Molecular weight
Ultrasound parameters
Electroporation parameters
Pulse freq
607 g/mol
1–3 MHz
1.4 W/cm2
≤150 V
1 ms
60 s
(Kost et al. 1996)
623 g/mol
1–3 MHz
1.4 W/cm2
≤150 V
1 ms
60 s
(Kost et al. 1996)
Cyclosporine A
1203 g/mol
20 kHz
0.8 W/cm2
110 V
300 ms
20 s
Fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran
4.4 kDa
20 kHz
6.1 W/cm2
300 V
1 ms
100 ms
(Petchsangsai et al. 2014)
623 g/mol
30 kHz
1.8 W/cm2
100–200 V
100 μs
100 μs
(Zorec et al. 2015)
In another series of studies, Liu et al. investigated the effect of chemical enhancers, ultrasound, and electroporation treatment, either individually or in-series, on the transdermal uptake and delivery of the uncharged immunosuppressant Cyclosporine A (molecular weight of ~1200 g/mol) (Liu et al. 2006, 2010). Note that the treatment modality in this case is significantly different than in the study conducted by Kost et al. (Kost et al. 1996), because the electroporation, ultrasound, and chemical enhancer treatments were all decoupled and occurred in series, rather than with simultaneous application. In both publications by Liu et al., if applied, chemical enhancers (azone, sodium cholate, sodium thiosulfate, menthol, N-Methyl pyrrolidine, dimethyl sulfoxide, and sodium dodecyl sulfate at varying concentrations in ethanol or water), were utilized first to treat skin samples for an incubation time of 2 h. The chemical enhancer solution was then replaced with a 0.5 % Cyclosporine A in 60 % saline/40 % ethanol solution to be used as the coupling medium for both electroporation and ultrasound treatment. Then, if applied, the skin was treated with 110 V electric pulses every 20 s (300 ms pulse length) for 10–20 min. Finally, if applied, ultrasound treatment was conducted, at a frequency of 20 kHz, an intensity of 0.8 W/cm2, a 50 % pulse length (1 s ON: 1 s OFF), a transducer to skin distance of 0.5 cm, and a total treatment time of 30 min (Liu et al. 2006, 2010). Based on the mode of treatment of each enhancer in these studies, which effectively decoupled their ability to interact with one another, one would not expect to observe a large extent of synergism, which was the case. Only modest enhancements over controls were reported when ultrasound and electroporation were combined, with slightly higher delivery when a trimodal treatment, including an azone pretreatment, was utilized. These mild “synergistic” interactions were attributed to partial disorganization of the stratum corneum lipids, making them more susceptible to the other modes of treatment (Liu et al. 2006, 2010). Subsequent histological examination of the skin under these different treatment regimens showed no evidence of structural damage. Subsequent studies have further investigated the use of in-series treatment utilizing electroporation (1 ms, 300 V pulses) followed by 20 kHz ultrasound at 6.1 W/cm2 for 2 min for the delivery of 4.4 kDa dextran labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (Petchsangsai et al. 2014). A synergistic increase in the measured flux was achieved compared to the flux achieved with either method alone (Petchsangsai et al. 2014). Other studies have noted only minimal enhancement as a result of the combination of electroporation with ultrasound utilizing an in-series treatment regimen, suggesting that the method is highly regimen dependent (Zorec et al. 2015).
23.4 Combination of Ultrasound and Microneedles
Similar to the work involving sonophoresis and injection combination therapies outlined in Sect. 23.2, recent work by Yoon et al. investigated the combination of an in-series treatment involving microneedle application to the skin coupled with ultrasound therapy (Yoon et al. 2009, 2010). Specifically, the study evaluated the efficacy of ultrasound-assisted glycerol delivery through the skin pretreated with microneedles, for skin optical clearing applications. As the inherent structure of the skin causes significant scattering and low transmission of light, skin optical clearing can be important in the applications of skin diagnosis and therapy. In this study, solid microneedles with a diameter of 70 μm and a length of 500 μm were first utilized to treat ex vivo porcine skin. Subsequently, a 70 % glycerol solution was applied to the treated skin area utilizing 1 MHz ultrasound, at an intensity of 2 W, for up to 60 min. Comparison of the reduced scattering coefficients of treated skin showed that the combination of ultrasound and microneedles resulted in the relative contrast of the skin increasing by over twofold compared to samples treated only with microneedles (Yoon et al. 2009, 2010). Other studies have investigated the combination of microneedles with ultrasound for the delivery of therapeutically relevant small molecules, such as lidocaine, carbohydrates, and model proteins (Han and Das 2013; Petchsangsai et al. 2014; Nayak et al. 2016). Han et al. investigated the use of microneedle application followed by 20 kHz ultrasound for the delivery of bovine serum albumin (Han and Das 2013). Solid microneedles with lengths between 1.2 and 1.5 mm were used followed by sonication with 20 kHz ultrasound at an intensity of 15 W for 10 min. Han et al. found that this method enhanced the permeability of bovine serum albumin approximately tenfold over passive diffusion, and approximately 2.5-fold over the use of either microneedles or ultrasound alone (Han and Das 2013). The delivery of lidocaine was also enhanced using this combination strategy over the use of either microneedles or ultrasound alone (Nayak et al. 2016). Specifically, the delivery of lidocaine from hydrogel formulations was enhanced almost fivefold 30 min after treatment (Nayak et al. 2016). Petchsangsai et al. have also reported synergistic effects of combining microneedle, electroporation, and sonophoresis treatment regimens to deliver 4.4 kDa fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran. Their findings showed that trimodal application (of all three physical enhancers) provided greater skin permeation of the model compound compared to any dual modality treatment, with no appreciable skin damage observed under any treatment regimen (Petchsangsai et al. 2014).
In contrast to the previously described studies, Chen et al. developed a system involving hollow microneedle arrays through which ultrasound could be transmitted for direct delivery of drugs into the viable epidermis (Chen et al. 2010). The authors manufactured 80 μm in diameter by 100 μm in length hollow microneedles, with a ceramic membrane applied directly to the back of the microneedle array emitting ultrasound at 20 kHz and intensities between 0.1 and 1 W/cm2. The authors demonstrated that the delivery of both small (calcein, MW ~ 623 g/mol) and large (bovine serum albumin, MW ~ 66,430 g/mol) molecules was significantly improved with the sonophoretically enhanced microneedle arrays (SEMAs), relative to each modality individually or to native skin. In fact, the SEMAs increased the flux of both small and large model permeants by approximately an order of magnitude relative to native skin. The authors explained their findings by proposing that cavitation generated in the hollow microneedles, as a result of the applied ultrasound, would cause bulk flow of material through the microneedles, thereby depositing their contents directly into the skin in proximity to the dermal vasculature. Further, heat generated by dissipation of the applied acoustic waves could cause enhanced diffusivity of the drug compounds, as well as increased absorptivity of the surrounding tissue (Chen et al. 2010). Therefore, this novel, fabricated device may be an exciting new advancement in the field of combined transdermal therapies.
23.5 Combination of Ultrasound and Microdermabrasion
A unique 2008 clinical study by Dudelzak et al. investigated the use of microdermabrasion skin treatments, followed by high-frequency sonophoresis, through a complex containing hyaluronic acid, retinol, and peptide, in the treatment of photo-aged skin (Dudelzak et al. 2008). Microdermabrasion is a process that involves mechanical exfoliation of the skin, which is commonly used for the treatment of photodamage and acne scarring, among other skin conditions. Specifically, inert abrasive crystals, such as aluminum oxide, are propelled at the skin surface and subsequently discarded along with any material removed from the skin. For this study, the authors hypothesized that skin dryness, texture, hue, tone, and the presence of rhytids could be improved by combining the benefits commonly seen from microdermabrasion, followed by the delivery of a topical complex by sonophoresis (Dudelzak et al. 2008).

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