1. General lower extremity (LE) anatomy • Vascular supply (see Figures 13.1 and 13.2) ▪ Thigh ○ Anterior ♦ Sartorius m., rectus femoris m., vastus lateralis m., vastus intermedius m., vastus medialis m. ♦ Biceps femoris m., semitendinosus m., semimembranosus m. ○ Medial ♦ Gracilis m., adductor longus m., adductor brevis m., adductor magnus m. ♦ Obturator n. (see Figure 13.3) ○ Anterior ♦ Tibialis anterior m., extensor hallucis longus m., extensor digitorum longus m., peroneus tertius m. ○ Lateral ♦ Peroneus longus m., peroneus brevis m. ♦ Tibialis posterior m., flexor hallucis longus m., flexor digitorum longus m., popliteus m. ♦ Gastrocnemius m., plantaris m., soleus m. ▪ Foot ○ Medial ♦ Abductor hallucis m., flexor hallucis brevis m. ○ Lateral ♦ Abductor digiti minimi m., flexor digiti minimi brevis m. ♦ Flexor digitorum brevis m., quadratus plantae m., adductor hallucis m. (see Figure 13.5) 2. LE trauma ○ Description based on degree of soft-tissue injury and presence of vascular injury ○ Major vascular injury requiring repair is automatically a class IIIC. ○ Classes I and II can generally be managed with local wound care. ○ Class III generally requires flap coverage. ♦ Classes A, B, and C distinguished according to size of wound and presence of vascular injury ➔ A: Wound <10 cm, soft-tissue coverage is usually possible ➔ B: Wound >10 cm, regional or free flap needed ➔ C: Presence of major vascular injury requiring repair for limb salvage ♦ IIIB/C: Often requires initial stabilization with external fixator (see Table 13.1) Table 13.1 Classification of Open Fractures 1. 1 cm 2. >1 cm 3. The following injuries are automatically graded as type-3 injuries: • Severely contaminated wounds (e.g., farmyard injuries) 3a. Usually >10 cm 3b. Usually >10 cm 3c. Usually >10 cm ○ Established based on force of injury and degree of bony comminution ♦ Type I: Low-energy, spiral, or oblique fracture with clean wound <2 cm ♦ Type IV: Extreme energy, same as class C with degloving or crush injury and/or vascular injury (see Table 13.2) ▪ Computed tomography (CT) angiography provides the most rapid method for evaluating LE vasculature. ▪ Free flaps are often required for large defects because of paucity of available local tissue (IIIB/C). • Reconstruction versus amputation ▪ Goal: Preserve a limb that will be more functional than an amputation ○ If the extremity cannot be salvaged, the goal is to maintain the maximum functional length. ♦ Minimum of 6 cm is required for adequate prosthetic fitting of below-knee amputation. ▪ Absolute contraindications for reconstruction • Vascularized bone flaps versus allogeneic bone grafts ○ Demonstrate increased osteocyte viability ○ Osteogenesis through osteoinduction versus depending solely on creeping substitution (allogeneic) ○ Indicated for bony defects >6 cm ▪ Increased pressure in a confined space ➔ Pain out of proportion (often first sign) ➔ Pallor 3. Commonly used LE flaps (see Figure 13.6) ▪ Origin: Anterior superior iliac spine ▪ Insertion: Anteromedial surface of tibia ▪ Function: Flex, laterally rotate, and abduct hip; weak knee flexor ▪ Arterial supply: Superficial femoral a. provides segmental blood supply (type-IV muscle). ▪ Function: Flex, medially rotate, and adduct hip; weak knee flexor ▪ Arterial supply: Medial circumflex femoral a. • Anterolateral thigh myocutaneous or perforator flap ▪ Arterial supply: Descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral a. ▪ Nerve: Lateral femoral cutaneous n. ▪ Underlying muscle: Vastus lateralis m. ▪ Origin: Femoral condyles (medial and lateral) ▪ Insertion: Calcaneus through achilles tendon ▪ Function: Plantarflexion; knee flexion ▪ Arterial supply: Sural arteries (medial and lateral) ▪ Medial muscle: Indicated for medial upper leg 1/3 defects, longer than lateral gastrocnemius, and does not risk damage to the peroneal nerve (see Figure 13.7) ▪ Origin: Fibula, medial border of tibia ▪ Insertion: Calcaneus through achilles tendon ▪ Arterial supply: Peroneal artery ▪ Often used for bony defect reconstruction ▪ Arterial supply: Medial plantar artery ▪ Nerve: Medial plantar n. (L4 to 5) ▪ Most reliable sensate flap with glabrous skin for coverage of the plantar calcaneus • First dorsal metatarsal artery (FDMA) flap ▪ Arterial supply: FDMA from dorsalis pedis a.
Lower Extremity Reconstruction and Lymphedema
Moderate, some comminution
Moderate, some muscle crushing
Usually severe
Usually severe, but bone coverage possible
Usually severe
Bone coverage impossible, requires soft-tissue reconstruction
Usually severe
As 3b, with vascular injury requiring repair
Compartment pressure >30 mm Hg
Lower Extremity Reconstruction and Lymphedema
Chapter 13