Major factors
Minor factors
Facial pain/pressure*
53–83 %
51–83 %
Facial congestion/fullness
70–85 %
8.8–33 %
Nasal obstruction/blockage
81–95 %
37–53 %
Nasal discharge/ purulence/discolored postnasal drainage
70–85 %
67–84 %
61–69 %
Dental pain
23–50 %
Purulence in nasal cavity on exam
10.5 %
39–65 %
Ear pain/pressure/fullness
68 %
According to the 2007 AAO-HNS clinical practice guidelines, CRS is defined as inflammation of the sinonasal tract lasting at least twelve consecutive weeks. The cardinal symptoms of CRS include nasal obstruction (present in 81–95 % of cases), facial pain, pressure, fullness or congestion (70–85 %), mucopurulent drainage (51–83 %), and hyposmia (61–69 %) [3–5]. A diagnosis of CRS requires the presence of at least two of these symptoms, in addition to sinonasal inflammation documented by one or more of the following means [6]:
Purulent or discolored rhinorrhea on endoscopy
Edema in the middle meatus or ethmoid region on endoscopy
Polyps in the nasal cavity or middle meatus on endoscopy
Radiographic imaging showing inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
The European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps (EPOS 2012) [7] defines CRS in adults as the presence of sinonasal inflammation for at least twelve weeks. A diagnosis of CRS requires the presence of two or more of the following symptoms:
Nasal obstruction (syn., blockage or congestion) OR nasal discharge (syn., anterior/posterior nasal drip) [at least one of these is required]
Facial pain/pressure
Reduction or loss of smell
The EPOS further defines CRS as either CRS with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) or CRS without nasal polyps (CRSsNP), depending on whether polyps are visualized in the middle meatus during nasal endoscopy.
By way of comparison, it is worthwhile to briefly mention three related entities: acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (ABRS), recurrent acute rhinosinusitis (RARS), and acute exacerbation on chronic rhinosinusitis. ABRS is a disease process that lasts up to four weeks and is characterized by purulent rhinorrhea with either nasal obstruction or facial pain/pressure/fullness. RARS is characterized by four or more discrete episodes of ABRS separated by symptom-free intervals [6, 8, 9]. Finally, patients with CRS may also have flare-ups or exacerbations of symptoms, termed acute-on-chronic rhinosinusitis. During these exacerbations, patients experience either new symptoms or worsening of existing symptoms, which, when treated, should improve and return to baseline CRS symptoms [10].
According to the 1996 National Health Institute Survey, CRS afflicts approximately 31 million patients (12.5 % of the population) annually [11]. In 1997, there were an estimated 18 to 22 million office visits to physicians for CRS and over half a million visits to the emergency department [12]. In 2001, over 50 % of the visits were to either family practitioners or pediatricians, and less than 10 % were to otolaryngologists. It is important to note that, unlike acute rhinosinusitis, CRS cannot be diagnosed by symptoms alone; objective findings are important to differentiate CRS from related entities that can cause similar symptoms. Despite uncertainty regarding the true prevalence of CRS, economic figures have been cited noting approximately 20 million outpatient visits annually attributed to CRS sequelae and greater than $5 billion in associated healthcare expenditures [1, 13].
As there is a strong familial incidence for CRS, there is believed to be a strong genetic predisposition. In one analysis from France of patients with CRSwNP, 53 % of patients had a family history of nasal polyposis, while 44 % had a family history of asthma [14].
A wide variety of comorbidities have been found among CRS patients. In a focused retrospective review of patients with refractory CRS, Batra et al. noted significant prevalence of asthma, nasal polyposis, aspirin sensitivity, and inhalant allergy, with greater disease burden among CRS patients with these comorbidities [1]. Several analyses have also suggested that laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) may be associated with CRS. For example, one evaluation of 77 patients confirmed to have gastroesophageal reflux disease found significantly higher SNOT-20 scores compared to controls (22.1 vs. 9.4), a difference that was noted to be statistically significant [15]. Furthermore, a separate analysis by Wise et al. found increased reporting of CRS symptoms, particularly postnasal drip, among those with LPR [16]. Despite this potential association with LPR, no direct pathophysiologic mechanisms have been described in the literature.
In their 1997 article on the definition of adult rhinosinusitis, Lanza and Kennedy suggest that rhinosinusitis could be conceptualized as a syndrome rather than a disease, given that it is an entity whose characteristics are not well established. Although this comment alludes to the heterogeneity of its clinical features, it further attests to the complexity of the pathophysiologic processes underlying CRS.
In recent years, there has been a trend toward considering CRS as two related but distinct disease processes: CRS with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) and CRS without nasal polyps (CRSsNP). The former is thought to represent primarily a Th2-mediated inflammatory process, with strong association to asthma and aspirin sensitivity. CRSsNP, on the other hand, is thought to be primarily related to Th1-mediated inflammation [19].
In many cases, CRS represents a common end point of a heterogeneous group of pathophysiologic processes, influenced by various environmental, anatomic, congenital, immune, and infectious factors. Independent of the precipitants, chronic inflammation is the common endpoint and hallmark of this disease. In the sections that follow, a variety of extrinsic and intrinsic factors that have been implicated in the pathogenesis of CRS are reviewed.
Anatomic and Physiologic Abnormalities
Any anatomic derangements that interfere with mucociliary clearance may potentially cause chronic mucus stasis that facilitates inflammation and leads to a CRS-type state. Severe septal deflections or large spurs may cause lateralization of the middle turbinate or otherwise grossly impair drainage from the middle meatus. Variant pneumatization of certain structures, such as the concha bullosa, agger nasi cell, or Haller cell, may obstruct outflow from the ostiomeatal complex. In cases where a clear anatomic cause can be identified, either clinically or radiographically, correction of this offending abnormality may potentially alleviate CRS depending on duration of preceding symptoms and underlying genetic susceptibility. However, the majority of CRS cases will not be attributable to a singular anatomic abnormality. In most cases, the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying CRS are far more complex, and an anatomic abnormality, if present, may represent only one confounding factor.
At the cellular level, the sinonasal mucosa produces a mucociliary “escalator” that forms part of the innate immune system in the upper respiratory tract. This mechanism is based on (1) the production of mucus and (2) effective ciliary beating in an organized fashion. The mucus produced contains immunoglobulins, enzymes, and other factors for trapping and/or eliminating microbes, allergens, pollutants, and other particles. This clearance can be affected by a multitude of host, environmental, and infectious factors.
In response to pollutants, the mucosa of the sinuses and nasal cavity upregulates mucus production [20, 21]. With infection and chronic inflammation, the mucociliary transport system may become impaired. The mucous takes on a more viscous state, which is more difficult to clear from the paranasal sinuses [22]. This thicker mucous also does not cover the sinonasal mucosa as effectively, leading to decreased barrier function [23]. This impairment propagates the infectious and inflammatory state by preventing the egress of the bacteria and inflammatory cytokines [24]. With age, mucociliary transport malfunctions as the cilia become increasingly dysfunctional due to microtubular construction errors and slower ciliary beat frequency, possibly leading to more frequent sinus infections in elderly patients [25]. Primary ciliary dyskinesia is discussed further later in this chapter.
It should be noted that benign or malignant neoplastic lesions may lead to obstruction of paranasal sinus outflow tract and thus result in CRS. This possibility should be kept in mind, particularly when evaluating unilateral or single-subsite disease.
Environmental Irritants
Tobacco Smoke
Similar to other airway irritants, tobacco smoke causes inflammation and increased mucus production. Patients that are chronic smokers have been found to have markedly increased mucociliary transport times. Increased clearance time leads to mucostasis, which allows for increased inflammation in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses [26]. Heavy smokers (i.e., those who smoke more than 5 packs per week) are believed to have even greater mucociliary clearance times than less avid smokers [27]. In addition to the changes in mucus viscosity and volume, ciliary beat frequency significantly decreases in these patients [28]. These findings have led to the identification of tobacco smoke and second-hand smoke as independent risk factors for CRS [29].
Immune System Dysregulation
Sinonasal Polyposis
Several alterations in the immune response have been implicated in the development of sinonasal polyposis. While sinonasal polyposis is estimated to affect approximately 4 % of the general population, its prevalence is 2–4 times greater in patients with asthma [30–32]. Moreover, sinonasal polyposis has been noted to be associated with an increased incidence in patients with aspirin intolerance, conjunctivitis, urticaria, eczema, food and other allergies, and current smokers. These disorders share a common pathophysiologic mechanism, namely, a predominance of a type 2 helper T-cell-mediated (or Th2-mediated) response. Certain studies have demonstrated an upregulation in Th2-mediated immunity, downregulation of Th1-mediated immunity, and reduction (up to 50 %) in toll-like receptor (TLR) 9 gene expression [33]. The decrease of this TLR (which helps recognize bacterial DNA) has been directly correlated with severity of CRSwNP [34]. An upregulation of B-cell activating factor of the TNF family (BAFF) has been recognized in CRSwNP. It is this upregulation that is believed to upregulate B-cell production of IgA which may also contribute to the eosinophilia of nasal polyps [34]. Ongoing basic and translational research will continue to elucidate our understanding of nasal polyposis.
Asthma and Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Unified Airway Disease
Asthma is caused by lower airway inflammation, immune dysregulation, and airway wall remodeling. The pathophysiologic changes in asthma mirror those of CRS and allergic rhinitis. The high degree of coexistence and shared causative mechanisms has led to the postulation of the concept termed the unified airway (and, consequently, unified airway disease). In unified airway disease, the Th2-mediated immune response produces local hypereosinophilia and elevated levels of immunoglobulin E (IgE), as well as elevated Th2-type cytokines, including TGF-ß [35]. This eosinophil-dominated response leads to airway remodeling. TGF-ß1 activation and regulation has been found to play important physiologic role in CRS and differ in its subtypes [35, 36]. Although exact mechanisms are still under investigation, the difference in activity of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) and fibrinolytic pathways may help differentiate either CRSwNP or CRSsNP [37].
Aspirin-Sensitive (ASA) Triad
The clinical triad of nasal polyposis, asthma, and aspirin intolerance was first described by Samter and Beers in 1968 [38]. Aspirin hypersensitivity is believed to be related to the inhibition of cyclooxygenase enzyme and increases in lipoxygenase, leading to an elevation of leukotriene synthesis. The leukotrienes then induce increased nasal mucosal edema, mucus secretion, bronchoconstriction, and eosinophilic migration [39]. Symptomatically, these patients have more severe clinical presentation of CRS and asthma [40]. They are at high risk for treatment failure and recurrence of polyps following endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) and often require multiple subsequent procedures. While only 4.6 % of patients undergoing ESS have ASA triad, Kim and Kountakis noted that these patients had undergone ten times as many surgeries as the non-ASA triad counterparts [40].
Role of Bacteria in Chronic Rhinosinusitis
The role of bacterial infection in CRS remains to be fully elucidated; however, a majority of experts believe that bacteria play an important role in CRS as evidenced by the fact that antimicrobial therapy forms an integral part of most CRS management strategies [10, 41]. Inconclusive evidence exists regarding whether bacteria are the inciting event in CRS or simply a modifier worsening the disease process. Nonetheless, Staphylococcus aureus, gram negative rods, and anaerobic bacteria have been noted to be significant pathogens in CRS, especially when considering their relative infrequency among uncomplicated acute rhinosinusitis cases [42].
Bacterial Biofilms
Bacterial biofilms have been theorized to play a role in both CRSwNP and CRSsNP. A biofilm is an organized aggregation of bacteria that adheres to mucosal surfaces and expresses a molecular profile unique from that expressed by the individual planktonic bacteria. Biofilm is associated with an extracellular matrix material that facilitates genetic alterations, increases resistance to antibiotics, and enhances capabilities to resist host immunity [13, 43]. One mechanism attributed to biofilms is quorum sensing [44, 45]. This encompasses the responsiveness of these bacterial aggregates to produce hormone-like molecules that are controlled by water channels found in the biofilm and function in an autocrine fashion [44]. Patients with biofilm formation exhibit a clinical course characterized by chronic infections with periods of marked worsening of symptoms [46].
Multiple studies have noted mucosal biofilms in the majority of samples among the CRS patient population [43, 47–49]. Further supporting the role of biofilms in the development of CRS is the fact that numerous analyses have noted a relative absence of biofilms in healthy controls not affected by sinus disease [43, 50–52].
Singhal et al. evaluated the role of biofilms in patients undergoing ESS for CRS [50]. Consistent with prior reports, 71 % of their 51 CRS patients had bacterial biofilms. Following surgery, this cohort of patients had significantly worse sinus symptoms and nasal endoscopy findings than individuals without biofilms, supporting the concept that biofilms may be an important contributor to treatment-resistant CRS [34, 53].
The relationship between S. aureus and biofilms has been studied in the context of CRS, as certain strains of S. aureus have a propensity for biofilm formation through increased expression of immunosuppressive proteins (relative to non-biofilm-forming S. aureus strains) [54, 55]. However, it should be noted that even in the biofilm state, S. aureus can differentiate into free-living bacteria that are thought to be responsible for acute exacerbations [44].
Pathogen-Mediated Immunomodulation and the Superantigen Hypothesis
Recent studies also illustrate that S. aureus may survive intracellularly within nasal epithelial cells, mucus-producing cells, and antigen-presenting cells [56, 57]. One theory of CRS pathogenesis posits that intracellular S. aureus releases toxins that activate lymphocytes and thus drives inflammation [58].
It has been postulated that S. aureus exotoxins may function as superantigens. A superantigen is a substance that can activate T cells nonspecifically, resulting in polyclonal (rather than monoclonal) activation of T cells, as well as eosinophilic activation, leading to a vigorous immune response. Activation of immune cells in this manner within the sinonasal tract stimulates the release of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, which skew the response toward a Th2 phenotype seen in CRSwNP. This is consistent with the fact that S. aureus may be found in greater numbers in CRSwNP than CRSsNP. Krysko et al. noted that phagocytosis of S. aureus by antigen-presenting cells, specifically macrophages, may be impaired in CRSwNP, promoting chronic inflammation [59]. Definitive evidence for the superantigen hypothesis is still lacking as approximately 50 % of patients will express superantigen-specific IgE and approximately one third will demonstrate superantigen-specific T-cell changes [34].
The Role of Osteitis
The role of inflammation of the bone (i.e., osteitis) in the development of CRS has been extensively studied. Proponents of osteitis as a pathogenic factor in CRS cite computed tomography (CT) findings of bony thickening with neo-osteogenesis in refractory disease as potential evidence [60]. Histologic sections demonstrate thickened bone with neo-osteogenesis, further perpetuating mucosal fibrosis. It is important to differentiate osteitis from osteomyelitis, as the latter signifies infection of bone marrow, while the former specifically refers to inflammation of the bone. As sinuses are devoid of marrow, osteitis is the correct nomenclature [61]. Kennedy et al. analyzed ethmoid bone samples which were found to histologically resemble lesions seen in patients suffering from osteomyelitis; further, debridement of this inflamed bone led to resolution of overlying mucosal inflammation [62]. Animal models support this hypothesis and suggest that inflammation in the bone disseminates through the Haversian canal system [60, 63]. Turning to more clinical evaluations of the role of the bone in CRS, greater disease burden has been demonstrated on the CT scans of those with neo-osteogenesis compared to controls [60, 64, 65], as well as worse endoscopically documented disease severity and increased rates of dysosmia [60, 66].
Systemic Diseases with Chronic Rhinosinusitis as Common End Point
Several systemic diseases can lead to chronic inflammation of the sinonasal tract and, consequently, to a clinical picture that is indistinguishable from more conventional CRS. In many cases, CRS can be the initial presenting feature of a serious systemic disorder. Oftentimes, workup for an underlying disorder will not be considered until after the patient has undergone (and failed) standard treatment for CRS. Historical or physical features that might distinguish this group of patients from conventional CRS may be subtle, or even absent. For this reason, a high index of suspicion is necessary when an underlying systemic disorder is suspected in the setting of CRS refractory to conventional treatment modalities, especially in patients who may have seen multiple practitioners or undergone multiple previous surgical procedures and/or courses of medical therapy.
Congenital Disorders
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), also referred to as immotile cilia syndrome, is a primarily autosomal recessive genetic condition which affects the structure or function of cilia, thereby resulting in impaired mucociliary clearance. Patients with PCD are usually afflicted by chronic, recurrent lower respiratory tract infections. Early descriptions of PCD identified a clinical picture of sinusitis, bronchiectasis, and situs inversus that eventually came to be known as the Kartagener triad [67]. In a report of 78 subjects diagnosed with PCD, Noone et al. identified a 100 % frequency of chronic rhinitis/sinusitis. These patients were also noted to have very low levels of nasal nitric oxide production relative to normal subjects [68]. The mechanism for this alteration in nitric oxide is unknown, but proposed theories include altered ciliary activity, altered expression of nitric oxide synthase, or another aspect of chronic sinonasal inflammation itself [69].
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder which disrupts the transport of chloride ions across cell membranes (via the CF transmembrane conductance regulator, or CFTR), leading to an abnormally low level of water in mucous secretions. Mucous secretions become abnormally viscous, and, as a consequence, mucociliary transport is severely altered [70]. Patients with classic CF have an incidence of CRS that approaches 100 %. In these patients, the incidence of sinonasal polyposis can be as high as 48 % [71]. CF is often associated with decreased pneumatization or frank hypoplasia of the paranasal sinuses, as well as mucocele formation. Active CRS may also impact the frequency of serious lower respiratory tract infections. Traditionally, patients have been treated with a combination of systemic antibiotics, corticosteroids, and ESS. However, the precise roles of these treatment modalities remain the subject of controversy. Several novel therapeutic agents aimed at rescuing CFTR function at the molecular level are currently in clinical trials.
Rheumatologic and Autoimmune Disorders
Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (or Wegener Granulomatosis)
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by a necrotizing vasculitis of small- to medium-sized vessels. Sinonasal complaints are quite common. In a retrospective analysis of 120 patients with GPA referred for otolaryngologic evaluation, Cannady et al. found that 89 % of patients exhibited sinonasal involvement, including nasal crusting (69 %), CRS (61 %), nasal obstruction (58 %), bloody rhinorrhea (52 %), and septal perforation (33 %) [72]. The inflammatory reaction characteristic of this disease typically arises from the nasal septum and inferior turbinates and then spreads bilaterally to the rest of the nasal cavity and sinuses. If left untreated, this disease can lead to erosion of the sinonasal architecture, leading to a common cavity [73, 74]. The mainstay of therapy for GPA is to induce and then maintain remission using immunosuppressive agents. Many of the regimens include methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, corticosteroids, TNF-alpha blockers (including infliximab), and rituximab [75].
Sarcoidosis is an idiopathic disorder that can affect multiple organ systems. It exhibits a broad range of severity, ranging from an essentially asymptomatic radiographic abnormality to a life-threatening condition. Unlike GPA, the granulomatosis seen in sarcoidosis is non-necrotizing. The precise incidence of CRS in sarcoidosis is unclear. However, it is thought to be low, on the order of <1 % [76]. A retrospective analysis of 36 patients with sarcoid rhinosinusitis identified nasal obstruction as the most frequent symptom (86 %), followed by nasal crusting (47 %), anosmia (44 %), epistaxis (28 %), and nasal polyposis (25 %) [77].
Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (or Churg-Strauss Syndrome)
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) is a rare disorder characterized by a necrotizing, eosinophilic vasculitis of small- to medium-sized vessels. “Paranasal sinusitis” is among the six diagnostic criteria established by the American College of Rheumatology in 1990; approximately 61 % of patients exhibit this complaint at the time of diagnosis [78


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