Fig. 34.1
Preoperatively the breast area is divided into four zones

Fig. 34.2
Processed fat

Fig. 34.3
(a) Subcutaneous injection. (b) Subglandular injection

Fig. 34.4
(a) Preoperative 24-year-old female. (b) One year postoperative following insertion of 320 mL implants in both breasts

Fig. 34.5
(a) Preoperative 40-year-old female. (b) Immediately postoperative after insertion of 300 mL implants in both breasts

Fig. 34.6
(a) Preoperative patient after implants inserted. (b) One year postoperative after lipotransfer

Fig. 34.7
(a) Preoperative 23-year-old female. (b) One year postoperative following insertion of 310 mL implant on the left side and 340 mL implant on the right side

Fig. 34.8
(a) Preoperative 50-year-old female. (b) One year postoperative after 400 mL implants in both breasts

Fig. 34.9
(a) Preoperative 19-year-old female with tuberous breast. (b) One year postoperative after 510 mL implant on the left with strong “rigottomies” and 340 mL on the right
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