Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) is a unique technique that can offer the highest cure rates and maximum tissue conservation in the management of specific primary and recurrent skin cancers. However, there are many areas of controversy that surround MMS, including appropriate indications for its use, technical quandaries, and outcomes. Recent efforts in these areas need to be assessed to identify research gaps in MMS to help fuel further work. The usefulness of MMS and its methods for delivery need more stringent, evidence-based, rigorous study.
Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) is a surgical treatment of skin cancer that couples tissue conservation with complete microscopic margin control, allowing for superior cure rates and minimizing deformity. The utility of MMS is based on the observation that skin cancers often grow contiguously, with fingerlike projections that can invade deeply or laterally from the clinically visible tumor. Unlike traditional methods of tumor excision, which involve removal of the clinically visible tumor along with an additional margin of normal-appearing tissue, the advantage of MMS is that it allows minimal removal of normal-appearing tissue. This situation is because MMS involves immediate histologic evaluation of excised tumor tissue using horizontal frozen sections, which allows for rapid visualization of 100% of the surgical margins, as opposed to the traditional bread-loaf technique, which reveals less than 1% of the interface between the specimen and the patient. With MMS, the performing physician renders both the surgical and pathologic services, and the tissue is sampled until it is determined to be tumor-free. MMS has become the treatment of choice for nonmelanoma skin cancers (NMSCs), consisting of basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) with a high risk for local recurrence.
MMS is often indicated for NMSCs at high risk for local recurrence or possible significant functional or cosmetic impairment. Clinical morphology, anatomic location and size, histology (including level of invasion), patient immunity, and recurrence after previous treatment are criteria that can be used to determine the appropriate use of MMS for treating a cutaneous neoplasm. The indications for MMS, as outlined in the clinical guidelines currently adapted by Medicare for reimbursement include the following:
- 1.
BCC in anatomic locations where they are prone to recur including the mask area of the face that are mainly embryonic fusion planes (central face, eyelids, eyebrows, periorbital areas, nose, lips, chin, mandible, periauricular areas, ear, temple), scalp, forehead, cheeks, and neck, genitalia, hands, and feet
- 2.
NMSCs that have 1 or more of the following features: recurrent or positive margin on recent excision; aggressive pathology in the hands and feet, genitalia, and nail unit/periungual; large size (2.0 cm or greater); poorly defined borders; age less than 40 years; radiation-induced; immunocompromised host; arising in an old scar (eg, a Marjolin ulcer); associated with xeroderma pigmentosum; deeply infiltrating lesion or difficulty estimating depth of lesion; perineural invasion on biopsy
- 3.
SCCs showing any of the following: undifferentiated to poorly differentiated, adenoid (acantholytic), adenosquamous, desmoplastic, infiltrative, perineural, periadnexal, or perivascular, and verrucous; subtypes including Bowen disease (BCC in situ), erythroplasia of Queryrat, and verrucous carcinoma; although tumors treated with excision have a cure rate of 80%, the reported cure rate with Mohs surgery approaches 98%
- 4.
Basal cell nevus syndrome
- 5.
Other cutaneous neoplasms: aside from BCCs and SCC, MMS can successfully treat a variety of cutaneous tumors, as outlined later. Although its use and application is clear in most instances, its use for the some tumors is controversial because of tumor characteristics (multifocality, discontinuous growth patterns) or technique limitations (inherent disadvantages of frozen sections vs permanent sections).
Keratoacanthomas (KAs) are rapidly growing, solitary, cutaneous tumors that can often spontaneously regress, but can cause significant local tissue destruction before regressing. Some KA subtypes, such as giant KA (>20–30 mm in diameter), KA centrifugum marginatum, and subungual KA, can be difficult to surgically treat with a standard excision. Furthermore, some KAs can show aggressive histologic features, such as perineural invasion. Predicting which KAs will behave aggressively (grow rapidly, cause extensive local tissue damage, invade nerves) is not always possible. Because of the unpredictability of spontaneous regression and their potentially destructive nature, recurrent KAs and KAs near vital structures (where tissue conservation is warranted) are ideally treated with MMS. As a cautionary note, eruptive KAs can sometimes arise as a complication of skin excision including Mohs, and in the case of eruptive KAs after surgery, other treatment modalities, such as intralesional methotrexate or oral retinoids, should also be considered.
Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is an uncommon, slow-growing, fibrohistiocytic tumor that can be locally aggressive, with distant subclinical extension. It is often treated with wide local excision with a margin of at least 3 cm down to the fascia. Despite the wide surgical margins, multiple recurrences are frequently reported, with a recurrence rate of approximately 49%. Histologic identification of the tumor margin can be difficult using frozen sections, because malignant cells may resemble normal fibroblasts. The supplemental use of CD 34 immunostain or excision of a conservative additional margin for permanent section can be useful in helping to delineate tumor clearance. MMS is well established for the treatment of primary and recurrent DFSPs and is suggested as the treatment of choice for DFSP.
Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma
Microcystic adnexal carcinoma (MAC) also referred to as sclerosing sweat duct carcinoma, is a more recently described, uncommon, malignant eccrine tumor that is known for its aggressive local invasion of tissue. MAC rarely metastasizes; however, it usually involves deep soft tissue and dermis and has a propensity for perineural invasion. Because MAC grows contiguously, it is well suited for removal with MMS. Local recurrences after traditional excisional surgery approach 47%, usually within the first 3 years. Five-year recurrence rate for MMS is less (0%–22%). MMS should be strongly considered as a first-line modality for the treatment of MAC.
Atypical Fibroxanthoma
Atypical fibroxanthoma (AFX) is a low-grade malignancy that is most often seen in actinically damaged skin on the head and neck of elderly patients. Compared with excision, MMS has been shown to provide superior cure rates for AFX. On average, the available follow-up for AFX treated with MMS is approximately 30.7 months; the average recurrence rate is 3%. Fewer recurrences are seen with MMS compared with excision, suggesting that MMS may have better cure rates for this rare tumor.
Use of MMS in melanoma is still controversial because of the inherent difficulty in distinguishing melanoma cells from benign melanocytic proliferations on frozen section, and its use is mostly limited to anatomic locations that preclude use of conventional excision with appropriate margins. The use of melanoma-specific immunostains (including S-100, HMB-45, Mart-5, and Melan-A) has helped overcome this barrier, but the time and cost of immunostains have limited widespread adoption of MMS for treatment of melanoma.
Other Rare Tumors
Many other cutaneous neoplasms listed later are treated by using MMS either alone or as part of an overall treatment approach for these unusual neoplasms. However, the small number of such cases precludes any conclusions about the usefulness of this technique.
- i.
- ii.
Sebaceous gland carcinoma
- iii.
Extramammary Paget disease
- iv.
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
- v.
Leiomyosarcoma or other spindle cell neoplasms of the skin
- vi.
Adenocystic carcinoma of the skin
- vii.
Apocrine or eccrine carcinoma of the skin
- viii.
Merkel cell carcinoma.
Mohs surgery is performed on more than 876,000 tumors per year in the United States and that rate is rapidly increasing. Approximately half of all MMS cases are performed on Medicare beneficiaries. Analysis of Medicare claims data can therefore yield useful information on time trends in MMS utilization. Although a few NMSCs in the Medicare population are treated with MMS, its utilization is increasing at a faster rate than the use of other treatment modalities, such as excision. The rate of Mohs surgery per 1000 Medicare beneficiaries increased by 236% between 1999 and 2009, whereas excisions and destructions of lesions increased by approximately 20%. It is unclear to what extent the increasing rate of Mohs surgery utilization is because of the epidemic increase in the incidence of NMSC over time, and to the increasing availability of Mohs surgeons, who were in short supply until 10 to 20 years ago. It has been suggested that previous lower utilization rates were associated with a lack of availability of Mohs surgery services. Mohs surgery was more likely than surgical excision on the face and less likely elsewhere. Tumor location was associated with MMS utilization, with 47% of facial lesions and 15% of lesions on the rest of the body treated with MMS. Patient age, race, and geographic region were also significantly associated with the likelihood of Mohs surgery. The use of Mohs for these cancers decreased with patient age (from 41% of patients aged 67 to 69 years to 34% of patients 85 years or older). Mohs was used in 37% of white patients, 23% of black patients, and 29% of patients of other races. Areas with high densities of Mohs surgeons were likely to have higher rates of MMS; however, some areas with low densities still had high rates of Mohs utilization. There was wide variation in regional MMS utilization and geographic disparity that warrants further investigation.
Mohs surgery is performed on more than 876,000 tumors per year in the United States and that rate is rapidly increasing. Approximately half of all MMS cases are performed on Medicare beneficiaries. Analysis of Medicare claims data can therefore yield useful information on time trends in MMS utilization. Although a few NMSCs in the Medicare population are treated with MMS, its utilization is increasing at a faster rate than the use of other treatment modalities, such as excision. The rate of Mohs surgery per 1000 Medicare beneficiaries increased by 236% between 1999 and 2009, whereas excisions and destructions of lesions increased by approximately 20%. It is unclear to what extent the increasing rate of Mohs surgery utilization is because of the epidemic increase in the incidence of NMSC over time, and to the increasing availability of Mohs surgeons, who were in short supply until 10 to 20 years ago. It has been suggested that previous lower utilization rates were associated with a lack of availability of Mohs surgery services. Mohs surgery was more likely than surgical excision on the face and less likely elsewhere. Tumor location was associated with MMS utilization, with 47% of facial lesions and 15% of lesions on the rest of the body treated with MMS. Patient age, race, and geographic region were also significantly associated with the likelihood of Mohs surgery. The use of Mohs for these cancers decreased with patient age (from 41% of patients aged 67 to 69 years to 34% of patients 85 years or older). Mohs was used in 37% of white patients, 23% of black patients, and 29% of patients of other races. Areas with high densities of Mohs surgeons were likely to have higher rates of MMS; however, some areas with low densities still had high rates of Mohs utilization. There was wide variation in regional MMS utilization and geographic disparity that warrants further investigation.
Use of curettage before Mohs
There is no standardized procedure for determining tumor margins before removing the first stage during MMS. Some Mohs surgeons perform light curettage of the tumor, which not only debulks the friable tumor tissue to facilitate tissue processing, but more importantly, can potentially help delineate its margins. Preoperative curettage has the potential to reduce the number of Mohs surgical stages required for tumor clearance, potentially increasing practice efficiency and decreasing cost of care. Several studies have examined the effectiveness of curettage in delineating tumor margins before MMS and have yielded different conclusions. Jih and colleagues studied 150 previously biopsied BCCs and SCCs less than 1.5 cm in size, dividing the study into 3 parts: (1) a retrospective study of 50 tumors curetted before MMS by a surgeon who routinely curettes preoperatively; (2) a prospective study in which a surgeon who routinely does not curette preoperatively curetted 50 tumors before MMS; and (3) a comparative historical group of 50 noncuretted tumors treated with Mohs surgery by the latter surgeon. Histologic evaluation of the curetted tissue revealed that only 50% had tumor in the curettings, but in 76% of these, the curette left residual tumor at the surgical margins. Of the remaining 50% in which the curette removed only noncancer–containing skin, 34% had tumor present at the surgical margin. Overall, the curette removed tumor, leaving no residual tumor at the surgical margins in only 12% of lesions. Comparison with historical noncuretted tumors operated on by the same surgeon showed that curettage did not affect the mean number of stages or the proportion of tumors requiring more than 1 stage for histologic clearance.
A prospective evaluation of 599 patients with biopsy-proven BCCs treated with MMS examined preoperative tumor size, curetted dimensions before the first surgical stage, proposed excisional margins before each surgical stage, and the final defect dimensions after each surgical stage were measured. Results showed that the curetted margin exceeded the observed extent of each tumor in most cases. A 1-mm excisional margin taken in the first stage of Mohs surgery without first performing curettage would have necessitated an extra surgical stage in 99.0% of the cases. These investigators concluded that careful presurgical curettage significantly reduces the number of Mohs surgical stages required for BCC treatment.
A recent study compared visual inspection, curettage, and dermoscopy in determining tumor extent before initial margins are taken for MMS. These investigators randomized 54 patients into 3 groups to delineate residual tumor (visual inspection, curettage, or dermoscopy) before MMS for BCCs on the nose and recorded the final number of stages and postoperative defect sizes. They found no statistically significant differences for the final number of stages ( P = .20) or the final defect sizes ( P = .47) among the 3 arms.
Part of the discrepancy between these studies lays in their design. In the study by Jih and colleagues, 100 of the 150 tumors studied were from the practice of 1 Mohs surgeon who, in all likelihood, did not value the use of curettage before MMS because he did not routinely use it in his practice. Results from a single surgeon, or a study in which 1 surgeon dominates the findings, may be prone to bias because of different value on the use of curettage and variation in technique (eg, differential application of pressure during curettage, number of passes). Also, in all studies, the outcome measures were not recorded by blinded observers, leading to the potential for further bias. To better answer this question, a study design is needed in which Mohs surgeons (balanced among those who favor and do not favor preoperative curettage) are randomized to curettage or none a priori, and rigorous blinded methodologies are used to measure outcomes. Until then, the value of preoperative curettage for MMS is still to be determined.
Use of prophylactic antibiotics
There is considerable practice variation in the use of prophylactic antibiotics for MMS. MMS is considered a clean surgical procedure (unless a tumor is secondarily colonized and infected), with an overall low rate of surgical site infection, estimated at around 0.7% to 2.5%. Similarly, the rate of bacteremia during dermatologic procedures is low, estimated around 1.9%. Yet prophylactic antibiotics may be administered to MMS patients despite a low risk of bacteremia and surgical site infections in most patients. There are some indications for prophylactic antibiotics that are clear (including history of immunosuppression [solid organ transplant recipient, human immunodeficiency virus with low CD4 count, chronic lymphocytic leukemia]). However, some Mohs surgeons routinely use prophylactic antibiotics for patients with a history of prostheses (valves or joints), nonphysiologic heart murmurs or valvular disease, or repair type (skin graft or large flap) in which the data are not supportive.
With regard to cardiac indications, the American Heart Association (AHA) released updated guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis in 2007 that recommend their use to prevent bacteremia in dental, oral, upper respiratory tract, and some genitourinary and gastrointestinal procedures, in patients with high-risk or moderate-risk cardiac conditions. MMS does not usually fall into any of the categories outlined earlier, unless oral or respiratory mucosa is breached during the procedure. However, if MMS is planned on the lip or on the nose where breach of the nasal mucosa is anticipated, antibiotic prophylaxis is indicated for the following cardiac conditions:
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Previous infective endocarditis
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Prosthetic cardiac valves
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Unrepaired cyanotic congenital heart defects, including palliative shunts and conduits
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Congenital heart defects completely repaired with prosthetic material or a device, whether placed by surgery or by catheter intervention, during the first 6 months after the procedure
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Repaired congenital defects with residual defects at the site or adjacent to the site of a prosthetic patch or prosthetic device
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Cardiac transplants and development of cardiac valvulopathy.
Patient groups that may have received routine antibiotic prophylaxis in the past but are no longer candidates for it include those with mitral and aortic valve disease, rheumatic heart disease, or structural disorders like ventricular or atrial septal defects or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, according to the AHA statement. Thus, prophylactic antibiotics are rarely necessary for patients who have cardiac disease undergoing MMS.
In general, systemic prophylactic antibiotics are not indicated in patients undergoing MMS who have vascular grafts, or orthopedic prostheses. However, there are certain instances when their use may be warranted. A recently published Advisory Statement for antibiotic prophylaxis in dermatologic surgery suggests their use in Mohs performed on the lower extremity/groin area in individuals with a total hip or knee replacement because of the documented increased risk of surgical site infection on the lower extremities. Mohs surgeons can use guidelines in formulating their approach based on individual patient characteristics and needs.
If antibiotic prophylaxis is deemed necessary, the most commonly used antibiotics for prophylaxis include dicloxacillin and cephalexin (2 g by mouth 1 hour before surgery). For patients who are allergic to penicillin, this author uses either cefdinir (600 mg by mouth 1 hour before surgery, unless the patient had an anaphylactic reaction to penicillin), azithromycin (500 mg by mouth 1 hour before surgery), or clindamycin (600 mg by mouth 1 hour before surgery). However, Mohs surgeons should strive to decrease unnecessary use of antimicrobials by avoiding them in situations in which good evidence indicates that they are ineffective.