Note: Page numbers of article titles are in boldface type.
Ablative technologies, for laser skin resurfacing, 301–302
Academic journals, in EBM, 274, 395, 403
Acetyl-glutamate-glutamate-methionine-glutamate-arginine-arginine (Ac-EEMQRR), in skin care, 294
Acoustic rhinometry, in functional rhinoplasty outcome evaluation, 304–306, 309
Aesthetic outcomes, in EBM, of rhinoplasty, 304, 306–307
functional vs., 304–306
patient-reported, 398, 401. See also Patient satisfaction assessment.
with microvascular reconstruction, of oral cavity and oropharynx, 354
Airway management, with orofacial cleft anomalies, 368
Alar base, in cleft lip, 358–359
Algorithms, in EBM, 307, 403
Alpha hydroxy acids, in skin care, 289
Alpha tocopherol, in skin care, 293
Analgesia, in orofacial cleft anomaly surgery, 368
Anastomosis, in free flap transfer, 348
Anesthesia, and clinical outcomes, in closed reduction of nasal fracture, 337–338
Angle fractures, mandibular, 337–338
evidence-based management of, 338–340
Anomalies, orofacial cleft, 357–372 . See also Orofacial cleft anomalies.
vascular. See also Infantile hemangiomas (IHs).
ISSVA classification of, 373–374
Antibiotics, in facial fracture management, 336–337
in orofacial cleft anomaly surgery, 368
Antioxidants, in skin care, 289–294
vitamin A, 289
vitamin C, 289–292
vitamin E, 292–294
Antiviral therapy, for facial palsies, 316
clinical evidence of, 319, 324–325, 329
Appearance assessment, in EBM, 398–399
Argireline, in skin care, 294
Arm restraints, for orofacial cleft anomaly surgery, 368
Ascorbic acid, in skin care, 289–292
synergism with vitamin E, 292–294
Attrition bias, in systematic review, 275–276
Autonomy of physician, in EBM, 403
β-Blockers, for infantile hemangiomas, 378, 381–382
nonselective. See Propranolol .
Bell palsy (BP), 316
Bench research, in EBM, 303, 394
Bias/bias risk, in meta-analysis, 277
in systematic review, 275–276
Biopsy, of sun damaged skin, 287, 289
Blepharoplasty, patient satisfaction with, 401–402
Body image assessment, in EBM, 398–399
Bone-anchored suture technique (BAST), in rhinoplasty, 310
Bony defects, microvascular reconstruction for, in lateral mandible, 348–350
in oral cavity and oropharynx, 352–353
Botulinum toxin (BTX), for facial lines, patient satisfaction with, 402
for facial synkinesis, 315, 329
clinical evidence of, 319, 325–326
Breastfeeding, orofacial cleft anomalies and, 368
Broad band light (BBL), in laser skin resurfacing, 298–299
Brow reanimation, for facial palsies, 314–315
clinical evidence of, 325, 329
static vs. dynamic, 327–328
Business associate agreement (BAA), 402–403
β-Blockers, for infantile hemangiomas, 378, 381–382
nonselective. See Propranolol .
Bell palsy (BP), 316
Bench research, in EBM, 303, 394
Bias/bias risk, in meta-analysis, 277
in systematic review, 275–276
Biopsy, of sun damaged skin, 287, 289
Blepharoplasty, patient satisfaction with, 401–402
Body image assessment, in EBM, 398–399
Bone-anchored suture technique (BAST), in rhinoplasty, 310
Bony defects, microvascular reconstruction for, in lateral mandible, 348–350
in oral cavity and oropharynx, 352–353
Botulinum toxin (BTX), for facial lines, patient satisfaction with, 402
for facial synkinesis, 315, 329
clinical evidence of, 319, 325–326
Breastfeeding, orofacial cleft anomalies and, 368
Broad band light (BBL), in laser skin resurfacing, 298–299
Brow reanimation, for facial palsies, 314–315
clinical evidence of, 325, 329
static vs. dynamic, 327–328
Business associate agreement (BAA), 402–403
Cancer, of oral cavity and oropharynx, microvascular reconstruction for, 352–354
Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) laser, in skin resurfacing, 301
Case series, in EBM, 303, 394
Case-control studies, in EBM, 303, 394
Certainty, in systematic review, 275
Chemical sunscreens, 286
Chemodenervation, for facial palsies, 313, 315, 329
clinical evidence of, 325
Chemotherapy, for oral cavity and oropharynx tumors, effect on microvascular reconstruction, 354
Classification systems, for facial palsies, 313–314
for infantile hemangiomas, 373–375
subclassifications in, 375–376
for lateral wall insufficiency, 305–306, 310
for maxillectomy defects, in microvascular reconstruction, 352–353
for orofacial cleft anomalies, 358–359
in EBM, 303–304, 394–395
Cleft lip, evidence-based review of, 357–372
classification system for, 358–359
cleft palate vs., 363–367
clinical outcomes of, 362
complications and concerns of, 362–363
maxillary growth, 363
wound issues, 362–363
general therapeutic considerations for, 367–368
airway concerns, 367–368
arm restraints, 368
feeding, 368
relevant pharmacology, 368
introduction to, 357–358
key points of, 357
levels of evidence in, 357–358
other therapeutic options for, 361–362
alveolar bone grafting, 361
lip adhesion, 361
nasoalveolar molding, 361
presurgical infant orthopedics, 360–361
primary rhinoplasty, 358, 360–362
summary overview of, 368
surgical techniques for, 359–361
bilateral, 360
timing of, 360–361
unilateral, 359–360
Cleft palate, evidence-based review of, 357–372
cleft lip vs., 358–363
clinical outcomes of, 366
complications and concerns of, 366–367
oronasal fistula, 366, 368
velopharyngeal insufficiency, 366–367
description of, 363
facial growth considerations in, 365
general therapeutic considerations for, 367–368
airway concerns, 367–368
arm restraints, 368
feeding, 368
relevant pharmacology, 368
introduction to, 357–358
key points of, 357
levels of evidence in, 357–358
other therapeutic options for, 366
tympanostomy tube placement, 366
speech considerations in, 364–365
VPI and, 366–367
summary overview of, 368
surgical techniques for, 363–365
Furlow double-opposing Z-plasty, 364–365
historical, 363
1-stage vs. 2-stage (Schweckendiek) palate repair, 365
timing of, 364–365
2-flap palatoplasty, 363–364
Clinical expertise, in EBM, 403
Clinical outcomes, in EBM, 395–396
Closed reduction, of mandible fractures, mandibular-maxillary fixation with, 338–341
open reduction vs., 341
of nasal fracture, anesthesia and, 337–338
Coaptation technique, for facial nerve repair, 324
Cochrane collaboration, as meta-analysis, 275, 277, 340, 351, 368
Cohort studies, in EBM, 274, 303, 394
Collagen, in photoaging, 286–287, 289
Columellar elongation, 2-stage repair with, for cleft lip, 360
Combination, multimodality therapy, for infantile hemangiomas, 388
Comparison, in systematic review, 274, 303
Computed tomography (CT) scan, in functional rhinoplasty outcome evaluation, 305
Computerized Decision Support Systems (CDSSs), 403
Computers, in EBM, 395, 402–403
Conclusions, in meta-analysis, 277, 281
Condylar fractures, mandibular, evidence-based management of, 340–341
Consensus, in systematic review, 275
Consent, for photodocumentation, 402
Copper glycine-histidine-lysine (CuGHK), in skin care, 294
Corneal protective measures, for facial palsies, 313
clinical evidence of, 316, 325
static vs. dynamic, 327
Cosmeceuticals, in skin care, 285, 287, 289, 294
Cross-face nerve grafting (CFNG), for facial palsies, 314–315
clinical evidence of, 322, 326, 328
Cupid peak, in cleft lip, 359
Cyclophosphamide, for infantile hemangiomas, 385, 388
Data collection, in EBM. See Expert data collection.
Data storage, in EBM, 402–403
Database search, in systematic review, 274–275, 395
Decision process, in EBM, 403
Decompression, surgical exploration and, in acute flaccid facial palsy, 319–322
Denervation, for facial palsies, chemical, 313, 315, 325
surgical, 325
Dental rehabilitation, for lateral mandibular defect, 348–349
Depressor labii inferioris, in facial palsies, 315, 326–327
Derriford Appearance Scale (DAS59), 398–399, 403
Detection bias, in systematic review, 275–276
Dexamethasone, in orofacial cleft anomaly surgery, 368
Disability assessment, in EBM, 398. See also Functional outcomes.
Disagreement, in systematic review, 275
Doppler probe, for free flap transfer evaluation, 348–349
EBM. See Evidence-based medicine (EBM).
eFACE graphical user interface, for facial palsies, 316–317
Efficacy outcomes, in EBM, 395
Electronic health record (EHR), 403
Electronic medical record (EMR), 402
E-mail updates, for EBM, 395
Error, in meta-analysis, 277, 281
Er:YAG laser, in skin resurfacing, 301
Estimations, in meta-analysis, 277, 281
Ethmoid fractures, naso-orbital, evidence-based management of, 343
Evidence, in systematic review, identification of, 274–275
quality of, 275
Evidence-based medicine (EBM), 393–405
advantages of, 297
barriers to, 403
classification systems for, 303–304, 394–395
expert data collection in, 395
facial nerve grading systems, 396–397
scar-assessment scales, 301, 398–400
storage and preparedness of, 402–403
facial reanimation and, 313–334 . See also Facial reanimation.
fracture management and, 335–345 . See also Fracture management.
incorporating into practice, 395
infantile hemangiomas and, 373–392 . See also Infantile hemangiomas (IHs).
introduction to, 393–394
key points of, 393
laser medicine and, 297–302 . See also Laser therapy.
levels of evidence in, 274, 303, 347, 394, 403. See also specific medicine or pathology.
analysis and review of, 273–283
microvascular reconstruction and, 347–356 . See also Microvascular reconstruction.
orofacial cleft anomalies and, 357–372 . See also Cleft lip; Cleft palate.
outcome measures in, 395–396. See also Outcome entries; specific measure.
electronic storage of, 402–403
patient satisfaction assessment in, 395–396
for facial rejuvenation, 401–402
patient-reported outcome measures in, 395–396
scope of, 398
tools for, 398–401
resources for, 274–275, 395
rhinoplasty and, 303–312 . See also Rhinoplasty .
skin care and, 285–295 . See also Skin care.
strength of recommendations in, 394–395
summary overview of, 393–394, 403
systematic review and meta-analysis for, 273–283 . See also Meta-analysis; Systematic review.
Excision, surgical, of infantile hemangiomas, 382, 388
Exclusion criteria, in systematic review, 274, 351
Experimental studies, systematic review of, 273–283 . See also Systematic review.
Expert data collection, in EBM, 395
facial nerve grading systems, 396–397
scar-assessment scales, 301, 398–400
storage and preparedness of, 402–403
Expert opinion, in EBM, 303, 394
Eye reanimation, for facial palsies, 314–315, 321
clinical evidence of, 325
static vs. dynamic, 327–328
Eyelid reanimation, for facial palsies, 314–315
clinical evidence of, 325
static vs. dynamic, 327
Facial fractures, evidence-based management of, 335–345 . See also Fracture management.
Facial growth, orofacial cleft anomaly repair and, 363, 365
Facial nerve grading systems, in EBM, 396–397
for palsies, 313–314, 316, 319
patient-reported, 398
Facial palsy (FP), classification of, 313–314, 319, 396
infectious causes of, 316, 319, 325
therapeutic options for. See Facial reanimation.
traumatic causes of, 319, 321–322
Facial reanimation, evidence-based, 313–334
chemodenervation in, 313, 315
clinical evidence of, 325
clinical outcomes of, 316–324
complications and concerns of, 329
corneal protection in, 313
clinical evidence of, 316, 325
definitions for, 313–314
dynamic procedures for, 314, 328–329
introduction to, 313
key points of, 313
nerve integrity and, 314, 319–321, 396
neurorrhaphy in, 314–315
clinical evidence of, 322–324
observation in, 313
clinical evidence of, 321–322
pharmaceutical therapy in, 313
clinical evidence of, 316, 319
physiotherapy in, 314–315
clinical evidence of, 318, 324–325
static procedures for, 314, 327, 329
summary overview of, 313, 329
surgical exploration and decompression in, 319–321
surgical techniques for, 313–316. See also specific anatomy.
clinical evidence of, 325–326
therapeutic options for, 313–315
static vs. dynamic, 314, 327–328
timing of interventions in, 313
clinical evidence of, 321–322
Fascia lata suspensions, for facial paralysis, 319, 326–327
Feeding protocols, for orofacial cleft anomalies, 368
Fibula free flap, for lateral mandibular defect, 349–350
Fillers, for facial palsies, 313–315
Fisher Subunit repair, for cleft lip, 359
Fistula, oronasal, post-cleft palate repair, 366, 368
Fitzpatrick score, in ablative laser skin resurfacing, 301
Fixation methods, for mandible management, open, 340–341
plating systems as, 338–340, 349
with lateral defect, 348–349
Fixed-effects model, of combined estimates, in meta-analysis, 281
Flaccid facial palsy (FFP), 313–314
evidence-based therapeutic options for, 313–316
Flap transfer, for cleft lip, 358–360
for cleft palate, 363–364
for lateral mandibular defect, 349–350
for oral cavity and oropharynx reconstruction, 350–354
for velopharyngeal insufficiency, 367
in microvascular reconstruction, 348
Forest plot, in meta-analysis, 277, 281
Fractional laser treatment, in skin resurfacing, intense pulsed light with, 301
split-scar, for surgical scar, 301
Fracture management, evidence-based, 335–345
antibiotics and, 336–337
future directions for, 343
introduction to, 335–336
key points of, 335
mandibular, 338–341
angle, 338–340
condyle, 340–341
subcondyle, 340–341
midface, 342–343
nasal, 337–338
orbital, 341–342
skull base, 343
summary overview of, 343–344
Freckles, retinoids for, 287–288
Free tissue transfer, for cleft lip, 358–360
for lateral mandibular defect, 349–350
for oral cavity and oropharynx reconstruction, 350–354
for velopharyngeal insufficiency, 367
in microvascular reconstruction, 348
Free-gracilis transfer, for facial palsies, 322
Frontal sinus fractures, evidence-based management of, 343
Functional outcomes, in EBM, 395–396, 398
Functional rhinoplasty, evidence-based, 304–306
outcome evaluation in, 304–306
aesthetic vs., 306–307
clinician-reported measures of, 305–306
controversies of, 304
discordance of objective and subjective measures, 306
objective anatomic measures of, 304–305
objective physiologic measures of, 305
patient-reported measures of, 305
surgical techniques for, 307–310
treatment algorithm in, 307–308
Furlow double-opposing Z-plasty, for cleft palate, 364–366
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