Treatment of Upper Eyelid Dermatochalasis with Reconstruction of Upper Eyelid Crease: Skin-Muscle Flap Approach

CHAPTER 7 Treatment of Upper Eyelid Dermatochalasis with Reconstruction of Upper Eyelid Crease: Skin-Muscle Flap Approach

Preparation for surgery

The patient’s entire face is prepared with povidone-iodine (Betadine) soap and paint. The patient is draped so that the entire face is exposed. Topical tetracaine is applied over each eye. A scleral contact lens is placed over the eye and under the eyelids.

Surgical technique

Skin marking

A line is drawn with a methylene blue marking pen, beginning at the lateral canthus and extending in a horizontal direction of approximately 1 cm. This line marks the site of the lower lateral canthal incision. The site of the predetermined eyelid crease is then marked. When the surgeon is drawing the eyelid crease marks, the eyebrow must be elevated to reduce the excess upper eyelid skin fold and to make the upper eyelid skin taut and the lashes slightly everted. If this is not done, the crease may result in being much higher than desired because the skin is usually loose before it is marked.

The temporal, central, and nasal crease sites are marked by placing a millimeter ruler so that the zero line is at the eyelid margin. The distances above the eyelid margin can then be viewed and marked with a specially designed marking instrument. In women, the temporal mark usually is placed 10 mm above the upper eyelid margin; the central mark, 11 mm above the margin; and the nasal mark, 9 mm above the margin. In men, the marks are usually 9 mm temporally, 10 mm centrally, and 8 mm nasally.

The temporal, central, and nasal marks are then connected and are extended with a line, which begins at the punctum and ends at the lateral canthus (Fig. 7-1A). The line sweeps laterally approximately 1 cm temporal to the lateral canthus in a slightly upward direction. There should be at least 5 mm of skin between this line and the line placed for the lower lateral incision.

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Mar 16, 2016 | Posted by in Craniofacial surgery | Comments Off on Treatment of Upper Eyelid Dermatochalasis with Reconstruction of Upper Eyelid Crease: Skin-Muscle Flap Approach

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