Note: Page numbers of article titles are in boldface type.
Abbe lip switch procedure, in scar management, of chin and perioral region, 59
Ablative lasers, in scar management. See also specific anatomical scar.
LAD and, 106–107, 109
limitations of, 115
of nose, 51–52
Abrasion techniques, in scar management. See Dermabrasion; Lasers/laser resurfacing.
Absorbable sutures, properties of common, 7–8
Absorption, of topical drugs, 106
Acne scars, of cheek, revision of, 42–43
Acoustic device, topical application with, in LAD, 114–115
Adjunctive procedures. See also Nonsurgical interventions.
in scar management, of auricle scars, 78–79
calcium antagonism as, 78
chemotherapeutic agents as, 78
cryosurgery as, 78
imiquimod as, 78
intralesional steroids as, 78–79
pressure therapy as, 79
radiation therapy as, 78–79
radiofrequency tissue volume reduction as, 79
silicon sheeting as, 78–79
of cheek, dermabrasion as, 41
laser resurfacing as, 41–42
tissue expander as, 40
of chin and perioral region, 65–69
botulinum toxin as, 66–67
camouflage as, 68–69
dermabrasion as, 65
intralesional injections as, 67–68
laser as, 65–67
silicone gel sheeting as, 68
topical agents as, 68
volume restoration with grafts or fillers as, 66, 68
of forehead, 21–23
dermabrasion as, 22–23
goals of, 21
laser resurfacing as, 21–22
of neck, 102
of nose, 49
in scar minimization, 11
Advancement flaps, in scar management, of chin and perioral region, 58–64
of neck, 102
of paramedian forehead, bipedicle, 17
of temple region, 19
Aesthetic units/subunits, of face. See Facial analysis; Facial subunits.
Age, as scarring factor, 4–5
5-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA), LAD of, 106, 108, 114–115
Anatomy, in scar management, of auricle, 73
of cheek, 37–39
of chin and perioral region, 55–57
of forehead, 16–17
of hair follicle, 84
of periorbital region, 25–27
of scalp, 83–84
in scar minimization, 2–3
facial areas prone to, 2, 5
facial subunits and, 5–7
Animal models, of LAD, porcine, 108
of wound healing, skin vs. mucosa, 91–92
Antimicrobial prophylaxis, for minimizing scarring, 5
with LAD, 109
Ascorbic acid, LAD of, 106, 112–113
Atrophic facial scars, LAD for, 111–112
Atrophic lichen planus, oral mucosa scars and, 93
Auditory canal, external, stenosis of, 75
Auricle scars, 73–81
adjunctive procedures for, 78–79
calcium antagonism as, 78
chemotherapeutic agents as, 78
cryosurgery as, 78
imiquimod as, 78
intralesional steroids as, 78–79
pressure therapy as, 79
radiation therapy as, 78–79
radiofrequency tissue volume reduction as, 79
silicon sheeting as, 78–79
anatomy of, 73
cauliflower ear and, 74–75
management of, 79
cutaneous wound healing and, 73–74
embryology and, 73
from rhytidectomies, 75
hematoma and, 74–75
hypertrophic, 74
introduction to, 73
keloids as, 74
Chang-Park classification of, 78
management of, nonsurgical, 78–79
surgical, 77–78
key points of, 73
management and treatment of, 75–79
adjunctive procedures in, 78–79
for cauliflower ear, 79
for keloids, 77–79
general principles of, 75–76
nonsurgical therapies in, 78–79
surgical options for, 76–78
summary of, 79–80
surgical techniques for, 76–78
fusiform elliptical excision as, 76
GBLC as, 76
nonsurgical therapies vs., 78–79
wide excision as, 76–77
W-plasty as, 76
Z-plasty as, 76–77
Auricular hematoma, cauliflower ear and, 74–75
Autologous platelet-rich plasma, in scar management, of cheek, 42
Barrier properties, of skin, 106
treatment strategies and, 105–106
Basal cell cancer, nasal, MMS for, nasal scarring and, 50–52
Basement membrane, in skin vs. mucosa anatomy, 90–92
Basement membrane disease, oral mucosa scars associated with, 94–95
Bernard non Burow flap, in scar management, of chin and perioral region, 60, 62
Bilirubin, in skin color/pigmentation perception, 119–120
Bimatoprost, in scar management, LAD of, 112–113
Biopsy, of pemphigus vulgaris, 94–95
Bipedicle advancement flap, in scar management, of paramedian forehead, 17
Bleomycin, in scar management, of chin and perioral region, 68
of neck, 100
of perioral region, 58
Bone, exposed, in scalp scar management, 85–86
Bossing, in scar management, of paramedian forehead, 17
Botulinum toxin, in scar management, of chin and perioral region, 57–58, 66–67
of forehead, 23
Brow, in scar management. See Eyebrow.
Buccal mucosa harvest, as donor tissue, oral mucosa scars from, 95
Barrier properties, of skin, 106
treatment strategies and, 105–106
Basal cell cancer, nasal, MMS for, nasal scarring and, 50–52
Basement membrane, in skin vs. mucosa anatomy, 90–92
Basement membrane disease, oral mucosa scars associated with, 94–95
Bernard non Burow flap, in scar management, of chin and perioral region, 60, 62
Bilirubin, in skin color/pigmentation perception, 119–120
Bimatoprost, in scar management, LAD of, 112–113
Biopsy, of pemphigus vulgaris, 94–95
Bipedicle advancement flap, in scar management, of paramedian forehead, 17
Bleomycin, in scar management, of chin and perioral region, 68
of neck, 100
of perioral region, 58
Bone, exposed, in scalp scar management, 85–86
Bossing, in scar management, of paramedian forehead, 17
Botulinum toxin, in scar management, of chin and perioral region, 57–58, 66–67
of forehead, 23
Brow, in scar management. See Eyebrow.
Buccal mucosa harvest, as donor tissue, oral mucosa scars from, 95
Calcium antagonism, in scar management, of auricles, 78
Camouflage, in scar management, of cheek, 37
of chin and perioral region, 68–69
of neck, 99, 101
Canthal tendons, in scar management, of periorbital region, 26–27
Canthus, in scar management, of periorbital region, anatomy of, 26–27
reconstruction of medial, 32–34
Capsulopalpebral fascia (CPF), in scar management, of periorbital region, 27
Carotene, in skin color/pigmentation perception, 119–120
Cartilage, in auricles, 73
cauliflower ear and, 79
Cauliflower ear, auricle scars and, 74–75
hematoma in, 74–75
management of, 79
Cautery, in scar management, of periorbital region, 34
in scar minimization, 6
Cavitation force, with LAD, 114
CelluTome, in epidermal skin harvesting, 113
Chang-Park classification, of auricular keloids, 78
Channel density, and LAD, 107, 109
Channel depth, effect on LAD, 107–109
Channel filling, PVP, in LAD, 115
Cheek scars, revision of, 37–43
acne scars and, 42–43
adjunctive procedures in, dermabrasion as, 41
laser resurfacing as, 41–42
tissue expander as, 40
anatomic considerations of, 37–39
introduction to, 37
key points of, 37
nonsurgical techniques for, autologous platelet-rich plasma as, 42
cosmetics as, 42
5-FU as, 42
mechanical force as, 42
silicone sheets/gels as, 42
steroids as, 42
patient evaluation for, 38, 40
summary of, 43
surgical techniques for, 38, 40–42
excision as, 40
GBLC as, 41
overview of, 38, 40
running W-plasty as, 40–41
scar irregularization as, 40
scar repositioning as, 41
scar resurfacing as, 41–42
subscision as, 41
timing of, 38
Chemical modifications, of topical drugs, for delivery enhancement, 106
Chemotherapeutic agents, in scar management, LAD of, 106
of auricles, 78
of cheek, 42
of chin and perioral region, 68
of neck, 100
of periorbital region, 34
oral mucosa scars associated with, 96
Chin scars, treating, 55–71
adjunctive procedures in, 65–69
botulinum toxin as, 66–67
camouflage as, 68–69
dermabrasion as, 65
intralesional injections as, 67–68
laser as, 65–67
silicone gel sheeting as, 68
topical agents as, 68
volume restoration with grafts or fillers as, 66, 68
anatomy of, 55–57
functional attributes of, 56
introduction to, 55
key points of, 55
patient evaluation for, 56
subunity organized approach to, 57–64
lower lip in, 59–62
oral commissure in, 64
overview of, 57–58
red lip (vermilion) in, 61–64
border of, 63–64
upper white lip in, 58–61
vermilion border in, 63–64
vermilion (red lip) in, 61–64
summary of, 69
surgical techniques in, 64–66
GBLC as, 65–66
subunit organized approach to, 57–64
W-plasty as, 58, 65
Z-plasty as, 58, 61, 63–65
Chronic mucosal irritation, oral mucosa scars associated with, 95
Cicatricial retraction with ectropion, in scar management, of periorbital region, 30
with free tarsal graft, 30–31
Cicatricial retraction with entropion, in scar management, of periorbital region, 30
Clinical evaluation. See Patient evaluation.
Coagulation zone, in LAD, 108
Collagen, in keloid vs. hypertrophic scarring, 74
in neck, 100, 102
LAD effect on, 113
remodeling of, in nasal scarring, 51
Color, human perception of, 119–120
in ethnic skin, 119–125 . See also Skin color.
Comorbidities. See Medical conditions/comorbidities.
Constitutive skin pigmentation, in ethnic skin, 120
control mechanism of, 122–123
Contour status, in scar management, of cheek, 40
of neck, 99–100
case study of, 102–103
Contraction, in scar management, buccal mucosa harvest and, 95
of chin and perioral region, 58, 62, 64
wound, as scarring factor, 6–7
Corticosteroids, in scar management. See Steroids.
Cosmeceuticals, as irritants, susceptibility to, 124
in scar management, LAD of, 115
of cheek, 42
CPF (capsulopalpebral fascia), in scar management, of periorbital region, 27
Cryosurgery, intralesional, in scar management, of auricles, 78
Curettage, for LAD, 107
Cushing’s syndrome, related to LAD, 115
Cutaneous delivery systems, for topical drugs, 106. See also Laser-assisted delivery (LAD).
Cutaneous (white) lip, upper, in scar management, of chin and perioral region, 58–61
Cutaneous wound healing, basics of, 73–74
vs. mucosa, 90–92
animal model of, 91–92
Cytokines, antiproliferative, in scar minimization, 11–12
in wound healing. See Inflammation.
DE junction, in skin anatomy, 3
Debridement, of cauliflower ear, 79
Decision-making tree, for eyelid laxity correction, 28–29
Dermabrasion, in scar management, of cheek, 41
of chin and perioral region, 65
of forehead, 22–23
of neck, 101
in scar minimization, 11
Dermis, color of, 119–120
in skin anatomy, 2–3
vs. oral mucosa, 90–92
Digital imaging, for skin color quantitation, 121–122
Direct immunofluorescence microscopy, of pemphigus vulgaris, 94–95
Disease states, as scarring factor, 2, 4
DNA, damage to, from chemotherapy. See specific agent.
with UV exposure, 120
Dosimetry, laser, for LAD, 107
Drug delivery, laser-assisted, for facial scars, 106, 109
5-FU in, 109–111
bimatoprost in, 112
current treatments vs., 105–106
FDA stance on, 115
molecular weight and, 108
PLLA in, 111–112
topical, 106, 114–115
topical with acoustic device, 114–115
topical with meretes article, 114–115
triamcinolone acetonide in, 109–111
vitamins in, 106, 112–113
Drug diffusion, molecular weight and, in LAD, 108
Dry–wet border, of chin and perioral region, in scar management, 56–57, 64
Ears, external, scarring of, 73–81 . See also Auricle scars.
Ectropion, 28–29
cicatricial retraction with, in scar management, of periorbital region, 30
with free tarsal graft, 30–31
Effacement, in scar management, of cheek, 37
Elliptical excision, fusiform, in scar management, of auricles, 76
Embryology, of auricle, 73
Entropion, 28–29
cicatricial retraction with, in scar management, of periorbital region, 30
Environment, in skin vs. mucosa anatomy, 90–92
Epidermal skin transplantation, LAD in, 113–114
Epidermis, color of, 119–120
in skin anatomy, 2–3
vs. oral mucosa, 90–92
Epithelium, in skin vs. mucosa, anatomy of, 90, 92
wound healing and, 90–92
Erosive lichen planus, oral mucosa scars and, 93–94
Erythema, in nasal scarring, vascular laser for, 51
in skin pigmentation, 120
ethnic skin response to stress and, 124
Estlander cross-lip flap, in scar management, of chin and perioral region, 59, 61
Ethnicity, as scarring factor, 2, 4
in response to stress, skin color related to, 123
treatment implications of, 123–124
melanin content for unexposed skin per, 120
skin color and pigmentation influences of, 119–125 . See also Skin color; Skin pigmentation.
Eumelanin, skin color variations related to, 121–122
Evolutionary aspects, of skin pigmentation, 123
Excision, in scar management, fusiform. See Fusiform excision.
of auricles, for keloids, 77–78
fusiform elliptical, 76
wide, 76–77
of cheek, 40
of chin and perioral region, 58
of neck, 101
Exposed bone, in scalp scar management, 85–86
External auditory canal, stenosis of, 75
External ears, scarring of, 73–81 . See also Auricle scars.
Extirpation, of keloid core, in auricles, 77–78
Extramarginal excision, of keloids, in auricles, 77
Eyebrow, in scar management, of forehead, 18, 20
Eyelid, horizontal tightening of, in scar management, of periorbital region, 31–34
combining procedures for, 34
lateral tarsal strip procedure in, 31–32
medial canthal region reconstruction in, 32–34
Eyelid laxity, in scar management, of periorbital region, 27–29
Eyelid retraction, in scar management, of periorbital region, 27–29
Facial analysis, in scar management, of forehead, 16–17, 19–20
Facial areas, prone to scarring, 2, 5
Facial nerves, in scar management, of forehead, 17, 19
Facial scars. See also Scars/ scarring; specific anatomy.
laser-assisted delivery to treat, 105–117 . See also Laser-assisted delivery (LAD).
Facial subunits, in scar management, of cheek, 38–39
of chin and perioral region, 55–57
of forehead, 16–17
of nose, 52–53
of periorbital region, 25
in scar minimization, 5–7
Facultative skin pigmentation, in ethnic skin, 120
Fan flaps, in scar management, of chin and perioral region, 59, 62
Ferulic acid, LAD of, 112–113
Fever blisters, scar minimization and, 5
Fibroblasts, in skin color/pigmentation variations, 122
in skin vs. mucosa wound healing, 90–92
neck scars and, 100, 102
Fillers, in scar management, intralesional. See Intralesional fillers.
of chin and perioral region, for volume restoration, 66, 68
of nose, injectable, 50–52
Fitzpatrick skin types, as scarring factor, 2, 4, 7
ethnic skin response to stress and, 124
melanin content for unexposed skin and, 120
skin color classification and, 120, 122
5-Fluorouracil (5-FU), in scar management, LAD of, 106, 109–111
of cheek, 42
of neck, 100
of periorbital region, 34
Flaps. See also specific anatomy or flap.
local vs. regional, for neck scars, 101–102
for scalp scars, 85
Follicle. See Hair follicle.
Follicular unit transplants, for scalp scars, 86
Force, cavitation, with LAD, 114
mechanical, in scar management, of cheek, 42
Forceps, in scar minimization, 6
Forehead analysis, for scar management, 16–17, 19–20
Forehead scars, 15–24
introduction to, 15–16
key points of, 15
management and treatment of, 16–23
adjunctive techniques for, 21–23
dermabrasion as, 22–23
goals of, 21
laser resurfacing as, 21–22
anatomical subunits in, 16–17
facial analysis in, 16–17, 19–20
mid-forehead in, 16–17
nonsurgical techniques for, 21–23
botulinum toxin as, 23
goals of, 21
intralesional fillers as, 23
steroids as, 21
overview of, 16
paramedian forehead in, 16–18
specific to forehead, 19–20
surgical techniques for, 20–21
GBLC in, 20–21
goals of, 19–20
hair transplantation in, 20
W-plasty in, 20–21
Z-plasty in, 20
temple region in, 18–19
Free flaps, in scar management, of neck, 102
Free tarsal graft, in scar management, of periorbital region, harvesting, 30–31
retraction repair and implant site preparation, 31
with cicatricial retraction with ectropion, 30–31
Free tissue transfer, for scalp scars, 86
Functional attributes, of chin and perioral region scarring, 56
Fusiform excision, in scar management, elliptical, of auricles, 76
of neck, 101
GBLC. See Geometric broken line closure (GBLC).
Gel matrix model, of LAD, 113–114
Gene expression, in skin color/pigmentation variations, 123
Genetics, of skin irritants susceptibility, 124
of skin pigmentation, 123
Geometric broken line closure (GBLC), in scar management, of auricles, 76
of cheek, 41
of chin and perioral region, 65–66
of forehead, 20–21
of neck, 101
in scar minimization, 7, 10, 12
Geo-topographic approach, to scar minimization, 5
of cheek, 38–39
of forehead, 16–17, 19
Gilles fan flap, in scar management, of chin and perioral region, 59, 62
Grafts/grafting. See also specific anatomy or type.
as scarring factor, 6–7
in scar management, for volume restoration, of chin and perioral region, 66, 68

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