Nail Disorders



Nails have several important functions. The nail plate acts as a protective shield for the fingertips; it assists in grasping and manipulating small objects. Our nails are also used for scratching, grooming, and cosmetic adornment.1



The nail unit is composed of the nail plate, nail matrix, nail folds, nail bed, and hyponychium (Figure 20-1A and B).1,2

Figure 20-1.

(A, B) Anatomy of the nail (Reproduced with permission from Mescher AL, ed. Junqueira’s Basic Histology: Text & Atlas. 12th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2010. Figure 18-14A & B).

  • Nail matrix: Forms the nail plate.

  • Nail plate: Hard, translucent, keratin-containing structure covering the dorsal surface of the distal digits on the hands and feet. Formed by the nail matrix, the nail plate grows out from under the proximal nail fold. The nail usually appears pink, which is due to the underlying vasculature of the nail bed. The small, white, semi-circular structure at the proximal portion of the nail is the lunula, which is the visible portion of the nail matrix.

  • Nail bed: Structure underlying the nail plate, which contributes to the nail plate’s ability to attach to the finger.

  • Hyponychium/onychodermal band: Under the distal free edge of the nail. The hyponychium is the transition point between the nail and the normal skin of the digit. The onychodermal band is the point of strongest attachment between the nail and the underlying digit.

  • Nail folds: Proximal and lateral. These are epithelial structures. The cuticle protects the matrix by sealing off the potential space between the nail plate and the proximal nail fold.

Differential Diagnosis

Nail disorders can be difficult to differentiate from one another. To determine the correct diagnosis takes practice and often laboratory studies such as fungal cultures. To add to the confusion, many nail disorders can have secondary fungal or bacterial infections.

Examples of specific diseases in each category include:

  • Infectious: Dermatophyte, candida, mold, and bacteria.

  • Papulosquamous: Psoriasis and lichen planus.

  • Traumatic: Habit tic, some cases of onychodystrophy or onycholysis.

  • Systemic: Yellow nail syndrome, clubbing, and Beau’s lines.

  • Tumors: Squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and benign tumors.

Tumors involving the nail unit are an important category of nail disorders. These are covered in other sections of this textbook are covered in Chapters 16, 17 and 18.

A differential diagnosis of nail disorders and clinical findings that distinguish them from one another are presented in Table 20-1.

Table 20-1.Differential diagnosis of nail disorders.





Dermatophyte, mold, and candida infections of the nails are common causes of nail disorders. They closely resemble other nails disorders such as psoriasis. Fungal infections of the nails are covered in Chapter 10.


Bacteria can also infect the nail unit. Pseudomonas is a common colonizer of onycholytic nails.2 The affected nail is usually discolored green or black (Figure 20-2). Patients often have a history of wet-work. Bacterial cultures of pus or nail clippings can confirm the diagnosis. Treatment involves trimming the onycholytic portion of the nail and the use of one of the following topical therapies: soaking affected nails 2 to 3 times a day in a dilute bleach solution (2% sodium hypochlorite) or half-strength vinegar, solution; and application of polymyxin B, chlorhexidine solution, 15% sulfacetamide, gentamicin or chloramphenicol ophthalmological solution or octenidine dihydrochloride 0.1% solution for 4 weeks or until resolved.2,3 Systemic antibiotics should not be administered unless there are signs of cellulitis.

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Jan 15, 2019 | Posted by in Dermatology | Comments Off on Nail Disorders

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