment in which catecholamines are quite stable, initial growth conditions containing low bacterial counts and minimal nutrients may promote rapid deterioration of norepinephrine. However, high initial norepinephrine concentrations in culture may counteract such unfavorable conditions but in turn would provide misleading dose–response information.
The extensive sympathetic innervations of the gut and associated structures has been recognized for many years, with well-defined nerve terminals located primarily along blood vessels but without evidence of neurotransmitter release into the intestinal lumen. Furthermore, there is considerable evidence that, once released from nerve terminals, most norepinephrine is taken back into the same terminals by reuptake mechanisms, metabolized into a non-active form, or diffused through tissues to reach blood vessels to become part of the circulation.133 Therefore, even though intestinal bacterial growth has the potential to be enhanced by the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, transport of the norepinephrine into the intestinal lumen would seem problematic. However, as massive catecholamine release is such a consistent component of burn patients, especially those with superimposed sepsis, the hypothesis that bacterial growth can be enhanced by norepinephrine is very appealing.
This concept is strengthened by studies demonstrating that cecal bacterial growth increases dramatically following massive in vivo release of norepinephrine, and that passage of bacteria through the gut enhances their growth response to norepinephrine. In the first case,126 mice were treated with 6-hydroxydopamine, a neurotoxin that displaces norepinephrine from adrenergic nerve terminals, causing a transient but massive sympathetic reaction. At 24 hours post treatment cecal bacterial growth was elevated 3–4 degrees of magnitude compared to vehicle-treated controls, but bacterial growth returned to control levels by 14 days. In the second study131 an attenuated strain of Salmonella typhimurium was administered to rhesus monkeys, whereupon isolated fecal bacterial cultures from these animals displayed increased in vitro growth responses to norepinephrine. To elucidate whether this hypothesis has a role in the pathophysiology of thermal injury with sepsis, future studies must build on experimental paradigms of thermal injury to demonstrate that endogenous norepinephrine enhances bacterial growth leading to sepsis.
Evidence for norepinephrine regulation of myelopoiesis in experimental thermal injury with sepsis
Patients with severe burn trauma often display significant impairment in cell-mediated immunity involving defective neutrophil chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and superoxide production.134–137 Patients with sepsis and a systemic inflammatory response may also present with monocytosis and neutropenia.138,139 Whereas neutropenia and defective neutrophil functions may compromise host defense, monocytosis has the potential to fuel excessive cytokine production through increased availability of circulating and tissue monocyte/macrophages. For the past 10 years our laboratory has been investigating bone marrow following thermal injury with sepsis to understand the mechanisms that govern leukocyte production, and how they might contribute to the observed defects in leukocyte function. The potential for sympathetic activation to modulate myelopoiesis following thermal injury and sepsis is supported by previous studies where adrenergic stimulation has been shown to participate in the regulation and control of hematopoiesis.140,141 Maestroni141 has not only provided evidence for the presence of adrenergic receptors on bone marrow immune cells, but also that adrenergic agonists stimulate lymphopoiesis while attenuating myelopoiesis under normal, non-injury conditions. These findings are further strengthened by animal experiments where adrenergic agents have been shown to modulate both lympho- and myelopoiesis.142–145 Another important factor supporting the possible adrenergic regulation of myelopoiesis following thermal injury is that sympathetic activation can occur directly within the bone marrow compartment, with nerve-stimulated release of norepinephrine in close proximity to developing immune cells. We have documented a significant increase in murine bone marrow norepinephrine release in response to either cold exposure or bacteria through the use of traditional pulse-chase experiments.69 Furthermore, we have extended these measurements to demonstrate increased bone marrow norepinephrine release in response to thermal injury with sepsis in our murine model.146
These findings suggest that sympathetic activation has the capacity to drive events within the bone marrow, and adrenergic-mediated expansion of leukocyte production could conceivably contribute to perturbed inflammatory responses with immune challenge following thermal injury with sepsis. Experimental evidence suggesting that adrenergic stimulation inhibits myelopoiesis under normal conditions141 but is shifted following injury to enhanced monocyte development146 is a most interesting phenomenon. Whether adrenergic stimulation within the bone marrow functions in a compensatory or a decompensatory way toward the host following thermal injury is also interesting to consider. Is adrenergic stimulation involved in the immunosuppression of patients with severe burns through functional alterations in circulating and tissue leukocytes?147–153 These and other important questions are likely to involve events that occur within the bone marrow, as it serves as a major source of new leukocytes both in the circulation and in tissues following thermal injury with sepsis. Our laboratory is beginning to confirm that perturbed bone marrow progenitor development could lead to the production of hyporesponsive monocytes and dendritic cells following thermal injury and sepsis.154
Alterations in bone marrow hematopoietic progenitor cells has been the focus of our work and has involved the murine model of thermal injury (15% TBSA) and sepsis via Pseudomonas aeruginosa applied directly to the wound site to establish sepsis. Following the demonstration of a shift in bone marrow myeloid commitment toward monocytopoiesis and away from granulocytopoiesis in thermal injury and sepsis,155,156 we began to focus on the potential significance of the increased nerve-stimulated release of norepinephrine within the bone marrow under these same experimental conditions. We tested the premise that neural stimulation was modulating myeloid lineage function by manipulating the peripheral stores of norepinephrine prior to injury. This was achieved by administering 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) before subjecting the animals to thermal injury and sepsis. Femoral bone marrow cells from mice with reduced norepinephrine content demonstrated a significant decrease in monocytopoietic potential compared to mice with intact norepinephrine stores.146 In addition, reduction of peripheral norepinephrine content prior to the injury protocol resulted in a significant survival benefit compared to animals with intact norepinephrine content.
The influence of norepinephrine on bone marrow monocyte progenitor differentiation following thermal injury with sepsis was assessed by cell surface expression patterns of ER-MP12 and ER-MP20. Whereas ER-MP12 antigen is expressed in early monocyte progenitors and represents predominantly CFU-M, progressively more ER-MP20 antigen is expressed from the CFU-M stage onwards but disappears in mature monocytes.157 By following the distribution pattern of the expression of these two antigens on bone marrow cells, the phenotypic separation and identification of bone marrow monocyte precursors have been demonstrated.158 Taken together, results from ER-MP12 and ER-MP20 expression patterns in burn-septic animals with intact and depleted norepinephrine stores suggest that monocyte maturation pathways may be greatly influenced by the presence of norepinephrine, and that stimulation of such pathways may be involved in the pathobiology of thermal injury with sepsis.
Cohen et al. have also examined very early progenitors not committed to the myeloid lineage that express the CD117 antigen.159

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