Neurophysiologic Testing for Pelvic Floor Disorders

11 Neurophysiologic Testing for Pelvic Floor Disorders

Gynecologists frequently encounter patients with abnormal bowel, bladder, and sexual function. Normal pelvic visceral function depends on the complex interactions of intact somatic and autonomic nervous systems. Several diseases or injuries of the central and peripheral nervous systems can result in alterations in pelvic visceral function (Box 11-1). The clinical evaluation of patients with urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, voiding dysfunction, defecatory dysfunction, or pelvic organ prolapse should include a history and physical examination that includes a clinical neurologic evaluation. When this evaluation suggests the possibility of an underlying neurologic condition, several neurophysiologic tests can be performed to assist in diagnosis. Commonly used tests to evaluate the autonomic function of the bladder and bowel include urodynamics and anal manometry. Tests that are used to directly investigate the integrity of the somatic innervation of the pelvic floor muscles and urinary and anal sphincters include electromyography (EMG), nerve conduction studies (e.g., the pudendal nerve terminal motor latency [PNTML]), and the electrophysiologic evaluation of the sacral reflexes.

Neurophysiologic tests have played an important role in expanding our understanding of the relationship among vaginal childbirth, pelvic floor denervation, pudendal neuropathy, and the development of disorders of the pelvic floor such as urinary and fecal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Recent studies suggest that neurophysiologic testing may have a prognostic role in predicting likelihood of success for certain therapies, such as Burch colposuspension for treatment of stress urinary incontinence and sacral neuromodulation for the management of refractory urge urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence. This chapter will review the common neurophysiologic tests used to investigate pelvic floor dysfunction, including EMG, nerve conduction studies, and sacral reflex studies.


Common neurophysiologic tests used to investigate peripheral neurologic disease include EMG, nerve conduction studies, and spinal reflex testing. These tests are often performed together, because each provides unique information about the integrity of the nervous system. The results of electrodiagnostic testing should always be interpreted in the context of the patient’s clinical presentation and examination findings. Other tests that are often useful in evaluation of the patient with pelvic floor symptoms and suspected neurologic disease include urodynamics, anal manometry, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (lumbar and pelvic), dynamic proctography, and endo-anal ultrasound.

The following section is intended to provide a fundamental overview of the neurophysiologic tests commonly used in the investigation of pelvic floor disorders. Some common indications for neurophysiologic testing of the pelvic floor are listed in Box 11-2.

Electromyography (EMG)

The term electromyography is a general term that refers to methods of studying electrical activity of muscle. Various EMG techniques exist, each with its own indications, advantages, and limitations. Of the many EMG techniques, only a few have use for the study of pelvic floor disorders. EMG techniques study neuromuscular activity of striated muscles, using a recording electrode that is inserted into or placed on the surface of a muscle. Bioelectric potentials generated by the depolarization of the skeletal striated muscle are picked up by this electrode and then filtered and amplified. They are displayed on an oscilloscope for visual analysis and fed through a speaker system so that they can be monitored acoustically. Modern computer-based equipment allows for conversion of the signal into digital data that can then be easily stored, processed, and analyzed. Electromyographic studies used to evaluate pelvic floor disorders can be separated broadly into two categories: kinesiologic EMG (kEMG) and motor-unit EMG. Kinesiologic EMG is used to simply assess the activity or inactivity of a muscle, usually the urethral or anal sphincter; it is used in conjunction with physiologic tests, such as urodynamics and anal manometry, to assess sphincter relaxation during voiding or defecation. Kinesiologic EMG is also used for biofeedback during pelvic muscle rehabilitation for treatment of urinary or fecal incontinence. In contrast, motor-unit EMG is a diagnostic test used to assess the neuromuscular function of a muscle. It can differentiate normal muscle from denervated/reinnervated or myopathic muscle. Common techniques used for motor-unit EMG are concentric needle EMG (CnEMG) and single-fiber EMG (SfEMG). Motor-unit EMG that uses computer-assisted digital analysis to obtain a faster, more standardized and detailed assessment of neuromuscular function than traditional needle EMG is known as quantitative EMG (qEMG). The general principles, techniques, interpretation, and limitations of each EMG technique as it applies to the investigation of pelvic floor disorders and sacral neurologic disease are outlined in the next section.

Kinesiologic EMG

Kinesiologic EMG is used to assess the activity or inactivity of a muscle during a defined activity. The technique provides information on the timing of a muscle contraction by recording the increase in electrical activity that occurs during a contraction through surface or wire/needle electrodes placed on or within the specific muscle(s) being investigated. This increase in electrical activity correlates moderately with muscle strength and has been used by some as a surrogate for measuring this parameter. However, kEMG cannot be used to detect neuropathic or myopathic changes within a muscle.

In the investigation of pelvic floor disorders, kEMG is used most frequently during urodynamic evaluations. Specifically, it is used to assess urethral sphincter and/or pelvic floor muscle activity during voiding. By simultaneously recording pelvic floor muscle activity using kEMG, and detrusor pressure using the urodynamic pressure catheters, detrusor/sphincter coordination can be assessed. The primary role of kEMG in this context is to detect the condition of detrusor sphincter dyssynergia in which a detrusor contraction is coupled with a simultaneous urethral sphincter contraction, resulting in abnormal voiding and frequent urinary retention. Similarly, kEMG can also be used to investigate coordinated relaxation of the levator ani muscles during defecation. This EMG technique has been used by some to diagnose anismus, a condition characterized by an inappropriate contraction of the levator ani complex, particularly the puborectalis muscle, during defecation resulting in obstructed evacuation. Another common use for kEMG is to provide visual and/or audio biofeedback of pelvic floor muscle activity during a pelvic muscle exercise program for treatment of urinary or fecal incontinence. Pelvic floor rehabilitation using biofeedback has long been advocated as more effective than teaching pelvic muscle exercises with verbal instructions alone, although recent studies by Burgio et al. (2002) have called this into question.

Kinesiologic EMG can be performed with various types of surface or intramuscular (needle or wire) electrodes. Surface electrodes measure the net electrical activity within a muscle. They have the advantage of being simple and noninvasive; however, they are prone to artifact and contamination from signals from other muscles. Because they measure net electrical activity of a muscle and are not capable of measuring individual motor unit potentials, surface electrodes cannot be used to diagnostically evaluate for denervation/reinnervation injury or myopathic diseases. Surface electrodes are used commonly for biofeedback for pelvic floor strengthening in the treatment of urinary or fecal incontinence. For measuring levator ani activity, two small circular skin electrodes are commonly applied on each side of the perineum at 1 cm anterior to the anus. Anal plugs with concentric ring electrodes are commonly used to assess external anal sphincter activity for biofeedback-assisted sphincter strengthening for the treatment of fecal incontinence. Similarly, ring electrodes placed on a Foley catheter at 1 cm distal from the balloon have been used to measure urethral sphincter activity. Electrical activity measured from surface or ring electrodes are amplified and visually displayed on a computer screen and/or audibly projected through a speaker system to provide the patient with immediate feedback during a contraction. Often surface electrodes are also placed on the gluteus or abdominal muscles so that patients can learn to appropriately contract their pelvic floor/sphincter muscles while avoiding simultaneous contraction from other surrounding muscle groups.

To evaluate detrusor-sphincter coordination in a patient with voiding dysfunction, kEMG is performed in conjunction with a urodynamic evaluation. Either surface electrodes are applied to the perineum as described earlier, or a wire electrode is placed periurethrally into the urethral sphincter. The electrical activity of the pelvic floor/urethral sphincter is then recorded during the voiding phase of the study.

In a neurologically intact subject, voiding is characterized by cessation of all sphincter EMG activity just before contraction of the detrusor muscle. In patients who have spinal cord lesions between the lower sacral segments and the upper pons, coordination between the detrusor muscle and the urethral sphincter can be lost. This detrusor sphincter dyssynergia is characterized by an increase in sphincter EMG activity during a detrusor contraction rather than a decrease, and these patients typically have severe voiding dysfunction and urinary retention.

As a diagnostic test, except for the evaluation of detrusor-sphincter coordination, the relevance of kEMG is unclear, and no standardized method for performing or interpreting kEMG has been accepted. In the artificial setting of the urodynamic laboratory, many neurologically intact women will contract their urethral sphincter during voiding because of embarrassment and/or the discomfort of the urethral catheters and electrodes. Therefore, it is important to ask the patient whether she is trying to stop voiding voluntarily so that detrusor sphincter dyssynergia is not diagnosed in error. In a study of 550 consecutive patients, Blaivas et al. (1981) found that dyssynergia was found only in patients with well-defined lesions of the suprasacral spinal cord. Therefore, the diagnosis of detrusor sphincter dyssynergia made in the absence of other neurologic deficits consistent with this level of injury should be suspect. Inappropriate urethral contraction during voiding can also be a learned behavior resulting in dysfunctional voiding.

As a method of biofeedback, kEMG is useful, but the limitations associated with surface electrodes still apply.

Concentric Needle EMG

CnEMG is a widely used diagnostic test for evaluating the neuromuscular integrity of skeletal muscles. It can be used to differentiate normal muscle from muscle that is neuropathic or myopathic. A concentric needle electrode consists of a stainless-steel outer cannula within which runs a fine silver, steel, or platinum wire that is insulated except at its tip. The concentric needle is inserted into a muscle where the inner wire serves as a recording electrode, whereas the outer cannula serves as a reference electrode. Bioelectrical potentials are measured as voltage differences between the two electrodes that are then recorded, displayed, and analyzed. A CnEMG examination provides information on the insertional activity, spontaneous activity, motor-unit action potentials (MUAPs), and recruitment pattern (also known as interference pattern) of a muscle. Interpretation of each component provides the examiner with information about the presence and duration of neuropathic and/or myopathic injury to the examined muscle (see later).

CnEMG can be performed on an individual muscle, as on the anal sphincter when evaluating isolated fecal incontinence, or systematically performed on several muscles to determine the level of a neurologic injury. All muscles that are innervated by one spinal segment (level) are referred to as a myotome. Using CnEMG to systematically evaluate several muscles in different myotomes often permits localization of a lesion to the spinal root, nerve plexus, or an individual peripheral nerve. In a patient with bowel or bladder dysfunction in which a neurologic cause is suspected, a thorough evaluation often requires EMG of the lower extremity as well as pelvic floor musculature.


The clinical history and sacral neurologic examination should be reviewed carefully before beginning the EMG evaluation, because this will help determine which muscles should be examined. Ideally, the evaluation should be performed in a shielded room to prevent interference from other electronic devices or AC power cords. The patient is placed in a comfortable position that allows access to the pelvic floor musculature, usually the dorsal lithotomy or lateral decubitus positions. A grounding surface electrode is applied. Most laboratories do not use local anesthetics in any form before insertion of the needle electrodes, although some authors advocate using a topical anesthetic, particularly for examination of the urethral or anal sphincter. After wiping the skin overlying the appropriate muscle with alcohol, the concentric needle electrode is inserted until the insertional activity of the muscle is noted, confirming that the electrode is within the muscle. The EMG investigation consists of analysis of electrical activity at rest (assessment of spontaneous activity), at slight voluntary contraction (MUAP analysis), and at strong contraction (interference pattern analysis). Generally, the most painful portion of the examination is the initial insertion through the skin, so several sites within the muscle should be sampled by moving the tip of the needle without removing it from the skin. Depending on the muscle, more than one skin penetration may be necessary. Both the visual output on the screen of the EMG machine and the audio output from the speaker are used to assess the quality of the recording and to identify electrophysiologic phenomena. Commonly used settings for CnEMG evaluation of the pelvic floor muscles are filter settings 5 Hz to 10 kHz; horizontal sweep speed 10 msec/div; and gain setting 50–500 μV/div.


Both the subcutaneous and deep portions of the external anal sphincter (EAS) are accessible for CnEMG evaluation. To study the subcutaneous portion of the EAS, the needle electrode is inserted 1 cm outside the mucocutaneous junction of the anal orifice, to a depth of 3 to 6 mm beneath the skin. The deep portion of the EAS is assessed by inserting the needle at the mucocutaneous junction of the anus, at an angle of about 30 degrees to the anal canal axis, for a depth of 1 to 3 cm. Typically, the subcutaneous and/or deep portion of the EAS are sampled in at least four quadrants, roughly divided into the upper and lower, left and right portions of the sphincter. Ideally, 20 or more MUAPs should be sampled during the evaluation (Fig. 11-1).

“Anal mapping” has been used in the past to identify the location of a sphincter defect before an anal sphincteroplasty in the treatment of fecal incontinence. To identify the precise location of a sphincter defect, more needle insertions are typically required, usually at 9 o’clock, 10 o’clock, 12 o’clock, 2 o’clock, 3 o’clock, and 6 o’clock positions. Endo-anal ultrasound has largely replaced anal mapping with EMG for the identification and localization of sphincter defects.


CnEMG is a valuable tool for evaluating lower motor neuron disease and muscle disease. Lesions involving the upper motor neurons in isolation have a normal EMG evaluation. The initial assessment in any CnEMG examination is an evaluation for insertional activity. Insertional activity is the electrical activity that occurs when the needle electrode is first introduced into a muscle or is moved, is the result of mechanical stimulation or injury of the muscle fibers, and usually stops within about 2 seconds of movement. The presence of insertional activity confirms that the electrode has been placed within the muscle. Absence of insertional activity with an appropriately placed needle electrode usually means a complete atrophy of the examined muscle. Once the needle has been properly placed, the patient is asked to completely relax the muscle being examined, and the presence or absence of spontaneous activity is assessed. Denervated muscle fibers may produce rhythmic spontaneous electric potentials, such as fibrillation waves or positive sharp waves. The presence of this spontaneous activity in a resting muscle is a sign of denervation. In the urethral sphincter, the anal sphincter, and the levator ani muscles, which all tonically contract even in the resting state, the only normal spontaneous activity is normal MUAPs. In limb muscles and the bulbocavernosus muscle, which do not tonically contract, there should be a complete absence of spontaneous activity at rest. The pelvic floor muscles achieve complete electrical silence during voiding and defecation. Spontaneous activity that is found in pathologic conditions includes fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves, complex repetitive discharges, fasciculations, myotonia, myokymia, and neuromyotonia (Fig. 11-2). Fibrillation potentials are biphasic muscle fiber potentials that occur spontaneously and typically have an amplitude of between 20 to 300 μV and a duration of less than 5 msec. They usually fire rhythmically at a rate of 2 to 20 Hz. Fibrillation potentials develop 2 to 30 days after an injury and can occur with a motor nerve lesion as well as with primary muscle diseases, such as acute muscle injury, muscular dystrophies, and inflammatory myopathies. Positive sharp waves are biphasic waves with an amplitude of 20 to 500 μV and a 1- to 5-msec duration. They are more common than fibrillations and have a similar clinical significance. Complex repetitive discharges (CRDs) are spontaneous high-frequency discharges with a regular firing pattern beginning and ending abruptly that can be bizarre in appearance. They can be found after chronic partial denervation, muscular dystrophy, inflammatory myopathies, and in some metabolic disorders. The striated urethral sphincter appears to be particularly likely to develop CRDs, which have been found in association with urinary retention in young women (Fowler’s syndrome) and even in some neurologically normal women.

The motor unit is the smallest functional unit of the motor system and consists of a motor neuron, its axon, and all of the muscle fibers innervated by the axon. The motor unit in a normal human limb muscle consists of several dozen muscle fibers lying within an area of 5 to 10 mm diameter. The MUAP is a compound potential representing the sum of the individual action potentials generated in the few muscle fibers of the motor unit that are within the pickup range of the recording electrode. After a determination about spontaneous activity is made, the patient is asked to slightly contract the muscle being examined, and attention is turned to MUAP analysis. The shape, amplitude, duration, number of phases, and stability of each MUAP should be assessed. Most EMG units have a trigger-and-delay mechanism that allows MUAPs to be “frozen” for more careful analysis. Ideally, 20 or more MUAPs should be sampled for each muscle. This is often difficult for striated urethral sphincter, where analysis of 10 MUAPs is often all that can be achieved due to the small size of the muscle. Muscles that have been denervated and reinnervated, and muscles that are myopathic, have distinct MUAP characteristics from those of normal muscle (Fig. 11-3). The morphology of a MUAP reflects, among other things, the number and local concentration of muscle fibers comprising a motor unit. After a neuronal injury, the muscle fibers innervated by that neuron begin to atrophy. Adjacent nerve fibers attempt to reinnervate these denervated muscle fibers, resulting in a neuron that now supplies a greater number of muscle fibers. This creates a MUAP with larger amplitude, longer duration, and a greater number of phases and turns. Because these changes depend upon reinnervation by an adjacent motor neuron, large complex polyphasic MUAPs are not typically seen until 3 to 6 months after a nerve injury. In the setting of an acute nerve injury, reinnervation has not had time to occur and MUAP morphology is normal. Myopathic injury results in a loss of muscle fibers and therefore a motor unit with fewer muscle fibers. This results in a MUAP with shorter duration and smaller amplitude than normal.

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