Bilaterally symmetric, mildly enlarged breasts in a male patient.
Minimal excess skin.
Normal body habitus, without evidence of obesity.
Time course of breast development and changes.
New onset of breast pain, lactation, or enlargement.
Presence of testicular masses.
Current and prior medication or drug use (i.e., marijuana)
Anti-androgens (spironolactone), anabolic steroids, HIV medications, diazepam, tricyclic antidepressants, antibiotics, digoxin, calcium channel blockers, furosemide, risperidone.
Alcohol, amphetamines, marijuana, heroin, methadone.
Physical examination
Breast examination
Findings concerning for malignancy: Eccentricity, chest wall fixation, nipple discharge.
Tenderness: > 70% of cases of benign gynecomastia will have tenderness.
Presence of dense fibrous tissue.
Degree of skin excess
Differentiate from pseudogynecomastia.
Other feminizing characteristics.
Testicular examination.
Thyroid examination.