As facial plastic surgery technology, techniques, and approaches continue to evolve, it is of key importance to recognize that our patients and their needs are evolving and changing as well. Changing concepts of beauty and desired appearance of the face and its anatomic structures are changing. The demographics of the world have evolved and thus the facial plastic surgery practice must adjust accordingly. The world and the patients encountered by the facial plastic surgeon are increasingly globalized. This is due to many factors, including population shifts and migration, cross-cultural interaction, racial identity, as well as racial and ethnic blending. This trend can no doubt be expected to continue with ongoing diversification of those demographics throughout the world. Indeed, as the world diversifies around us, impacting our facial plastic surgery patient encounters, our understanding of a variety of anatomic differences, ethnic and cultural goals, and global concepts of beauty must continue to become broader and more sophisticated.
This issue includes authors who are expert surgeons from a variety of ethnic, geographic, and cultural backgrounds. The reader will benefit from the approaches delineated in each topic based on the tremendous experience and expertise possessed by those individuals. Topics and procedures covered include rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, facelift, skin resurfacing and skincare, hair replacement, and scar revision. Overall, the issue strives to educate the reader to a broader and more sophisticated approach in modern practice. I am honored to bring together this talented and diverse group of experts to develop this issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America .
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