
Hôpital Universitaire de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France



Poikiloderma must be distinguished from reticulate pigmentary disorders without atrophy or telangiectases and from non-atrophic telangiectatic dermatoses. It can be localized or diffuse, and associated or not with other primary lesions, which would then contribute to diagnosis. Hereditary poikilodermas appearing in childhood are usually differentiated from acquired adult forms. However, certain hereditary diseases do not become poikilodermic until adulthood, whereas certain acquired poikilodermic diseases can appear in early childhood.

Poikiloderma must be distinguished from reticulate pigmentary disorders without atrophy or telangiectases and from non-atrophic telangiectatic dermatoses. It can be localized or diffuse, and associated or not with other primary lesions, which would then contribute to diagnosis. Hereditary ­poikilodermas appearing in childhood are usually differentiated from acquired adult forms. However, certain hereditary diseases do not become poikilodermic until adulthood, whereas certain acquired poikilodermic diseases can appear in early childhood.


Fig. 27.1
Poikiloderma. Mycosis fungoides

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Oct 6, 2016 | Posted by in Dermatology | Comments Off on Poikiloderma

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