Professor of Plastic Surgery, Director of Diabetic Wound Center, Director of Cell Therapy Laboratory, Korea University College of Medicine and Korea University Guro Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea (South Korea)
As mentioned in earlier chapters, many of chronic wounds are delayed or fail to heal through conventional treatment because attenuated activities of cells responsible for wound healing contribute to the impairment of tissue restoration. Severely impaired activities of cells crucial for wound healing are important factors in non- or delayed-healing wounds. In this chapter, various adjunctive treatment modalities that are used to increase cell activities are described. Information of nutritional support, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, oxygen therapy, monochromatic infrared energy, ultraviolet light, pain scrambler therapy, and a foot massager device is provided. It is important to emphasize that adjunctive therapy alone is unlikely to result in improved healing rates. Adjunctive therapy must be used in conjunction with other standard principles of chronic wound management, including debridement, infection control, pressure off-loading, and revascularization. In addition, research regarding the use of these adjunctive therapies to facilitate wound healing is still limited. Further controlled studies are needed to determine the most effective treatment parameters.
Adjunctive therapyWound healingPainAs mentioned earlier, many of chronic wounds are delayed or fail to heal through conventional treatment because attenuated activities of cells responsible for wound healing contribute to the impairment of tissue restoration. Severely impaired activities of cells crucial for wound healing are important factors in non- or delayed-healing wounds (Figs. 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, and 11.4).

Fig. 11.1
(A, B) A wound demonstrating good fibroblast function

Fig. 11.2
A wound with impaired activity of fibroblasts. Granulation is not formed over time. (A) Initial view. (B) After 1 month. (C) After 2 months

Fig. 11.3
(A–D) A wound showing good keratinocyte activity

Fig. 11.4
(A–F) Wounds with impaired activities of keratinocytes. Epithelial keratinocytes surrounding the wounds do not migrate across the wound beds to form new epithelium, but just move suprabasally and complete their differentiation program, eventually forming thick keratin layers along the wound edges (arrows) without forming epithelium on the wound beds
In this chapter, various adjunctive treatment modalities that are used to increase cell activities will be described. It is important to emphasize that adjunctive therapy alone is unlikely to result in improved healing rates. Adjunctive therapy must be used in conjunction with other standard principles of chronic wound management, including debridement, infection control, pressure off-loading, and revascularization.
Nutritional Support
Nutrition is an important indicator of a patient’s wound healing abilities. Clinical and subclinical malnutrition can impair all aspects of wound healing. In particular, patients with chronic wounds require specific attention to their nutritional status. Sufficient amounts of nutrients, including water, protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals, are required for homeostasis, repair, and regeneration. Deficiencies in one or more nutrients can lead to impaired wound healing.
Main Nutrients
Water is absolutely vital to wound healing. Clinical dehydration is defined as a 1 % decrease in body weight due to fluid loss. Healthy individuals with open wounds need 30–35 ml of water per kilogram of body weight daily. Patients with large wounds or burns may need even more. Patients on air-fluidized beds for severe pressure ulcers require 40–60 ml of water per kilogram of body weight daily.
Protein is required for tissue repair and regeneration. Without adequate protein stores, collagen synthesis, granulation tissue formation, angiogenesis, and remodeling are all significantly impaired. Normal immune functions, such as phagocytosis and antibody response time, are also hindered by low protein intake. Osmotic pressure is altered, and edema prevents oxygen’s ability to diffuse into affected areas, allowing accumulation of metabolic waste products. Although the main cause of protein deficiency is inadequate protein intake, patients may lose a significant amount of proteins through wound drainage. Since proteins consist of 16 % nitrogen, nitrogen excretion can be used as an indicator of protein intake. If excreted nitrogen exceeds the amount of ingested nitrogen in the form of proteins, the patient has a negative nitrogen balance. Ideally, patients should maintain a positive nitrogen balance to enhance wound healing.
Carbohydrates, primarily in the form of glucose, provide energy needed for tissue repair and regeneration. Carbohydrates demonstrate the protein-sparing effect. Therefore, adequate carbohydrate intake is imperative to maximize wound healing.
Fat is essential to the healing process. Most importantly, fat provides a needed energy source to fuel cellular processes when carbohydrates are depleted. Fat is also required to carry fat-soluble vitamins including vitamin A, E, and K and assists with thermoregulation.
Fats, in the form of free fatty acids, are vital components of the cell membrane and are required in the synthesis of new cells.
Vitamins are organic compounds that are needed in small amounts to build new tissues, to maintain tissue health, and to aid in normal immune functions. Vitamins A, C, E, K, and the B complex vitamins are especially important for wound healing. Vitamin A or retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin that maintains healthy skin and epithelial integrity. Vitamin A is required for collagen synthesis, promotes granulation tissue formation, and facilitates epithelialization. Vitamin A may be particularly important for individuals taking corticosteroids, since vitamin A can reverse inhibitory effects of long-term corticosteroids. Vitamin A supplements may also increase wound tensile strength. Topical and systemic supplementations are effective. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is needed to build and maintain tissues, help body absorb iron, and produce collagen. Vitamin C may help to control infections by activating white blood cells. It is also an antioxidant and therefore may limit the damaging effects of free radicals. Pretreatment of irradiated skin with vitamin C may limit skin damage. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for blood clotting. Due to its effect on clotting factors, deficiencies may lengthen the inflammatory phase of wound healing. The B complex vitamins are a group of eight water-soluble vitamins that are required for normal immune function and energy metabolism. The B complex vitamins aid in white blood cell function, antibody formation, and resistance to infection. They also facilitate fibroblast function and collagen synthesis. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps prevent free radical-related cellular damage. Vitamin E decreases the inflammatory phase of wound healing, enhances immune function, and decreases platelet adhesion.
Microminerals (zinc, iron, copper, and magnesium) as well as macrominerals (calcium and phosphorous) are also important for the wound healing process. The skin contains 20 % of the body’s stores of zinc. Zinc is vital to many cellular processes including collagen and protein synthesis, cell proliferation, epithelialization, and normal immune function. Zinc, like vitamins C and E, is an antioxidant and may enhance wound healing by reducing the number of free radicals. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin and is required for oxygen transport. It is also required for antibody production and normal immune functioning. Iron is a cofactor in many enzyme systems and is required for collagen and DNA synthesis. Anemia may lead to tissue hypoxia, decreased immune function, decreased cell replication, and decreased wound tensile strength. The mineral copper is required for hemoglobin synthesis and iron absorption and transport. Copper also helps to increase the strength of collagen cross-links. Deficiencies may lead to poor wound healing and decreased immune function. Magnesium deficiency is often found in patients with diabetes, alcoholism, chronic diarrhea, or dehydration. Inadequate stores of magnesium lead to hypertension and vasoconstriction. Calcium is an essential factor required for bone formation, remodeling, and muscle contraction. In addition, calcium is required for fibrin synthesis, which is important for blood clotting. Calcium and phosphorus together account for over half of all minerals in the body. In addition to being required for bone formation, phosphorus is needed for normal metabolism, and it is an essential component of many enzyme systems.
Nutrient Deficits of Chronic Diabetic Ulcer Patients
Severe malnutrition increases the length of a patient’s hospital stay and the risk of infections, sepsis, and even death. Clinicians should routinely perform nutritional screening.
The author has performed a study to find out which of the essential factors are commonly lacking in diabetic foot ulcer patients. One hundred diabetic foot patients who had nonhealing ulcers with duration of more than 6 weeks were involved in the study. Serum levels of essential nutrients including protein, albumin, vitamin A, C, E, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, and hemoglobin were checked after 8 h of fasting. Seventy-six percent and 61 % of the patients had serum protein and albumin levels in normal ranges, respectively. Among vitamins, only the level of vitamin C was low in 55 % of the patients. The levels of vitamin A and E were normal in 93 and 100 % of the patients. With regard to minerals, the levels of iron and zinc were low in 63 and 60 % of the patients, but the levels of magnesium and copper were usually normal. These results indicate that the serum levels of Hb, vitamin C, iron, and zinc are commonly low in diabetic foot ulcer patients.
Electrical Stimulation
Electrical stimulation refers to the application of electrical current through electrodes placed directly on the skin in close proximity to the wound. Since the 1950s, investigators have used electrical stimulation as a technique to promote wound healing, based on the theory that electrical stimulation may increase ATP concentration in the skin; increase DNA synthesis; cause galvanotaxis, attraction of key cells to wound sites; stimulate cells to move along an electrical gradient; accelerate the recovery of damaged neural tissue; reduce edema; increase blood flow; and facilitate debridement by enhancing autolysis.
Research on electrical stimulation as an adjunct to enhance wound healing has produced mixed results. Therefore, additional research is needed to determine the effect of electrical stimulation on different types of wounds.
The types of electrical stimulation and devices can be categorized into four groups based on the type of current: (1) low-intensity direct current (LIDC), (2) high voltage pulsed current (HVPC), (3) alternative current (AC), and (4) transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).
At the present time, however, there are no electrical stimulation devices that have received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) specifically for the treatment of wound healing. A number of devices have been cleared for marketing for other indications. Use of these devices for wound healing is an off-label indication.
Electrical stimulation is indicated as an adjunct for a variety of chronic or recalcitrant wounds, including pressure ulcers, neuropathic ulcers, venous ulcers, arterial ulcers, traumatic and surgical wounds, and burns.
Several contraindications should be noted. Electrical stimulation is not indicated for simple uncomplicated wounds. Wounds with osteomyelitis should not be treated with electrical stimulation. Electrical stimulation should not be used in actively bleeding wounds and in combination with topical agents containing heavy metal ions. Electrical stimulation should be used with caution on patients with sensory neuropathy.
Ultrasound is defined as a mechanical vibration above the upper threshold of human hearing (>20 KHz). Ultrasound therapy involves the application of high-frequency sound waves transmitted through water or gel to promote wound healing. Although the exact mechanism underlying its clinical effects is not known, therapeutic ultrasound has been shown to have a variety of effects at a cellular level including angiogenesis, leukocyte adhesion, growth factor and collagen production, and increases in macrophage responsiveness, fibrinolysis, and nitric oxide levels.
There are two types of ultrasounds. High-frequency (MHz range: 1–3 MHz) ultrasounds enhance three phases of wound healing by creating local thermal effects. They increase wound contraction, collagen deposition, granulation tissue formation, angiogenesis, and scar pliability. They also have been used for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, primarily by physical therapists. Low-frequency (KHz) ultrasounds debride necrotic tissue, reduce wound bioburden, and enhance wound healing.
Several devices are available, which deliver ultrasonic energy to wounds. The mechanical energy from ultrasound is typically transmitted to tissue through a coupling gel. Non-contact low-intensity ultrasound devices, which do not require use of a coupling gel or other direct contact, have also been developed. They deliver a saline mist to the wound with low-frequency ultrasound (KHz); they include a generator, a transducer, and a disposable applicator for discharge of prepackaged saline.
Research regarding the use of ultrasound to facilitate wound healing is limited. Further controlled studies are needed to determine the most effective treatment parameters. However, there appears to be sufficient evidence to support the use of ultrasounds to facilitate wound healing in chronic wounds.
Ultrasounds are indicated as adjuncts to wound healing for chronic or recalcitrant wounds that are either clean or infected. Low-frequency ultrasounds may be most appropriate to assist debriding necrotic tissues.
Contraindications for the use of ultrasounds include the presence of untreated osteomyelitis, active bleeding, severe arterial insufficiency, and acute deep vein thrombosis. Ultrasounds should not be used on untreated acute infections and in the presence of large amounts of necrosis. Similar to electrical stimulation, ultrasounds are not indicated for simple uncomplicated wounds.
Ultrasonic Surgical Debridement
More recently, the therapeutic effects of ultrasound energy in the KHz range have been examined. It has been proposed that low-frequency ultrasound in this range may improve wound healing via the production, vibration, and movement of micron-sized bubbles in the coupling medium and tissue. Several high-intensity ultrasound devices with contact probes are currently available for wound debridement. Generally used frequency and power for the debridement are 40 KHz and 50 W, respectively.
Ultrasonic debridement has been designed to optimize the well-known capabilities of high-intensity, low-frequency ultrasound to disrupt, inactivate, and remove bacterial organisms from surfaces and stimulate the body’s self-healing ability. When solution flows through the titanium alloy probe, attached to the handpiece distal end, the ultrasound scatters become mist, amplifies the mechanical vibration, and transfers the acoustic energy into the tissue via direct contact. Mechanical and hydrodynamic effects and the resulting cavitation produce tissue disruption, excision, fragmentation, and emulsion in the wound bed. The design of the individual wound care probes allows them to effectively debride a variety of wound shapes and a variety of tissue types, providing maximum wound debridement efficiency. The combination of probe shape and amplitude settings offers the surgeon a variety of options to match specific debridement requirements, from the removal of slough or fibrin to a full excisional debridement. The device is easy to use and suitable for a variety of solutions. Additionally, ultrasonic debridement can decrease healing time and reduce bleeding. Clinical applications include diabetic foot ulcers, venous ulcers, pressure sores, and burns.
Oxygen Therapy
Effective wound healing requires an adequate oxygen supply. Improving tissue oxygenation with oxygen therapy has been a reasonable therapeutic strategy with a relatively low risk of complications. Current literature suggests that oxygen therapy is effective for increasing blood and tissue oxygenation in the management of chronic wounds. Increasing oxygen levels in hypoxic tissues may help maintain cellular function and integrity thereby contributing to wound healing. Therefore, oxygen therapy is used as an adjunctive therapy to treat several clinical conditions associated with tissue hypoxia such as severe soft tissue infections and ischemic diabetic foot ulcers.
Oxygen therapy increases blood and tissue oxygen contents and may help maintain cellular integrity and function by acting as a substrate for ATP synthesis and a supply of metabolic energy. A recent study suggested that oxygen therapy may support the differentiation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts, which are responsible for wound contracture, by a variety of mechanisms. Increased wound oxygenation promotes the synthesis of collagen by fibroblasts, and its deposition provides tensile strength to the matrix for angiogenesis and tissue remodeling. Oxygen also reduces infection in chronic wounds because of an important mechanism by which polymorphonuclear leukocytes selectively kill bacteria that rely on oxygen.
Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO)
HBO helps increase tissue oxygenation by administration of 100 % oxygen to patients within an airtight vessel under increased atmospheric pressure (Fig. 6.33). Therefore, HBO can help cell activities for wound healing by increasing oxygen delivery to the key cells. However, there is controversy as to the effectiveness of HBO at this time.
Many authors have reported that increasing tissue oxygenation by administering supplemental hyperbaric oxygen can have a significant beneficial impact on wound healing, and some included fairly extensive cases. Ladurner et al. evaluated whether measuring TcPO2 could be used to predict the risk of nonhealing and amputation in patients with diabetic foot ulcers. That study of 141 patients concluded that assessing TcPO2 is suitable as a clinical screening tool for estimating the risk of nonhealing in patients with diabetic foot ulcers. Kranke et al. assessed the benefits of adjunctive HBO for treating chronic ulcers of the lower limbs using Cochrane methodology (literature-based meta-analysis) and extracted data from nine randomized controlled trials (total of 471 participants). Among them, eight trials (total of 455 participants) enrolled patients with diabetic foot ulcers. Their conclusion was that HBO therapy significantly improved healing of diabetic foot ulcers at 6 weeks of follow-up. In addition, consensus statements from an expert panel were that TcPO2 <40 mmHg reduces the likelihood of amputation healing and that TcPO2 >40 mmHg is usually associated with subsequent healing.
HBO may enhance wound healing in several ways. It increases the concentration gradient for oxygen, may help reduce the bacterial load, and increases angiogenesis, collagen synthesis, granulation tissue formation, epithelialization, and wound contraction. HBO may also help reduce edema.
Systemic HBO involves application of oxygen in a pressurized chamber at 2.0–2.5 atm. Most patients breathe in 100 % oxygen for 90 min to 3 h (1 or 2 sessions) per day although there are no standard guidelines for the duration, frequency, or number of HBO therapy sessions. Treatment frequency varies from twice daily to three times per week.
HBO is indicated for chronic or slow-healing hypoxic wounds. HBO has been used successfully on thermal burns, skin grafts/musculocutaneous flaps, osteomyelitis, pyoderma gangrenosum, necrotizing fasciitis, refractory leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, crush injuries, surgical wounds, and radiation tissue damages. However, the best candidates for HBO are patients with neuropathic diabetic foot ulcers. TcPO2 monitoring can be used to detect hypoxia and to determine the healing potential.
HBO should only be used on wounds that demonstrate improvement through TcPO2 testing. HBO is contraindicated in patients with deep vein thrombosis to minimize the risk of embolism or uncontrolled congestive heart failure. Relative contraindications include pregnant patients. HBO is not indicated for simple, uncomplicated wounds.
Normobaric Oxygen (NBO)
Although the effect of HBO therapy has been observed in various experimental and clinical studies, the use of HBO therapy is limited for several reasons. Clinical applications of HBO therapy are limited by high-cost, low availability of HBO chambers, need for trained personnel to monitor patients, poor patient compliance because of headache and otalgia, and the possibility of high oxidative potential contributing to pulmonary edema and brain injury. The occurrence of oxygen-toxic seizures after HBO therapy has also been reported. Cardiopulmonary, nephrologic, and neurologic comorbidities may be more frequent in patients with chronic wounds, who commonly have a poor general health condition. In addition, many patients with chronic wounds have difficulty moving to an HBO chamber or may have claustrophobia. For these reasons, the use of HBO therapy has been limited in patients with chronic wounds.

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