Overactive Bladder Syndrome and Nocturia

28 Overactive Bladder Syndrome and Nocturia

Overactive bladder (OAB) is a symptom syndrome that comprises urinary urgency, with or without urge incontinence, usually with urinary frequency and nocturia. OAB affects millions of Americans, and growth of the aging population ensures that the number of people who suffer from OAB will increase over time. The symptoms of OAB have a negative impact on social and personal activities and cause significant psychological distress. Despite increased awareness of OAB in recent years, along with improved diagnosis and treatment, it remains underreported. The poorly understood etiology of the syndrome, the variability of symptom presentation and patient characteristics, and suboptimal patient-physician communication undoubtedly contribute to this problem.


Terminology used to describe OAB has changed numerous times. The International Continence Society (ICS) has historically taken the lead in standardization of terminology. In its most recently published guidelines, the terms detrusor hyperreflexia, detrusor instability, motor urgency, and sensory urgency have been replaced. The ICS recommends the use of symptoms, signs and urodynamic observations for diagnosis. Currently, the ICS uses the following terms:

The ICS uses the following urodynamic observations. Detrusor overactivity is defined as involuntary detrusor contractions that may be spontaneous or provoked. No minimum requirement is known for the amplitude of an involuntary detrusor contraction. Detrusor overactivity is further divided into three types: (1) phasic, (2) terminal, and (3) incontinence. Phasic detrusor overactivity is defined by a characteristic wave form and may or may not lead to urinary incontinence. Terminal detrusor overactivity is defined as an involuntary detrusor contraction that occurs at cystometric capacity, which cannot be suppressed and results in incontinence. Detrusor overactivity incontinence is incontinence caused by an involuntary detrusor contraction. The ICS recommends that the terms motor, urge incontinence, and reflex incontinence no longer be used. Detrusor overactivity may be further qualified if the cause is known: neurogenic, when there is a relevant neurologic condition; and idiopathic, when the cause is unknown.


The number of individuals affected by OAB is difficult to establish, reflecting the lack of a standard definition and standardized means of diagnosis. Also, the populations studied vary substantially from one publication to another. Many studies report the prevalence of detrusor overactivity incontinence without including symptoms of urgency and frequency.

OAB has been estimated to affect up to 33 million women in the United States alone. Only 15% of these patients with incontinence and OAB symptoms have been estimated to seek medical help. The National Overactive Bladder Evaluation (NOBLE) program contacted more than 17,000 households by telephone and found an overall prevalence of OAB of 16.6% in those who responded. Women had urinary urge incontinence more frequently than men. The prevalence of symptoms increased sharply with age in men and women (Fig. 28-1).

Recently, the terms OAB dry and OAB wet have been introduced. About two thirds of patients with OAB have symptoms of urgency and frequency without urinary incontinence, which represent OAB dry. One third of patients have symptoms with urinary incontinence, known as OAB wet (Fig. 28-2). This becomes very important when reviewing industry-sponsored trials, because inclusion criteria and severity of disease are significantly different in these two conditions.

In 1995, the total economic cost of urinary incontinence for both men and women in the United States, including OAB and stress incontinence, was estimated at $26.3 billion or $3565 per individual of age 65 or older. This included more than $1 billion spent annually on adult disposable products. Forty-eight percent or $12.53 billion of these resources were used to diagnose, treat, care for, and rehabilitate patients with incontinence. The total economic cost of OAB in the United States in 2000 was estimated to be $18.2 billion. The most rapidly growing segment of the U.S. population is women between ages 60 and 80. Up to 50% of women in this age group complain of OAB syndrome. The prevalence of OAB syndrome, as currently defined, is much higher than stress incontinence in the aging female population.


Autonomic Pathways

Sympathetic nerves exit between spinal cord levels T1 and L2 and synapse in the paravertebral ganglions. The sympathetic system uses noradrenaline as its neurotransmitter, and the receptors are α- and β-adrenergic. Sympathetic input to the bladder is via the hypogastric nerve (Fig. 28-3). When noradrenaline binds to β-receptors on the bladder, it activates adenylate cyclase, which increases levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP), thereby relaxing the detrusor muscle of the bladder (Fig. 28-4).

The parasympathetic system originates at spinal cord levels S2, S3, and S4. Parasympathetic input to the bladder is via the pelvic nerve (see Fig. 28-3). The parasympathetic system uses acetylcholine as its neurotransmitter and muscarinic receptors at target organs. Five subtypes of muscarinic receptors are known, with a predominance of M2 and M3 receptor subtypes in the bladder. Release of acetylcholine by postganglionic parasympathetic nerves activates both M2 and M3 receptor subtypes (see Fig. 28-3). M2 receptors make up approximately 80% of the muscarinic receptors in the bladder. Activation of M2 receptors negatively affects adenylate cyclase, thereby decreasing cyclic AMP, and ultimately inhibiting relaxation caused by the sympathetic system (Fig. 28-4). M3 subtypes, which make up the remaining 20% of muscarinic bladder receptors, activates phospholipase C, increases inositol triphosphate, and subsequently causes detrusor muscle contraction (see Fig. 28-4).

Central Regulation

Neurotransmitters involved in the central control of micturition include acetylcholine, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine, serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline. Two regions of the pons are involved in regulating voiding and continence. The pontine micturition center (Barrington nucleus or M region) projects directly to bladder motor neurons and indirectly to urethral motor neurons. The bladder motor neurons are preganglionic and parasympathetic (S2, S3, S4) and located in the intramediolateral cell column of the sacral spinal cord. The urethral motor neurons are located in the sacral ventral horn (Onuf’s nucleus). With stimulation of the pontine micturition center, urethral pressure decreases via inhibition of the urethral motor neurons and intravesical pressure increases by stimulation of the bladder motor neurons (Fig. 28-5).

The pontine continence center, or L region, projects to urethral sphincter motor neurons. With stimulation of the pontine continence center, urethral sphincter tone increases. During the filling phase, the pontine continence center continuously stimulates the urethral sphincter motor neurons to maintain urethral closure (see Fig. 28-5).


Although the cause of OAB is not understood, the problem is most likely multifactorial. The process of bladder storage and evacuation can be visualized as complex neurocircuits in the brain and spinal cord that coordinate the activity of smooth and striated muscle in the bladder and urethra. These circuits act as “on/off switches” to alternate the lower urinary tract between its two modes of operation: storage and elimination. Conditions associated with detrusor overactivity are listed in Box 28-1.

Neurologic Disease

Detrusor overactivity is associated with neurologic lesions of the suprasacral spinal cord and higher centers. These lesions block the sacral reflex arc from the cerebral cortex and other higher centers that are crucial to both voluntary and involuntary inhibition of the bladder. In this group of patients, involuntary detrusor contractions are usually associated with appropriate relaxation of the urethral sphincter because there is preservation of long tracts from the pontine region. Neurologic conditions resulting in detrusor overactivity include multiple sclerosis, dementia, cerebrovascular disorders, and Parkinson’s disease.

Urogynecologic Conditions

Various conditions that may present with symptoms of urgency and frequency are listed in Box 28-2. Idiopathic detrusor overactivity is reserved for symptoms of urgency and frequency, with or without incontinence, that cannot be explained by the presence of other conditions.


Inflammation of the bladder epithelium, with or without associated bacteriuria, has been suggested as a cause of bladder overactivity. Bhatia and Bergman (1986) performed urodynamic studies on women with acute urinary tract infections before treatment. Half of those with urodynamic evidence of detrusor overactivity before treatment had stable cystometrograms after the infection was treated. However, Bates et al. (1970) reported on more than 2000 patients examined by videocystography on whom culture and sensitivity studies of midstream urine specimens were performed. They found that of 35 patients infected at the time of the study, only 3 had nonneuropathic detrusor overactivity.


Urethral instability is defined as a spontaneous fall in maximum urethral pressure exceeding one third of the resting maximum urethral pressure in the absence of detrusor activity. If simultaneous urethrocystometry is performed during filling, the diagnosis of urethral instability or uninhibited urethral relaxation can be made. Resnick and Yalla (1987) noted a subgroup of elderly women with detrusor overactivity resulting in incontinence, who cannot effectively empty their bladders when attempting to void. Urodynamic testing revealed that impaired contractility caused impaired emptying. They named the condition detrusor overactivity with impaired contractility and hypothesized that this may represent the last stage of detrusor overactivity, in which detrusor function deteriorates.


At the level of the urethra, urge incontinence can occur with outlet obstruction. This is a well-known problem in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia, and in younger men and women with spinal cord injuries or multiple sclerosis. In women, bladder outlet resistance from previous anti-incontinence surgery can result in irritative symptoms and urge incontinence. Idiopathic bladder outlet obstruction is rare in women. Abnormal voiding is usually caused by poor detrusor function rather than physical obstruction. However, obstructive voiding sometimes occurs with advanced pelvic organ prolapse and after operations for stress incontinence.

The correlation between detrusor overactivity and pelvic surgery is confusing and, at times, unexplainable. Studies on patients operated on for stress incontinence who had stable preoperative cystometrograms note that 7% to 27% develop postoperative detrusor overactivity. Women with mixed symptoms of stress incontinence and OAB will have a resolution of their OAB symptoms in approximately 50% of cases after an anti-incontinence procedure. The remaining 50% may have a persistence or worsening of their symptoms. Postoperative detrusor overactivity or a persistence or worsening of symptoms seems to be more common in patients with previous bladder neck surgery and in those with coexistent detrusor overactivity and preoperative sphincteric incompetence.

Radical pelvic surgery can result in an unstable bladder. Partial denervation of the bladder during the operative process with subsequent development of detrusor dysfunction is currently the most accepted theory.

Other conditions that can impact the lower urinary tract and result in overactive bladder symptoms include pregnancy, pelvic mass, urethral diverticulum, and intravesical lesions.


Detrusor overactivity can coexist with stress incontinence in up to 30% of patients. Whether this is a coincidental finding or some underlying relationship between these two conditions is unknown. In women with mixed stress and urge incontinence, a deficient urethral sphincter may result in urge incontinence, if leakage of urine into the proximal urethra stimulates urethral afferents that induce involuntary voiding reflexes. Interestingly, after anti-incontinence surgery, detrusor overactivity may disappear, remain the same, or worsen.

In a matched control study, Colombo et al. (1996) noted that 95% of their patients were cured of stress incontinence after a Burch urethropexy was performed if they had a stable preoperative cystometrogram. On the other hand, only 75% were cured if, preoperatively, they had low compliance or uninhibited bladder contractions.

Women may condition themselves to have urgency and frequency by becoming habitual frequent voiders. This can be seen in women with long-standing stress incontinence because these women will consciously or subconsciously void more frequently to avoid or reduce leakage. Over time, it has been proposed that functional bladder capacity is reduced, and the bladder becomes more sensitive at lower volumes of urine, thus resulting in frequency and urgency (OAB dry). This same phenomenon can occur in women with urge incontinence, resulting in more severe frequency. This can be viewed as a cycle in which symptoms continue to worsen unless intervention is undertaken (Fig. 28-7).

Psychological or Psychosomatic Causes

The psychological status of women with detrusor overactivity has been investigated by several authors with conflicting results. Norton et al. (1990) performed psychiatric evaluations on 117 women and found no more psychiatric morbidity in women with detrusor overactivity than in women with stress incontinence. Interestingly, women in whom no urodynamic abnormality could be detected had the highest scores for anxiety and neuroticism. Moore and Sutherst (1990) analyzed the response to treatment of idiopathic detrusor overactivity, relative to “psychoneurotic” status in 53 women. Women who responded poorly to treatment had higher psychoneurotic mean scores than those who responded, although one third of poor responders had a normal psychoneurotic score. Patients who responded well to therapy had scores similar to those of normal urban women.

These studies emphasize the need for future research in this area.

Idiopathic Detrusor Overactivity

With our current diagnostic capabilities, more than 90% of women with detrusor overactivity have no other recognizable disorder. Various theories have been proposed to explain detrusor overactivity, such as detrusor hypersensitivity or deficient inhibitory activity, but no one theory has been identified that adequately explains all or most detrusor overactivity, so it remains idiopathic at this time.

Kinder and Mundy (1987) studied detrusor muscle strips in vitro from patients with detrusor overactivity and from normal continent subjects. The unstable muscle strips showed an increased response to direct electrical stimulation and increased sensitivity to stimulation with acetylcholine. In vivo, this response would correspond to a higher sensitivity of efferent neurologic activity or to a lower level of acetylcholine release necessary to initiate a detrusor contraction. However, it is not clear whether this detrusor supersensitivity is caused by a relative cholinergic denervation or by reduced inhibitory or modulatory neurologic activity, possibly mediated by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). VIP is a 28-amino-acid neuropeptide with powerful relaxant effects on smooth muscle. VIP is abundant in normal human bladders and markedly decreased in the bladders of patients with detrusor overactivity. Elbadawi et al. (1993) suggested that spontaneous trigger and subsequent spread of contractile signals via increased cell-to-cell coupling were the likely mechanisms for the development of idiopathic detrusor overactivity.


An important aspect of the evaluation is appreciating the quality-of-life impact that these symptoms are creating. Standardized quality-of-life questionnaires are available and can be administered. In addition, specific questions about pelvic organ prolapse, defecatory dysfunction, and sexual dysfunction are important. A thorough medical history should be taken, as well as a surgical history with emphasis on previous bladder or gynecologic surgery. A review of all current prescription medication that the patient is taking is vital (see Chapter 6).

Physical Examination

A physical examination should include a general physical, neurologic, and pelvic examination. Neurologic studies should include a brief mental status examination and evaluation of cranial nerves and deep tendon reflexes. Muscle strength can be assessed by having the patient actively move against resistance, such as shrugging her shoulders against downward pressure. Specifically testing the sacral spinal cord involves evaluating the patient’s ability to extend and flex her hip, knee, and ankle, and invert and evert her foot. Deep tendon reflexes should be checked at the biceps (C5–C6), triceps (C7), knee (L3–L4), and Achilles tendon (L5–S2).

Spinal cord segments S2, S3, and S4 contain important neurons involved with micturition. The anal sphincter and pelvic reflexes are important indicators of sacral cord integrity. Voluntary contraction of the external anal sphincter indicates a minimum level of integrity of pelvic floor innervation. Stroking the skin lateral to the anus elicits a reflex anal sphincter contraction. The bulbocavernosus reflex involves tightening of the bulbocavernosus and ischiocavernosus muscles by tapping or squeezing the clitoris. The cerebellum should also be tested, because it has major functions in the control of micturition. The cerebellum can be tested by evaluating finger/nose and heel/shin coordination and examining the patient’s gait.

A pelvic examination should include a thorough inspection of the perineal area and vulva, looking for excoriation, vaginal discharge, or atrophy, suggesting estrogen deficiency. Vaginal examination should include assessment for pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic muscle function, atrophy, and anatomic abnormalities. The urethra can be palpated through the anterior vagina, checking for a mass or purulent discharge from the urethral meatus consistent with urethral diverticulum. Pelvic floor muscle function should be described by pelvic muscle tone at rest and by the strength of voluntary contraction. Muscle tone and strength can be subjectively described as strong, weak, or absent; or described by a validated graded system, such as the Oxford system, usually on a scale from 1 to 5.

Pelvic organ prolapse should be evaluated, specifically, support of the anterior, apical, and posterior vagina. Rectal examination should also be performed to rule out fecal impaction and rectal mass and to assess sphincter tone.




Cystometry is the mainstay of investigation for bladder storage function and is the only method of objectively diagnosing detrusor contractions. Figure 28-8 reviews the various cystometric patterns that may be seen in patients with detrusor overactivity.

During the cystometric evaluation of patients with suspected OAB, one must use provoking stimuli if detrusor contractions are not elicited during filling. Sometimes the provocation needed to reproduce a detrusor contraction cannot be performed in a laboratory setting. This problem has been demonstrated in numerous ambulatory monitoring studies in which symptomatic patients had normal bladder filling in the urodynamic laboratory but had uninhibited contractions when monitored on a continuous basis.

Testing should always be performed with the patient in a sitting or erect position because supine filling cystometry alone fails to uncover a significant proportion of bladder overactivity. Other provoking factors are coughing, straining, heel-bouncing, jogging in place, listening to running water, and placing the patient’s hands under running water. (See Chapter 7 for more details on cystometry.)

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