26 Congenital hand II
Disorders of formation (transverse and longitudinal arrest)
These are the most likely upper limb anomalies to be detected prenatally.
The conditions encompassed are divided into transverse and longitudinal arrest, although this division has little to do with either etiology or treatment.
Repeated observation of the child is the most useful evaluation of the functional capability of each upper limb, aided by the Great Ormond Street Ladder (see Fig. 26.1). This may demonstrate capabilities not noticed earlier due to development, achievement of milestones and progressive myelination of the peripheral nervous system.
Most of these conditions are static with changes largely related to growth or surgical intervention. Early surgical intervention is indicated where deformity is progressive, for primary skeletal realignment or where growth will produce skeletal malalignment.
Congenital transverse arrest
Occasionally, after full assessment by the rehabilitation team (Fig. 26.1), the plastic surgeon is asked to remove tissue/nubbins or make some surgical adjustment to the stump to make prosthesis fitting easier.
Fig. 26.1 The Great Ormond Street Ladder allows rapid assessment of upper limb function in complex cases.
Basic science/disease process
With the exception of the teratogenic effect of thalidomide, etiological factors causing a failure of limb formation are largely unknown but may include genetic factors (there has been shown to be an autosomal recessive gene in Angora goats, which produces a deficiency of the distal limb segment1), chromosomal aberrations or environmental factors.
Diagnosis/patient presentation
The patient presents with a congenital amputation (Fig. 26.2) which can occur at any level (humeral, proximal forearm, carpal or metacarpal). It may be bilateral – the left side is affected more at least twice as often as the right. Males are more commonly affected than females.
The diagnosis is usually straightforward at proximal levels but at the level of the carpus and metacarpals, there is frequently disagreement in terminology between transverse arrest and symbrachydactyly. Where there are distal nail elements or nail ghosts present on very short digital sacs, this represents symbrachydactyly but in the absence of these, the two conditions may be indistinguishable. If amniotic bands are present elsewhere, then the amputation is likely to be the result of a severely constricting band in utero. Rarely, a proximally situated amniotic band will have caused sufficient interruption to molecular signalling to create a distal hypoplasia which resembles a symbrachydactyly, with distal nail elements present. The management depends on the type of symbrachydactyly (Fig. 26.3).
With the advent of fetoscopic laser ablation for twin to twin transfusion, an iatrogenic cause of intrauterine limb loss should be considered where there is a history of this procedure. The mechanism is probably via disruption of the amnion creating bands rather than by the laser itself.2
Patient selection, treatment/surgical technique and postoperative care
Forearm level
Any treatment is usually restricted to functional and cosmetic prosthetics. The Krukenberg procedure3 has been used in this condition, particularly when bilateral, to provide a pincer grip between the two forearm bones. The interosseous membrane is extensively released and the defect skin grafted. This procedure has not been readily accepted by either surgeons or families because of the cosmetic deformity it creates in what is already an abnormal limb and is more appropriate in traumatic loss in adults where prostheses are unavailable and adaptation is more difficult.
Metacarpal level (symbrachydactyly)
It is necessary to harvest a whole phalanx since a partial phalanx inserted into the pocket will be prone to resorption (Fig. 26.4A). The phalanx needs to be taken together with an intact periosteal envelope but the authors do not try to preserve the volar plate and collateral ligaments (Fig. 26.4B). The phalanx is inserted into the soft tissue envelope (Fig. 26.4C). The phalanx is sutured onto the flexor-extensor hood which covers the metacarpal head. The flexor/extensors are not divided. A single K-wire is passed through the phalanx and the centre of the metacarpal head. Four weeks later, this is removed and active and passive movement is encouraged in the new metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints (Fig. 26.4D–F).
Distraction augmentation manoplasty is considered as a secondary procedure when the child is old enough to participate in the decision and comply with all that this involves. In our experience, 8 years old is the earliest age that this is likely. Not all patients undergo this stage and so results are in a highly selected group. For this to be successful, the length of the bone being distracted must be a minimum of 10 mm long, it must be stable on the metacarpal and, for the fingers, the range of motion in the MCP joints must be >60°. In the thumb, the carpometacarpal joint must be stable. A distraction frame is applied to the bone with two Kirschner (K) wires or threaded pins fixing each bone proximally and distally (Fig. 26.5A,B). A subperiosteal corticotomy is performed between the proximal and distal fixation points (Fig. 26.5C) and the bones are distracted by 4 mm. Postoperatively, distraction is begun after 1 week at 1 mm/day, with weekly radiographs to monitor progress (Fig. 26.6).
Once the required soft tissue length is obtained, a further procedure is performed to bone graft the resultant defect with bone graft from the metatarsals, harvested subperiosteally (Fig. 26.7). This rapid soft tissue distraction differs from distraction osteogenesis (callotasis) in the rapidity of distraction and need for bone grafting into the sheath of osteoid that forms. Its advantage is the shorter time needed with the distractor in place in bone on which it may have a tenuous hold. Other authors4 have suggested that in children bone grafting is unnecessary but that has not been our experience where awaiting bone formation has increased the number of complications with failure of fixation and resulted in some loss of the initial length obtained.
Outcomes, prognosis, and complications
Free nonvascularized phalangeal transfer
Free nonvascularized phalangeal transfer for symbrachydactyly will have a poor outcome if:
1. There is inadequate space in the digital sac for the transferred proximal phalanx
2. If the transferred proximal phalanx is shortened to fit into the digital sac; it will be then be resorbed if the medullary cavity is exposed
3. If there is disruption to the periosteal covering on the proximal phalangeal transfer
4. If the transfer is sutured to divided flexor and extensor tendon, in other words, disruption of the dorsal hood, will lead to an imbalance between adjacent toes.
In terms of growth outcomes, it is often stated that the transfers should be undertaken below 18 months of age but in our series of over 100 free nonvascularized phalangeal transfers this did not prove to be the case and we found open epiphyses were maintained even in transfers up to the age of 7 years.5 It is impossible to comment on whether or not the growth plates close prematurely because in all the published series the numbers are simply not enough to make a reasonable assumption. The viability of non-vascularized phalangeal transfers is assured provided they have a periosteal covering and there is no tension in the digital sac.
Distraction augmentation manoplasty
With regard to the digits that are produced this are often thin and more prone to fracture, but the children concerned value the digits enormously (Fig. 26.8). From a functional point of view, they improve the control of the flat hand, span and grasp of large objects. Psychological benefit to these children is from having four digits of equal length which move well at the MP joints. It is important to understand that the MCP joints that are created by the nonvascularized phalangeal transfers do achieve up to 80° of motion frequently.
Foot donor site (free phalangeal transfer)
Bourke and Kay6 utilize a dowel-shaped bone graft from the iliac crest, with its apophysis, to replace the proximal phalanx in the foot and this may well be a very sensible approach but requires long-term study to assess its efficacy.
Outcomes of free toe transfer
Three-quarters of the children will be expected to undergo secondary procedures including tenolysis and pulp debulking.7 Despite tenolysis, the active range of motion remains significantly less than the passive range although it appears better when the transfer is done in the older child.8 Recovery of protective sensation in the transferred digit is expected although, two-point discrimination and light touch sensation appear to recover better when the transfer is under the age of 8 years. The transfers are naturally incorporated into use, although their grip and pinch strength are less than on the normal side.9
The majority of children, when there has been appropriate counselling and discussion prior to surgery, have physical and psychological benefits from toe transfer (Fig. 26.9). Problems in the child may be anticipated where the parents are poorly adjusted to the hand anomaly.10
Congenital longitudinal arrest
Key points 2
• Longitudinal deficiencies are often associated with other anomalies which may be life-threatening, disabling or minor.
• The degree of disability is variable and is notably greater where the deformity is bilateral when even the basic functions of the hand can be impaired (see Fig. 26.1).
• Longitudinal deficiencies usually benefit from surgery both for functional and aesthetic reasons.
• Surgery is ideally completed by school age; this lies within period of most rapid growth. Early surgery may prevent progression of deformity and allow early skeletal realignment.
• Any surgery has the potential of impairing growth.
• Surgical tissue augmentation, tendon or muscle transfer, will not improve overall strength but will redistribute it to allow more normal function.
• Strength may be increased with free digital transfer where existing tendons can be brought into play to improve pinch and grip strength.
• Although there is research looking at untreated cases, there is little work showing the long term outcome of treated cases.
Phocomelia describes an intercalary failure of formation, where there are distal structures present but a long bone, such as the humerus or radius and ulna, is largely absent (Fig. 26.9). Short finger type symbrachydactyly represents an intercalary deficiency but with smaller bones absent – these cases are not included usually within the term phocomelia.
Phocomelia hit the headlines in the late 1960s when a rise in the number of children born with this and other congenital limb anomalies was noted and associated with the ingestion of thalidomide. The drug was subsequently banned from use and has only recently regained its popularity as an antiemetic, now used in those undergoing chemotherapy for malignancy. The children of those affected by thalidomide do not themselves appear to be at increased risk of producing children with limb anomalies.11
Basic science/disease process
Although phocomelia is mainly sporadic, there are some problems with the same underlying genetic basis which produce four limb abnormalities which may be phocomelic. This includes Roberts syndrome, which is caused by mutation in the ESCO2 gene on chromosome 8, inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion.12 The ESCO2 genes are important in producing the ESCO protein product required for attachment of sister chromatid cohesion during S phases to allow chromosomal separation during cell divisions. In Roberts syndrome, the protein is abnormal so the chromatids attach poorly and cell division is delayed.
Phocomelia has been mimicked in chick limb buds by exposure to X-irradiation. It was thought that this caused a patterning defect as the cell’s identity was determined by its time spent in the progress zone. More recently, research has suggested that both thalidomide and X-irradiation cause defects due to a time-dependent loss of skeletal progenitors which do not survive or differentiate.13 It is known that antiangiogenic analogues of thalidomide induce chick limb defects. It is likely that thalidomide prevents angiogenesis and this would be expected to cause upstream changes in limb morphogenesis.14
Diagnosis/patient presentation
There are three main types of phocomelia:
• Type I: hand attached directly to the trunk (complete phocomelia)
• Type II: short forearm attached to trunk (proximal phocomelia)
• Type III: short humerus attached to hand (distal phocomelia).
The clavicle and scapula may be abnormal in addition to the glenoid, which is hypoplastic. In type III, it may be difficult to distinguish between a severe radial or ulna longitudinal deficiency and phocomelia especially in cases with TAR syndrome who typically have extremely short forearms. Many have abnormalities proximal or distal to the segmental defects which suggest that those cases considered to be phocomelia may, in fact, fit better into a diagnosis of longitudinal dysplasia (Fig. 26.10).15
Radial hypoplasia or aplasia
Key points 4
• Radial ray dysplasia is a spectrum from minor size discrepancy in the thumb to complete absence of the thumb and radius. In any case of thumb hypoplasia, the proximal forearm and the contralateral thumb should be carefully evaluated.
• Cardiac and hematological associations need to ruled out.
• The prognosis is poorer when associated with syndromes.
• Treatment may range from simple tendon transfers to complex soft tissue and bony distractions.
• Soft tissue distraction makes wrist centralization or stabilization technically easier.
• Stabilization retains motion at the “wrist” but is inherently unstable.
• Centralization is stable but relatively immobile.