Endoscopic Evaluation of the Lower Urinary Tract

9 Endoscopic Evaluation of the Lower Urinary Tract


The first description of an endoscopic technique for evaluating the female urethra and bladder was by Bozzini, in 1805. His invention was a cumbersome cystoscope consisting of a stand that supported different-sized hollow funnels, a candle for illumination, and a reflector to direct the light into the funnel when it was placed into the urethra. Visibility with this device was limited by both poor illumination and the tendency of the operator to burn himself if the stand was tilted for a better view.

Nineteenth-century refinements to this crude instrument included the addition of a surrounding cannula and, later, a lens system to provide magnification of the field of view. The greatest drawback of the early cystoscope was poor illumination, and innovators tried multiple techniques to overcome the problem, including reflective mirrors, an alcohol lamp, a platinum wire loop, and, finally, an incandescent light source. Even with these improvements in the cystoscope and illumination, visualization was still poor without bladder distention. Consequently, by the end of the nineteenth century, cystoscopy was considered to be nothing more than an adjunct to the established method of urethral dilation and bimanual palpation of the bladder.

Kelly’s (1894) principal innovation in cystoscopy was developing a technique that provided adequate bladder distention. The Kelly cystoscope, a hollow tube without a lens, was not innovative, but his technique was. The cystoscope was introduced using an obturator, with the patient in knee-chest position. The negative intra-abdominal pressure created by this position allowed air to distend the bladder when the cystoscope was introduced. A head mirror was used to reflect an electric light into the bladder for illumination. The technique was simple but provided an excellent view. Its simplicity dramatically enhanced the accessibility of cystoscopy to all physicians. Kelly’s fame as a genitourinary surgeon, and as the founder of the Johns Hopkins Hospital residency training program in gynecology, the first in the nation, established cystoscopy as a gynecologic technique.

The twentieth century provided many innovations in the cystoscope. Hopkins and Kopany (1954) introduced both a fiber-optic telescope and, later, a rod lens system, which dramatically improved light transmission and resolution. This rod lens design is the system used in today’s rigid cystoscopes. Replacement of the air chamber with a series of glass rods with optically finished ends, separated by intervening air spaces, provides a wider viewing field and permits a change in the viewing angle. The innovation of angled telescopes improved the extent of visualization and facilitated more invasive procedures. Increasingly complex instruments were developed to perform operative procedures through a cystoscope, and, gradually, general surgeons developed the subspecialty of urology around this new technology. The development of the subspecialty of urology coincided with changes in gynecology. The combination of gynecology and obstetrics into a single training program deemphasized cystoscopy in gynecologic training, and gynecologists gradually became less skilled in the technique, whereas urologists continued to develop it.

The most recent development in cystoscopy is the flexible cystoscope. A flexible cystoscope takes advantage of the flexibility of the fiber-optic lens system to create a cystoscope that bends, thereby increasing the range of the field of view. Some authors report an improved view of the bladder neck using a flexible fiber cystoscope, whereas others advocate flexible cystoscopy to limit the necessary instrumentation and improve patient tolerance.

Robertson (1973), the father of urogynecology, reintroduced cystoscopy to gynecology with the development of the Robertson urethroscope. He addressed the deficiencies of the cystoscope for viewing the urethra by applying the rods lens technology of the Hopkins cystoscope to a shorter straight-on telescope with a nonfenestrated sheath designed specifically for viewing the urethra. He subsequently outlined a technique—dynamic urethroscopy—for evaluating incontinent women using the Robertson urethroscope. Dynamic urethroscopy offered a simple office procedure that considerably improved the diagnostic evaluation of the lower urinary tract over the alternatives of the time.


Cystourethroscopy, an invaluable procedure for today’s urogynecologist, has both diagnostic and operative indications. Diagnostic indications include hematuria, lower urinary tract symptoms, urinary incontinence, urethral diverticula, and urogenital fistulas.

The differential diagnosis of hematuria is extensive but falls into conditions that are primarily renal or post-renal in origin. Endoscopy is useful in the diagnosis of the post-renal conditions, including neoplasms of the bladder and urethra, urethral polyps, chronic cystitis, recurrent cystitis, interstitial cystitis, urolithiasis, and foreign bodies.

The differential diagnosis for lower urinary tract symptoms is extensive, including many nebulous conditions. Possible causes include acute cystitis, chronic cystitis, trigonitis, radiation cystitis, urethral pain syndrome, urethral diverticula, urethritis, and interstitial cystitis. Other conditions that may cause similar symptoms include detrusor overactivity, urolithiasis, partial urinary retention, and moderate to severe pelvic organ prolapse. Cystourethroscopy is indicated when the presenting symptoms strongly suggest a diagnosis of urethral diverticulum, interstitial cystitis, urolithiasis, or tumor, and for patients who do not respond to initial therapy. Endoscopy should be avoided in the presence of an active urinary tract infection.

The general agreement is that cystoscopy is indicated for patients complaining of persistent incontinence or voiding symptoms following incontinence surgery, but less agreement exists about the role of cystoscopy in the baseline evaluation of patients with urinary incontinence. The refinement of urodynamic evaluation over the last three decades has demonstrated the superiority of this modality for diagnosing the common causes of urinary incontinence, such as urodynamic stress incontinence and detrusor overactivity. However, although urodynamic testing excels at providing an objective assessment of lower urinary tract function, it provides little information about lower urinary tract anatomy. Cystourethroscopy contributes an anatomic assessment of the urethra and bladder that is not achieved by urodynamic tests alone. Anatomic abnormalities, such as urethral diverticula, urogenital fistulas, and intravesical foreign bodies causing detrusor overactivity, might be suspected based on history or urodynamic tests but require an anatomic assessment for confirmation. Cystourethroscopy can also reveal unsuspected neoplasia in the incontinent patient. However, in women with stress incontinence, bladder lesions are found in only about 1% of patients. The Clinical Practice Guidelines of the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research in 1996 noted that the evidence does not support the routine use of cystoscopy in the evaluation of women with simple symptoms of incontinence (Fantl et al., 1996).

For many urogynecologists, cystourethroscopy also has a role in the diagnosis of intrinsic sphincteric deficiency, a condition that does not have standardized diagnostic criteria. Some advocate a single urodynamic parameter to make the diagnosis. However, in the absence of validated standard criteria for diagnosing intrinsic sphincteric deficiency, an approach that combines clinical measures of severity, urodynamic evidence of poor urethral resistance, and an anatomic evaluation of urethral coaptation seems to be warranted. Cystourethroscopy is perhaps the simplest way to achieve such an anatomic evaluation of the urethrovesical junction (UVJ).

Operative indications of cystourethroscopy in the female lower urinary tract include minor operative procedures performed through an operative cystoscope and intraoperative uses. Cystoscopy is an important adjuvant to surgery of the female genitourinary system and is commonly used to (1) perform and judge coaptation during periurethral injections and suburethral sling procedures, (2) facilitate surgical repair of urinary tract fistula and urethral diverticula, (3) ensure the safe placement of suprapubic catheters, and (4) evaluate the ureters and bladder mucosa for inadvertent damage at the time of surgery.


Rigid Cystoscopy

The three components of the rigid cystoscope include the telescope, the bridge, and the sheath (Fig. 9-1). Each component serves a different function and is available with various options to facilitate its role under different circumstances.

The telescope transmits light to the bladder cavity and an image to the viewer. Telescopes designed for cystoscopy are available with several viewing angles, including 0-degree (straight), 30-degree (forward-oblique), 70-degree (lateral), and 120-degree (retro view). The different angles facilitate the inspection of the entire bladder wall. Although the zero-degree lens is ideal for adequate urethroscopy, it is insufficient for cystoscopy. The 30-degree lens provides the best view of the bladder base and posterior wall, and the 70-degree lens permits inspection of the anterior and lateral walls. The retro view of the 120-degree lens is not usually necessary for cystoscopy of the female bladder but can be useful for evaluating the urethral opening into the bladder. For many applications, a single telescope is preferable. In diagnostic cystoscopy, the 30-degree telescope is usually sufficient, although a 70-degree telescope may be required in the presence of elevation of the UVJ. For operative cystoscopy, the 70-degree telescope is preferable. The angled telescopes have a field marker, visible as a blackened notch at the outside of the visual field opposite the angle of deflection, that helps facilitate orientation.

The cystoscope sheath provides a vehicle for introducing the telescope and distending medium into the vesical cavity. Sheaths are available in various calibers, ranging from 17 to 28 French for use in adults and smaller calibers for use in pediatrics. When placed within the sheath, the telescope, which is 15 French, only partially fills the lumen, leaving an irrigation-working channel. The smallest sheath is better tolerated for diagnostic procedures, whereas the larger calibers provide space for the placement of instruments into the irrigation-working channel. The proximal end of the sheath has two irrigating ports, one for introduction of the distending medium and another for removal. The distal end of the cystoscope sheath is fenestrated to permit use of instrumentation in the angled field of view. The cystoscope is also beveled, opposite the fenestras, to increase the comfort of introduction of the cystoscope into the urethra. Bevels increase with the diameter of the cystoscope, and larger sheaths may require an obturator for atraumatic placement.

The bridge serves as a connector between the telescope and sheath and forms a watertight seal with both. It may also have one or two ports for introduction of instruments into the irrigation-working channel. The Albarran bridge is a variation that has a deflector mechanism at the end of an inner sheath (Fig. 9-2). When placed in the cystoscope sheath, the deflector mechanism is located at the distal end of the inner sheath within the fenestra of the outer sheath. In this location, elevation of the deflector mechanism assists the manipulation of instruments within the field of view.

Flexible Cystoscopy

Unlike the rigid cystoscope, the flexible cystoscope combines the optical systems and irrigation-working channel in a single unit. The coated tip is 15 to 18 French in diameter and 6 to 7 cm in length; the working unit makes up half the length. The optical system consists of a single image–bearing fiber-optic bundle and two light-bearing fiber-optic bundles. The fibers of these bundles are coated parallel coherent optical fibers that transmit light even when bent. The coating of the fibers results in a somewhat granular image, and the delicate 5- to 10-μm diameter makes them susceptible to damage. Gentle handling is essential to good visualization and instrument longevity. The flexibility of the fibers permits incorporation of a distal tip–deflecting mechanism, controlled by a lever at the eyepiece, that will deflect the tip 290 degrees in a single plane. The optical fibers are fitted to a lens system that magnifies and focuses the image, and a focusing knob is located just distal to the eyepiece. The irrigation-working port enters the instrument at the eyepiece opposite the deflecting mechanism.

Many urologists prefer the flexible cystoscope because of improved patient comfort, but this applies primarily to male patients. The absence of a prostate and the short length of the female urethra make rigid cystoscopy well tolerated by women. This may offset any perceived advantage of flexible cystoscopy in female patients. Moreover, several disadvantages exist with the flexible cystoscope. The flow rate of the irrigation-working channel is approximately one fourth that of a similar-sized rigid cystoscope and is further curtailed by passage of instruments down the channel. Some tip deflection is also lost with use of the instrument channel. In addition, because the view afforded by the flexible cystoscope is not as clear as that of a rigid cystoscope, greater operator skill is required to completely visualize the vesical cavity. No difference is present in the post-procedural morbidity as compared with rigid cystourethroscopy.

Mar 11, 2016 | Posted by in Reconstructive surgery | Comments Off on Endoscopic Evaluation of the Lower Urinary Tract

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