UV phototherapy has a long history of use for the treatment of select diseases in dermatology. Its use has evolved into more effective and targeted modalities, including psoralen + UV-A photochemotherapy, narrowband UV-B, excimer laser, and UV-A1 phototherapy. With its proven record of efficacy and safety, UV phototherapy is an excellent option in the treatment of an ever-growing number of skin conditions.
Key points
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UV phototherapy is a useful tool in several common and rare dermatoses.
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Because of its more favorable side-effect profile, narrowband UV-B has supplanted psoralen and UV-A light (PUVA) as the first-line treatment in photo-responsive dermatoses; although for some, PUVA may have superior efficacy.
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Excimer phototherapy has proven to be an excellent option in the treatment of localized photo-responsive dermatoses.
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UV-A1 has emerged as a useful therapeutic option, especially for sclerotic skin disorders, with an improved side-effect profile over PUVA.