Modern electrosurgery encompasses a range of techniques by which high-frequency, alternating electrical current is applied to living tissues, resulting in superficial or deep coagulation or cutting of the skin. Resistance to the flow of electricity provided by the poor conducting properties of the skin leads to the conversion of electrical current into heat. Both electrodesiccation and electrofulguration produce superficial ablation when a monoterminal device either directly touches the tissue (electrodesiccation) or is held at a slight distance from the tissue, allowing a spark to jump to the tissue (electrofulguration). For electrocoagulation and electrosection, a biterminal device with moderately damped current or slightly damped current is utilized, respectively. Electrocoagulation results in deeper coagulation whereas electrosection can cut tissue while achieving hemostasis by mild lateral heat spread. The exception to the use of high-frequency alternating current is electrocautery in which direct current creates a red-hot tip; this form of electrosurgery can be safer in patients with cardiac pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs). In order to minimize adverse sequelae, lateral heat spread should be kept to a minimum by using the appropriate waveform, power setting, and electrode size.
This chapter also reviews electroepilation and iontophoresis.
electrosurgery, electrocautery, electrodesiccation, electrofulguration, electrocoagulation, electrosection, monoterminal device, biterminal device, monopolar, bipolar forceps, electroepilation, iontophoresis
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Electrosurgery encompasses a group of procedures by which tissue is removed or destroyed through the application of electrical energy
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True electrocautery uses direct current to create a red-hot tip, which can be safer for patients with pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators
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In modern electrosurgery, high-frequency alternating current is converted to heat within the treated tissues as a result of resistance to its passage
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Electrodesiccation is superficial ablation by touching the tissue with a monoterminal device
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Electrofulguration is superficial ablation by use of a monoterminal device whose electrode is held at a slight distance from the tissue, allowing a spark to jump to the tissue
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Electrocoagulation uses a biterminal device for deeper coagulation
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Electrosection uses a biterminal device to cut while achieving hemostasis by mild lateral heat spread
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In order to minimize adverse sequelae, lateral heat spread should be kept to a minimum by using the appropriate waveform, power setting, and electrode size
Introduction and Background
Modern electrosurgery encompasses a group of techniques by which high-frequency alternating electrical current is applied to living tissues in order to achieve superficial coagulation, deep coagulation, or cutting of the skin. Since living tissue is a poor conductor of electricity, the flow of electrical current is hampered and builds up at the site of application. This resistance to the flow of electricity results in its conversion to heat. The use of different varieties of electrosurgical current, each characterized by a distinctive waveform, results in unique biologic outcomes, including desiccation, coagulation or section of treated skin.
The forerunner of modern electrosurgery was electrocautery (from Greek kauterion , branding iron) . In electrocautery, invented in 1875, a metal wire is heated by resistance to the flow of direct current electricity, as in an electric toaster. Hemostasis (even in a wet field) can be obtained with electrocautery, but the resulting third-degree burn may result in prolonged healing times and may cause inferior cosmetic outcomes.
Of note, electrocautery, with its hot element ( Fig. 140.1 ), is different from modern electrosurgery, in which high-frequency alternating current is applied via an unheated electrode. Electrocautery units are of value for providing hemostasis for surgical patients with pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs), because external electromagnetic fields may compromise the function of these devices. A number of electrocautery units are currently produced; among them is the Thermal Cautery Unit (Geiger Medical Technologies Inc.). Disposable battery-powered electrocautery instruments are also available, but the desired temperature can diminish during contact with tissue.

Historical Aspects
Although used by most dermatologists on a daily basis, high-frequency electrosurgery (often referred to as “radiosurgery”) could not have been developed if several major advances in the knowledge of electricity had not occurred. In order for alternating current electricity to be utilized for medical purposes, it was necessary for high-frequency currents to be produced. A generator that could provide such current was developed in 1889 by Thompson, who noted heat in his wrists when current was passed through his hands when immersed in saline solution . Experiments conducted by Jacques Arsène d’Arsonval in 1891 established that the application, in human subjects, of electric currents with frequencies greater than 10 000 cycles per second (10 KHz) failed to cause neuromuscular stimulation and the associated tetanic response . Also in the 1890s, Oudin, following some modifications to d’Arsonval’s equipment, was able to generate a spray of sparks that caused superficial tissue destruction.
At the turn of the twentieth century, Rivière conceived the notion of using very small treatment electrodes in order to concentrate the current density. This would enable one to treat a skin lesion with an electric spark . Walter de Keating-Hart and Pozzi in 1907 introduced the term “fulguration” (from Latin fulgur , lightning), referring to the superficial carbonization that resulted when the spark from the Oudin coil was used to treat skin. They claimed that this modality was ideal for treating skin cancer and that the spark could selectively destroy tumor cells by interfering with their source of nutrition.
In 1909, Doyen introduced the term “electrocoagulation” (from Latin coagulare , to curdle) to describe a different form of electrosurgery in which tissue was touched directly with the treatment electrode and an indifferent electrode was added to the circuit. The indifferent electrode allowed for direct removal of the electricity entering the patient and caused the latter to flow back into the electrosurgical device. By removing this static energy build-up, shocks were avoided in surgeons and other bystanders. The amperage was effectively increased while the “recycling” of electrical current allowed for lower voltages to be utilized. The current produced with this biterminal arrangement penetrated more deeply than fulguration and directly coagulated tissues rather than causing only surface carbonization. Doyen claimed that this more deeply penetrating current was more likely to be effective in the destruction of tumor cells.
William Clark, in 1911, reported on the use of an electrosurgical output that caused dehydration of tissue without carbonization at the surface . He substituted a multiple spark gap for the usual single one in a monoterminal Oudin current generator. This provided a smoother current that resulted in the production of fine sparks as opposed to the long, thick sparks seen with electrofulguration. Clark used the term “desiccation” (from Latin desiccare , to dry out) to describe this action.
The next major event in the development of electrosurgery came in 1923 when Dr George A Wyeth, a noted tumor surgeon, used electrosurgery for cutting tissues . His apparatus, which he termed an “endotherm knife” (Greek endo , within; thermē , heat), used a thermionic vacuum tube instead of a spark gap . Wyeth called the technique “electrothermic endothermy”. He believed that the technique was particularly applicable to tumor surgery since it sealed off not only the smaller blood vessels but also the lymphatics that might otherwise provide for dissemination of metastatic disease.
A Harvard physicist, William Bovie PhD, probably made the most important contribution to the development of electrosurgery. With financial assistance from the Liebel-Flarsheim Company of Cincinnati, he built an operating room electrosurgical device that offered both coagulation and cutting currents . Dr Harvey Cushing, a distinguished neurosurgeon, became quite interested in these techniques and, with Bovie at the controls, began using electrosurgery for controlling bleeding and cutting through tissues during surgical procedures at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in 1926. Dr Cushing’s favorable impressions of electrosurgery assured acceptance of this technique by the surgical world. The subsequent impact of Bovie’s machine upon medicine was so great that the word “bovie” is still often used generically as a noun to refer to an electrosurgical apparatus or even as a verb to describe the act of performing electrosurgery .
Electrosurgical Devices and Outputs
The circuitries of all electrosurgical instruments share certain design features necessary for production of suitable electrical outputs for electrosurgery. Standard household current first passes through a transformer which alters the voltage, providing the levels and characteristics required for the instrument’s various circuit functions. The current next travels through an oscillating circuit that may employ a spark gap, a thermionic vacuum tube, or solid state transistors to increase electrical frequency. Finally, this altered electrical energy is delivered to the treatment electrode.
Each electrosurgical current produces its own unique wavy pattern of current flow, or waveform . The latter may be either damped or undamped , depending on the type of oscillating circuit used. In general, damped waveforms provide electrodesiccation and electrofulguration, whereas the application of moderately damped and undamped currents results in electrocoagulation and cutting currents, respectively ( Fig. 140.2 ). The spark gap generator produces a damped wave, consisting of bursts of energy in which successive wave amplitudes gradually return to zero. This occurs due to the resistance to energy flow presented by the gap.

Use of a thermionic tube results in a more uniform output. The valve tube circuit is able to neutralize the internal resistance responsible for the damping effect seen in the spark gap circuit, and the amplitude of output therefore remains unchanged. Depending on the circuitry used, the output can be moderately damped (partially rectified) or slightly damped (fully rectified). A filtered, fully rectified output is essentially continuous and uniform, similar to an undamped wave. The different types of waveforms each result in different biologic outcomes and are, therefore, used for different electrosurgical procedures .
Terminology: Monopolar, Bipolar, Monoterminal and Biterminal
The terms monopolar and bipolar denote the number of tissue contacting tips at the end of the surgical electrode. When the surgical electrode has only one tip projecting from its end, it is a monopolar electrode. If it has two tips, it is a bipolar electrode. Therefore, an electrosurgical forceps (that plugs into two ports on the electrosurgical device) is considered to be bipolar, as opposed to a pointed electrode, which is monopolar (and plugs into one port on the device).
Monoterminal refers to the use of a treatment electrode without an indifferent or dispersive electrode (“ground plate”). Biterminal denotes that both treatment and indifferent electrodes are used (see Fig. 140.1 ). Such is the case with electrocoagulation and electrosection, in which use of the indifferent plate, although not technically necessary for the machine to work, will definitely enhance the efficiency of the electrosurgical apparatus. In biterminal electrosurgical applications, there is “recycling” of the energy that comes out of the treatment electrode, passes through the patient and is then removed from the patient via the indifferent electrode. Electrodesiccation and its variant, electrofulguration, are monoterminal procedures in which the indifferent electrode serves no purpose and, in most instances, is not even connected to the patient.
A simple way to visualize this is to think of the wires coming out of the machine as terminals. If only one wire (the handpiece for the electrode) is attached to the machine, then the application is monoterminal in nature. If, in addition, a “ground plate” is used, requiring a second wire to be attached to the machine, then the procedure is biterminal (see Fig. 140.6 ).
When a ball electrode is used to electrocoagulate a bleeding vessel, one is using biterminal, monopolar electrosurgery. In the case of bipolar forceps in which the electrode is connected to both the active and the dispersive electrode termini, we are using a biterminal, bipolar modality.
The simplest way to think of electrosurgical applications in the clinical setting is to consider the three major capabilities of electrosurgery units. These include superficial tissue destruction (electrodesiccation), deep tissue destruction (electrocoagulation), and cutting (electrosection) . Destruction or excision of skin lesions by electrosurgery should be accomplished with the smallest possible amount of damage to normal tissues. Whether electrosurgery, cryosurgery or ablative laser surgery is used, the greater the penetration of the destructive modality into the skin, the greater the likelihood that unacceptable scarring will result. Because the destructive effects of electrocoagulation extend more deeply than those of electrodesiccation, the clinician must consider the histologic characteristics of the lesion to be treated when selecting the appropriate current. A partial list of dermatologic conditions that are commonly treated by each electrosurgical modality is found in Table 140.1 .
Electrofulguration/electrodesiccation (superficial skin ablation) |
Acrochordon Actinic keratosis Angioma (small) Epidermal nevus Hemostasis (capillary bleeding) Lentigo Seborrheic keratosis Verruca plana |
Electrocoagulation (deep skin ablation) |
Angiofibroma Angioma (large) Basal cell carcinoma Bowen disease (squamous cell carcinoma in situ ) Hemostasis (arterial bleeding) Hirsutism (electroepilation) Ingrown toenail matrixectomy Banal melanocytic nevi Sebaceous hyperplasia Squamous cell carcinoma Syringoma Telangiectasia Trichoepithelioma Verruca vulgaris (all locations) |
Electrosection (skin incision/excision) |
Acne keloidalis nuchae Blepharoplasty incision Debulking procedures Rhinophyma repair Rhytidectomy incisions and undermining Scar revision Shave removal of benign skin lesions (fibromas, nevi, etc.) Skin flap incisions and undermining Skin resurfacing Surgical excision of malignant or benign skin lesions |
There are no absolute contraindications to the use of electrosurgery, but precautions should be taken during the treatment of patients with pacemakers or ICDs (see Variations/unusual situations, below ).
Preoperative History and Considerations
The preoperative assessment of patients undergoing electrosurgery should concentrate on potential hazards to either the patient or the treatment team. A patient history of previous allergic reactions to skin cleansers, anesthetics, or postoperative topicals and dressings should be sought. Electrosurgery should be used with care in patients with cardiac pacemakers and ICDs.
Smoke evacuation equipment should always be available to safely remove the smoke plume when extensive electrosurgery, particularly electrosection, is performed. In such procedures, the operator and assistants should wear masks and use eye protection to prevent exposure to smoke-borne microbes. Gloves should always be worn when electrosurgical procedures are performed.
Preparatory to electrosurgery, the lesion and surrounding skin should be cleansed with a non-alcoholic skin cleanser such as chlorhexidine or povidone iodine. There is a potential for alcohol to ignite with electrosurgery, so it should be avoided or allowed to thoroughly dry prior to therapy.
Local anesthesia, usually via 1% lidocaine with epinephrine (adrenaline), is almost always used when performing electrosurgery. The usual exception is in the treatment of small facial telangiectasias, in which anesthesia is omitted. Local infiltration is most often used for anesthetizing localized superficial lesions, whereas field blocks and/or nerve blocks should be considered when performing larger electrosurgical procedures such as rhinophyma repair. When a local anesthetic is used prior to treatment of a dome-shaped lesion, such as a large angioma, it is helpful to massage the swollen anesthetized treatment site prior to electrosurgery, in order to flatten it. This prevents the development of a depressed scar subsequent to the procedure.
Prior to activating the electrosurgery unit, the operator should determine that the appropriate current and power settings for the particular procedure have been selected, that the dispersive electrode has been properly placed, and that the correct treatment electrode has been chosen. Sterile sleeves that slip over the handle of the wand and disposable electrode tips are often utilized. It is unacceptable to use the same electrode tip on multiple patients without sterilization, erroneously assuming that heat will destroy pathogens.

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