Acute Management: Tangential Excision and Skin Grafting

Acute Management: Tangential Excision and Skin Grafting
Yvonne L. Karanas
  • Burns and traumatic injuries can result in partial-thickness and full-thickness injuries. These terms refer to the depth of the injury into the skin.
  • Partial-thickness injuries involve the epidermis and some portion of the dermis.
  • Full-thickness injuries involve the epidermis and the entire dermis and can even include the subcutaneous fat.
  • Full- or partial-thickness skin necrosis may occur with trauma, burn injury, and severe soft tissue infections.
  • There are approximately 486 000 burn injuries per year in the United States with 40 000 requiring hospitalization.2
  • Worldwide, the magnitude of the problem is even greater.
  • Burns or traumatic injuries may initially appear as superficial injuries, but with time (72-96 hours), they may progress to full-thickness injuries.
  • Judicious early debridement and serial wound care preserve all viable tissue while preventing wound infection.
  • When the wound evolution is complete, areas of full-thickness and partial-thickness burns should be clearly delineated. Definitive surgical treatment may then be performed as needed.
  • Full-thickness injuries may present as white, yellow, or brown leathery, insensate areas that lack capillary refill. With time, they will progress to a black eschar (FIG 1).
  • Partial-thickness injuries may be superficial with pink, moist, sensate tissue that has capillary refill.
    • Deep partial-thickness burns may be cherry red in color, lack capillary refill, have decreased sensation, and may be dry. These burns are often described as “indeterminate thickness” as it is often unclear initially whether they will require surgical treatment or not.
    • Burns and traumatic injuries may result in wounds that are a combination of different depths of injury (FIG 2).
  • Partial-thickness burns may be managed with wound care alone.
  • In general full-thickness skin, necrosis requires surgical treatment. It may be managed conservatively in select situations, for example, small wounds that are less than 1% TBSA on the torso. A large burn is commonly defined as a burn greater than 20% TBSA.
    FIG 1 • Lower extremity full-thickness necrosis from a severe soft tissue infection.
    FIG 2A. Contact ankle burn with second-degree and third-degree components in a paraplegic patient. B. Flame burn to the thigh with mainly third-degree burns and small patches of second-degree burns.
  • Wound care may be performed once or twice daily with silver sulfadiazine to soften and debride the eschar and prevent infection. Eventually the eschar will separate from the underlying wound bed; however, this process may take weeks or even months and lead to poor scarring and contractures.
  • For large wounds, an expectant management strategy carries a high risk of wound infection.
  • Surgical treatment remains the standard of care for large full-thickness wounds.
Preoperative Planning
Nov 24, 2019 | Posted by in Aesthetic plastic surgery | Comments Off on Acute Management: Tangential Excision and Skin Grafting

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