Pediatric septorhinoplasty has been an area of controversy because early surgical intervention can prevent normal growth. There are certain conditions where early correction of the nose is indicated, such as in cleft lip nasal deformities, severe traumatic deformities, and congenital nasal lesions. Animal and clinical studies have been helpful in elucidating certain areas of the nose that are potential growth zones that should be left undisturbed when performing nasal surgeries on pediatric patients. We discuss the timing, indications, and surgical technique in pediatric septorhinoplasty.
Key points
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The nasal septal cartilage is central to the growth of the midface.
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Animal studies have demonstrated the importance of conservation of periosteum; perichondrium likely does not inhibit growth. Aggressive resection of the perichondrium and periosteum seems to prevent normal growth.
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The quality of clinical studies are far from ideal, but have demonstrated conservative surgery is likely safe.
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Major growth phase of the nose occurs during puberty.
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When possible, delaying surgery until after puberty is optimal; if there are significant functional or social issues conservative surgery before puberty is likely safe.
Introduction: nature of the problem
Nasal surgery in children has been an ongoing topic of discussion in pediatric otolaryngology and facial plastic surgery. Central to this discussion is the effect of surgical manipulation of the nasal structures and the effects of this intervention on the growth and maturation of the nose. Several animal, clinical, and observational studies have attempted to elucidate the effect of intervention on the growing nose throughout the years. These interventions include resection and devascularization to the nasal septum and the growth centers of the nose. Despite the growing body of literature, the topic of pediatric septorhinoplasty and its indications remain an area of continued controversy.
Introduction: nature of the problem
Nasal surgery in children has been an ongoing topic of discussion in pediatric otolaryngology and facial plastic surgery. Central to this discussion is the effect of surgical manipulation of the nasal structures and the effects of this intervention on the growth and maturation of the nose. Several animal, clinical, and observational studies have attempted to elucidate the effect of intervention on the growing nose throughout the years. These interventions include resection and devascularization to the nasal septum and the growth centers of the nose. Despite the growing body of literature, the topic of pediatric septorhinoplasty and its indications remain an area of continued controversy.
Pediatric septorhinoplasty continues as an area of controversy. Animal and clinical studies have demonstrated the importance of conservative manipulation on the growing nose. The timing and extent of surgery has been debated. There are certain indications for rhinoplasty where the benefit outweighs the risk of operating on the growing nose.
Anatomy and growth
The development and characteristics of the pediatric nose is essential in understanding the effects of septorhinoplasty on its growth. Around the fourth week of gestation, neural crest cells migrate caudally creating nasal placodes. The placodes are then divided into medial and lateral nasal processes. The medial process becomes the anterior septum, philtrum, and premaxilla. The lateral processes form the lateral nasal walls. The differentiation of the muscle, cartilage, and bony elements of the nose occur at 10 weeks gestation.
The septodorsal cartilages are the main supporting structure for the nasal dorsum and consist of the upper lateral cartilages and the nasal septum. The nasal septum in young children extends from the skull base to the nasal floor. Superiorly, the septum is based at the sphenoid at birth. As the perpendicular plate grows and ossifies, the septum in turn is based on the caudal edge of the perpendicular plate by adulthood.
The nasal bones in the neonate are fibrous and connected to the upper lateral cartilages. Interestingly, the upper lateral cartilages extend under nasal bones and attach to the anterior cranial base. As the child grows, the upper lateral cartilages migrate anteriorly from the skull base and are replaced by the ossifying cribriform plate. The degree of migration is not consistent from individual to individual, explaining the varying relationship between the nasal bones and upper lateral cartilages seen in adult rhinoplasty.
Growth of the nasal septum is at its maximum in the newborn and plateaus by the age of 20. In an anatomic study performed by van Loosen and colleagues, the cartilaginous septum shows the greatest velocity growth at the age of 2. Later growth of the nasal septum is owing to ongoing ossification of the septal cartilage at the sphenoethmoid region with concurrent growth and formation of new cartilage.
The nasal septal cartilage seems to be central in the growth of the midface. There are 2 growth zones of the nasal septum. These include the sphenodorsal zone, which extends from the sphenoid septum to the nasal dorsum, and the sphenospinal zone, which extends from the sphenoid to the anterior nasal spine. These 2 areas are thicker owing to mitotic activity and histologic maturation. Growth of the sphenodorsal zone seems to be responsible primarily for the increase in length and height of the nasal dorsum. Growth in the sphenospinal region of the septum drives growth of the premaxilla. Injuries to these pivotal growth centers demonstrate detrimental effects to the maxilla and nasal dorsum.
The maximum growth velocity of the nose in girls seems to vary from 8 to 12 years of age, whereas in boys it is around 13 years of age. The defined completion of nasal growth is a continued controversy. A study by Meng and associates in 1988 demonstrated near completion of growth in girls by the age of 16 and continuing to age 18 in males. However, there have been several other studies that draw varying conclusions on nasal growth, extending it to the age of 20 in females and 25 in males, and even some statistically insignificant growth of the nose in advanced age. Given the debate about when nasal growth is complete, growth after the mid teenage years is not likely clinically significant.
Animal studies
Animal models have been the basis in the understanding of nasal growth and the effects of trauma and surgery. Several models have been developed throughout the years to investigate the effect of septal resection on the growth of the nose and midface in several species of animals. These began as early as the 1850s, where Fick and his colleagues stated that growth of the hard palate was dependent on the nasal septum after investigation in growing dogs, cats, pigs, and goats.
Sarnat and Wexler in the 1960s used aggressive resection of the caudal cartilaginous septum and overlying mucoperichondrium in growing rabbits. This resection resulted in underdevelopment of the snout, saddle deformity, and mandibular prognathism. This type of radical resection of the septum in adult rabbits did not produce the same deformity. Similar studies have been performed in canine pups, baboons, and ferrets demonstrating detrimental effects on midface growth.
Although this rather radical approach to septal resection in these studies does not simulate directly the conservative approach taken on pediatric septorhinoplasty, it does give an indication that extensive resection of the mucoperiosteum and cartilage can have detrimental effects on skeletal growth.
Bernstein also performed septal resection preserving the mucoperichondrium. In canines with preserved perichondrium, no change in growth was noted, highlighting the importance of appropriate submucous resection and preservation of mucoperichondrial flaps. In juvenile ferrets, Cupero and colleagues demonstrated no difference in cephalometric analysis when selective submucoperichondrial removal of a small piece of cartilage and vomer was removed. However, these studies are limited by small numbers of study subjects. These animal models again demonstrate the importance of mucoperiosteal preservation in the growing nose.
Instead of resection, the question then arose to removal and replacement of the septal cartilage with cartilage autografts in prevention of growth restriction. In a study by Nolst Trenité and colleagues, septal reimplantation after cutting to the appropriate size was observed. This technique demonstrated growth of the cartilage but did not prevent shortening of the nose or saddling deformity. One benefit demonstrated was prevention of septal perforations. Crushed cartilage did not demonstrate prevention of subsequent deformities with time because it lacks the mechanical strength that intact cartilage has. Reimplanted cartilage has not been found useful in septorhinoplasty in pediatric animal models.
These animal studies demonstrate the essential role of the septum its growth zones in the development of the nose and midface. The evidence from these animal models show that preservation of the mucoperichondrium as well as limited resection and manipulation of the cartilages can affect nasal growth and now play an important role in our conservative approach to pediatric rhinoplasty. Interestingly, these studies are in conflict with clinically observed data in human populations, which will be covered in later sections of this article.
Clinical studies
Clinical evidence of the effects of intervention to the nose at a young age is varied. Investigation of these effects on the growth of the nose are difficult owing to the long-term follow-up needed, small sample size, and difficulty of randomized controlled trials. Given this paucity of clinical information, the traditional dogma has been to err on the side of conservative management, given observations of detrimental effects to growth of the midface in animal studies. Several observational studies regarding effects of trauma, nasal abscess, and loss of cartilage to the nasal septum and cartilaginous structures of the nose have been reported.
Detrimental Effects on Growth of the Nose
Grymer and Bosch followed a set of identical twins for a period of 10 years and outlined their facial growth. One had septal destruction after a septal abscess at the age of 7 years. The abscess was drained and homologous septal cartilage from a tissue bank was reimplanted. The patient developed a saddle nose, upward displacement of the anterior maxilla, and diminished vertical development of the nasal cavity as well as retrognathia owing to maxillary retrusion in comparison with his twin without septal destruction. This longitudinal study mimics animal studies with through and through septal resection as well as with Nolst’s study on resection and reimplanatation of the septal cartilage and its effects on the midface. In this observation by Grymer and Bosch, as well as in animal studies, it is difficult to ascertain if the growth restriction in the face is owing to effects of the original trauma or the intervention performed.
The insights given by the animal studies as well as observational studies from children with prior trauma or destruction of the nasal septum, a basic guideline for preservation of the mucoperichondrium and conservative cartilage resection was created. This gives clinicians a basis for performing this procedure on children when the clinical indication was present.
Anthropometric Studies
Triglia and colleagues advocated for an external approach in the 1990s, stating preservation of the perichondrium and septum with repositioning showed no change in growth of the nose or need for revision in 24 subjects aged 5 to 14 years. All of his patients had a posttraumatic nasal deformity. His findings were further justified in several anthropometric studies, which are described below.
Crysdale and his partners in Toronto have performed several studies regarding growth of the nose after surgical intervention with anthropometric evaluation. El Hakim and colleagues noted that external septorhinoplasty with use of quadrangular cartilage removal, remodeling, and reimplantation with conservation of the mucoperichondrium in 24 patients ranging from 4.5 to 15.5 years of age, there were no affect to most aspects of nasal and facial growth that were noted on anthropometric measurements with a follow-up of 3.1 years. In a similar study by Bejar and coauthors, 28 patients who underwent external septoplasty ranging from 6 to 15 years of age showed no change in anthropometric measurements from these patients and controls. They did demonstrate a trend toward restricted growth of the nasal dorsum with a follow-up of 3.4 years. Walker and associates also found similar results in a study of 16 children who underwent external rhinoplasty with a 2-year follow-up. This work by Crysdale and his colleagues provides us insight and quantitative evaluation of effects of nasal surgery on children. However, all of these studies are limited by their short follow-up and wide age range.
In a retrospective study in 44 Italian patients by Tasca and Compadretti, an endonasal approach to septoplasty was used. With a mean follow-up of 12.2 years, the investigators found no changes in nasal dorsal length as compared with other North American white subjects. They did, however, find a significant difference in reduction of nasolabial angle in patients who underwent external septoplasty versus endonasal surgery. They, therefore, advocate for endonasal septoplasty to prevent any changes to nasal growth.
These clinical studies describing external and endoscopic septoplasty on the growing nose give us insight into the effects of surgical manipulation of the nasal septum. There are, however, confounding factors in each of these reports. The mean follow-up for each of these observations were 3 years with ages ranging from 5 to 15 years of age. Further investigation of the effects of surgical manipulation of the nose before and after puberty would give insight into the detrimental effects of surgery to the growth zones. In addition, 3-year follow-up for a prepubertal nose would not follow the child until the growth of the nose has been completed.

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