Reverse First Dorsal Ulnar Perforator Flap (Brunelli)

Chapter 36

Reverse First Dorsal Ulnar Perforator Flap (Brunelli)

Table 36.1 Reverse first dorsal ulnar perforator flap (Brunelli)




Skin and subcutaneous tissue

Course of the vessels

On the undersurface of the flap


3 × 1.5 cm

Extensions and combinations



Neurovascular pedicle


Recurrent ulnar branch of the princeps pollicis artery


No identifiable vein

Length and arc of rotation



Surgical technique


Preoperative examination and markings

Dorsal aspect of the first metacarpal; Doppler identification of the vessels and their courses

Flap design

Mark the defect size and include the cutaneous extension distally to facilitate skin closure of the donor site and rotation of the flap into the defect; the flap can be considered a “propeller” type flap since it is rotated on an isolated vascular pedicle into an adjacent defect

Patient position

Arm on arm table, with the hand pronated


Incise the flap circumferentially in the marked and required dimensions; begin the dissection close to the paratenon of the extensor pollicis longus; the vessel that runs along the periosteum of the first metacarpal must be “peeled off” of the periosteum; dissect toward the pivot point, where the vessel exits from underneath; rotate the flap into the defect and then close the skin without tension


Local flap with reliable blood supply, when the vessel can be identified with a handheld Doppler


Not an easy dissection for novices, because the vessel is very fragile

Pearls and pitfalls



It may be necessary to leave a little dog-ear around the pivot point if the perforating vessel is not clearly visible

Extensions and combinations

Contouring and correction

Secondary contouring is rarely necessary

Clinical applications

Dorsal defects of the thumb distal from the interphalangeal joint

May 9, 2019 | Posted by in Reconstructive surgery | Comments Off on Reverse First Dorsal Ulnar Perforator Flap (Brunelli)

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