One-Stage Lip-Switch

One-Stage Lip-Switch


By modifying the Abbé lip-switch procedure for repair of full-thickness defects or deformities of the upper lip (1), a one-stage lip-switch technique was developed (2). This modification obviates the 1- to 2-week waiting period required for separation of the vascular pedicle.

FIGURE 161.1 Diagram of operative procedure. A: Preoperative design. Facial and lower labial arteries are illustrated. B: Mucosal closure of the transferred flap and pedicle. Modification of closure is shown in B‘. C: Completion of the procedure.


Asymmetries or variations in lower-vermilion vascularization have been described (3, 4), including cases with an equal distribution of the bilateral inferior labial arteries; predominant inferior artery of one side; the inferior labial artery present only on one side; or the inferior labial artery present as the terminal branch of the sublabial artery. The inferior labial artery may arise from a common trunk at the level of the labial commissure or directly from the superior labial artery (4, 5). In any case, numerous branches and terminals of the inferior labial, sublabial, mental, and submental arteries constitute an abundant labial network.

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Jun 26, 2016 | Posted by in General Surgery | Comments Off on One-Stage Lip-Switch

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