Note: Page numbers of article titles are in boldface type.
ACVR (anterior cranial vault reconstruction), for syndromic craniosynostosis, 533, 535
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS), for craniomaxillofacial trauma, 607
Airway intervention/management, early, for craniofacial anomalies, 427–436
additional considerations of, 434–435
bedside clinical assessment, in diagnostic evaluation of, 427–428
craniofacial syndrome classification in, 427–428, 538
diagnostic evaluation of, 427–428
bedside clinical assessment in, 427–428
laboratory studies in, 428
polysomnography in, 428
introduction to, 427
key points of, 427
mandible hypoplasia and, 430–432
midface hypoplasia combined with, 432
midface hypoplasia and, 428–430
mandible hypoplasia combined with, 432
midline deformities and, 432–434
syndromic craniosynostosis, 427, 538
for craniomaxillofacial trauma, in pediatric patients, 607
Alar appearance, in cleft nasal deformity, 492
Alar base, in cleft nasal deformity, 487–488
symmetry of, 492
in Terrier clefts, 548–549, 554
in unilateral cleft lip repair, 459
Alar batten graft, for cleft nasal deformity, 492
Alar rim graft, for cleft nasal deformity, 492
Alar strut graft, for cleft nasal deformity, 492
Alar turn-in flap, for cleft nasal deformity, 492
Alcohol intake, craniomaxillofacial trauma related to, 606
maternal, fetal conditions related to. See Fetal alcohol syndrome.
Alloplastic reconstruction, for craniofacial microsomia, 510
for microtia, 580, 582, 588–589
complications of, 589
placement with skin graft, 589
pre- and postoperative photographs of, 589
prepared framework for, 588–589
TPF flap and, 588–589
ALT (anterolateral thigh) flap, for midface reconstruction, 600–601
Alveolar bone grafting, in cleft palate repair, 473–475
alternative products for, 474–475
complications of, 475
introduction to, 473
patient evaluation for, 474
presurgical orthodontic preparation for, 474
surgical technique for, 474
timing of, 473–474
Alveolar clefts, 547–549
repair of, in cleft palate, 473–475
bone grafting for, 473–475
gingivoperiosteoplasty for, 473
Alveolus, cleft lip and, feeding difficulties with, 439
in orofacial clefting, 454, 468
maxillary, in midface reconstruction, 594, 597, 601–602
Amniocentesis, in fetal craniofacial anomalies testing, 406–407, 416
Amniotic band sequence/syndrome, cleft lip/cleft palate associated with, 414–415, 419
Anatomic velopharyngeal dysfunction, 478
Anterior cranial vault reconstruction (ACVR), for syndromic craniosynostosis, 533, 535
Anterior plagiocephaly, 521
Anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap, for midface reconstruction, 600–601
Antibiotic prophylaxis, for craniomaxillofacial trauma, 606–607
Antley-Bixler syndrome, craniosynostosis associated with, 421
Apert syndrome, craniofacial anomalies related to, airway intervention for, 434
craniosynostosis associated with, 421–422
clinical characteristics of, 531–532, 538–539
molecular genetics of, 534, 538
Apnea. See Sleep apnea.
Aramany classification, of midface defects, 594–595
Arteriovenous malformations (AVM), clinical presentations of, 559–560, 566
Schobinger scale of severity for, 566, 568
treatment of, 569–570
Atresia, auricular, 579, 581. See also Microtia.
choanal, airway management for, 433–434
during surgical repair, 434
Atresiaplasty, for microtia, 579–580, 582
Audiology consultation, for microtia, 578
Auricle, external, normal anatomic landmarks of, 578
Auricular anomalies, in craniofacial microsomia, 496, 498
grading based on, 499
surgical correction of, 509–510
small or malformations as. See Microtia.
Auricular atresia, 579, 581. See also Microtia.
Autologous cartilage reconstruction, for microtia, 580–581
complications of, 589
pre- and postoperative photographs of, 587–588
stage I in, 583–586
framework carving, 584–586
incision for skin flap, 583–584
rib harvest, 584
skin marking for graft harvest, 582–583
template of normal ear, 582–583, 585
stage II in, 585–588
elliptical skin graft from thigh, 587–588
framework incision and flap advancement, 585–587
Autospreader technique, for cleft nasal deformity, 491
AVM. See Arteriovenous malformations (AVM).
Avulsions, with craniomaxillofacial trauma, 607–608
Baller-Gerold syndrome, craniosynostosis associated with, 421
Bandeau, supraorbital, in cranial vault reconstruction, 524–525
Barium swallow, in feeding evaluation, for craniofacial anomalies, 442–443
Batten graft, alar, for cleft nasal deformity, 492
caudal, for cleft nasal deformity, 490
Beare-Stevenson cutis gyrata syndrome, craniosynostosis associated with, 534, 538
Bicoronal craniosynostosis, 524, 539
Bilateral cleft lip, in cleft nasal deformity, 488–489
surgical repair of, 454–457
algorithm for, 456–457
closure in, 456
feeding and, 454–455
flap mobilization in, 456
for complete anomaly, 454
lateral lip segments design in, 455–456
lip taping in, 454–455, 462
muscle dissection in, 456
NAM and, 454–455, 457, 462–464
overview of, 454–455
primary rhinoplasty in, 455–456
prolabial flap design in, 455–456
Bites, craniomaxillofacial trauma related to, 608
Blink rehabilitation, dynamic, for facial nerve paralysis, 574
Blood disorders, craniofacial deformities related to, 540
BMPs (bone morphogenetic proteins), for alveolar cleft, 474–475
Bone conduction amplification, for hearing loss, with microtia, 579–580, 582
Bone dust, in cranial vault reconstruction, 525
Bone dysplasia. See Skeletal dysplasia syndromes.
Bone flap, frontal, in cranial vault reconstruction, 524
Bone fractures. See Fractures; specific anatomy or type.
Bone framework, in midface, defects classification based on, 593–595
management algorithm from, 596–597
Bone grafts, alternative products for, 474–475
alveolar, in cleft palate repair, 473–475. See also Alveolar bone grafting.
for craniofacial microsomia, 500–501, 510
Bone hypoplasia. See Skeletal hypoplasia syndromes.
Bone involvement, in Tessier clefts, 545–556
hypertelorism and, 556
Tessier 0, 546
Tessier 1, 547
Tessier 2, 547
Tessier 3, 548
Tessier 4, 549
Tessier 5, 549–550
Tessier 6, 550
Tessier 7, 551
Tessier 8, 551–552
Tessier 9, 552
Tessier 10, 552–553
Tessier 11, 553
Tessier 12, 553–554
Tessier 13, 554
Tessier 14, 555
Tessier 30, 555–556
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), for alveolar cleft, 474–475
Boo-Chai classification, of craniofacial clefts, 545
Boston-type craniosynostosis, 534
Bottles, for feeding management, with craniofacial anomalies, 443
Brachycephaly, deformational, 519
syndromic craniosynostosis vs., 529, 532–533, 535, 537
Brachyturricephaly, 529, 535, 537
Brain anomalies, MRI of, 415–416
Brain development, in craniosynostosis, nonsyndromic, 517, 519, 521–522
secondary, 540
syndromic, 531–532
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, cleft lip/cleft palate associated with, 417
Breastfeeding, with craniofacial anomalies, 443
Bronchoscopy, of craniofacial anomalies, for early airway intervention, 434–435
Brown and Shaw classification, of midface defects, 594
Burping, for feeding management, with craniofacial anomalies, 443
Buttresses, facial, in midface reconstruction, 595–597, 601
Baller-Gerold syndrome, craniosynostosis associated with, 421
Bandeau, supraorbital, in cranial vault reconstruction, 524–525
Barium swallow, in feeding evaluation, for craniofacial anomalies, 442–443
Batten graft, alar, for cleft nasal deformity, 492
caudal, for cleft nasal deformity, 490
Beare-Stevenson cutis gyrata syndrome, craniosynostosis associated with, 534, 538
Bicoronal craniosynostosis, 524, 539
Bilateral cleft lip, in cleft nasal deformity, 488–489
surgical repair of, 454–457
algorithm for, 456–457
closure in, 456
feeding and, 454–455
flap mobilization in, 456
for complete anomaly, 454
lateral lip segments design in, 455–456
lip taping in, 454–455, 462
muscle dissection in, 456
NAM and, 454–455, 457, 462–464
overview of, 454–455
primary rhinoplasty in, 455–456
prolabial flap design in, 455–456
Bites, craniomaxillofacial trauma related to, 608
Blink rehabilitation, dynamic, for facial nerve paralysis, 574
Blood disorders, craniofacial deformities related to, 540
BMPs (bone morphogenetic proteins), for alveolar cleft, 474–475
Bone conduction amplification, for hearing loss, with microtia, 579–580, 582
Bone dust, in cranial vault reconstruction, 525
Bone dysplasia. See Skeletal dysplasia syndromes.
Bone flap, frontal, in cranial vault reconstruction, 524
Bone fractures. See Fractures; specific anatomy or type.
Bone framework, in midface, defects classification based on, 593–595
management algorithm from, 596–597
Bone grafts, alternative products for, 474–475
alveolar, in cleft palate repair, 473–475. See also Alveolar bone grafting.
for craniofacial microsomia, 500–501, 510
Bone hypoplasia. See Skeletal hypoplasia syndromes.
Bone involvement, in Tessier clefts, 545–556
hypertelorism and, 556
Tessier 0, 546
Tessier 1, 547
Tessier 2, 547
Tessier 3, 548
Tessier 4, 549
Tessier 5, 549–550
Tessier 6, 550
Tessier 7, 551
Tessier 8, 551–552
Tessier 9, 552
Tessier 10, 552–553
Tessier 11, 553
Tessier 12, 553–554
Tessier 13, 554
Tessier 14, 555
Tessier 30, 555–556
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), for alveolar cleft, 474–475
Boo-Chai classification, of craniofacial clefts, 545
Boston-type craniosynostosis, 534
Bottles, for feeding management, with craniofacial anomalies, 443
Brachycephaly, deformational, 519
syndromic craniosynostosis vs., 529, 532–533, 535, 537
Brachyturricephaly, 529, 535, 537
Brain anomalies, MRI of, 415–416
Brain development, in craniosynostosis, nonsyndromic, 517, 519, 521–522
secondary, 540
syndromic, 531–532
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, cleft lip/cleft palate associated with, 417
Breastfeeding, with craniofacial anomalies, 443
Bronchoscopy, of craniofacial anomalies, for early airway intervention, 434–435
Brown and Shaw classification, of midface defects, 594
Burping, for feeding management, with craniofacial anomalies, 443
Buttresses, facial, in midface reconstruction, 595–597, 601
Canine bites, craniomaxillofacial trauma related to, 608
Canthi involvement, in Terrier clefts, 556
Capillary malformations, clinical presentations of, 559–560, 565–566
treatment of, 568–569
Cardiology evaluation, for genetic craniofacial conditions, 413–414
for vascular malformations, 566
Carpenter syndrome, craniosynostosis associated with, 421, 539
Cartilage, nasal. See Nasal cartilage.
tracheal, in craniofacial anomalies, airway intervention for, 434–435
Cartilage grafts, for cleft nasal deformity, for alar appearance, 492
for alar base symmetry, 492
for dorsal augmentation, 493
for internal valve rehabilitation, 491
for nasal sill symmetry, 493
for nasal tip correction, 491–492
for septal reconstruction, 489–491
harvest of, 489
for craniofacial microsomia, 500–501, 508, 510
for microtia, 580–588. See also Autologous cartilage reconstruction.
for primary cleft rhinoplasty, unilateral cleft lip and, 459
Caudal batten graft, for cleft nasal deformity, 490
Caudal septal extension graft, for cleft nasal deformity, 490
Caudal septum, for cleft nasal deformity, 490
Central apnea, Chiari malformation–related, 532
Cephalopolysyndactyly, Greig, craniosynostosis associated with, 534, 538
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), in syndromic craniosynostosis, 531–532, 535
CFM. See Craniofacial microsomia (CFM).
Champy plate fixation, for mandibular angle fractures, 613–614
CHARGE syndrome, cleft lip/cleft palate associated with, 414
craniofacial conditions associated with, 413–414, 416, 535
genetic counseling for, 416
Cheeks, feeding and swallowing mechanics of, 438
Chiari malformation, central apnea related to, 532
in syndromic craniosynostosis, 532, 535, 537
Choanal atresia, airway management for, 433–434
during surgical repair, 434
Chorionic villus sampling, in fetal craniofacial anomalies testing, 406–407, 416
Chromosome abnormalities/deletions, cleft lip/cleft palate associated with, 417–418, 420
craniofacial conditions associated with, 413–416
feeding difficulties with, 440
laboratory studies of, 411–413
genetic counseling for, 416
in craniofacial microsomia, 496–497
Chromosome karyograms, for craniofacial conditions, 411–413
Cigarette smoking, fetal craniofacial conditions related to, 407–408
Cleft lip (CL), bilateral. See Bilateral cleft lip.
feeding difficulties with, 439
alveolus and, 439
in cleft nasal deformity, 487–489
surgical repair of, 453–466
bilateral, 454–457. See also Bilateral cleft lip.
epidemiology of, 453–454
introduction to, 453
key points of, 453
nasoalveolar molding in, 459–464
primary cleft rhinoplasty in, 464
summary of, 464
timing of, 454
unilateral, 456–460. See also Unilateral cleft lip.
Tessier clefts vs., 546–547, 549
unilateral. See Unilateral cleft lip.
Cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CLP), as genetic craniofacial condition, 414–416, 419
clinical evaluation of, 405–416
genetic vs. nongenetic factors of, 416, 419
midline deformities with, 433–434
airway management for, 432–433
prenatal evaluation of, 406
prevalence of, 416
feeding difficulties with, 439–440
Cleft nasal deformity, cleft rhinoplasty for, 487–494
bilateral cleft lip anatomy in, 488–489
definitive, timing of, 489
developmental characteristics of, 487–489
intermediate, timing of, 488–489
introduction to, 487
key points of, 487
preoperative evaluation of, 489–490
summary of, 494
techniques for, 489–493
alar appearance in, 492
alar base symmetry in, 492
columellar length in, 489–490, 493
dorsal augmentation as, 493
graft harvest in, 489
internal valve rehabilitation in, 491
nasal sill symmetry in, 493
nasal tip correction as, 491–492
septal reconstruction as, 489–491
surgical approaches in, 489–490
timing of, 488–489
unilateral cleft lip anatomy in, 487–488
in Tessier’s classification, 548–549. See also Tessier clefts.
Cleft palate (CP), as genetic craniofacial condition, 417–420
clinical evaluation of, 405–416
in orofacial clefting classification, 454
surgical repair and, 468
micrognathia and glossoptosis with. See Pierre Robin sequence (PRS).
prenatal evaluation of, 406
prevalence of, 419
PRS associated with, 418, 420, 422
submucous, 419–420
effect on speech and resonance, 449–450
feeding difficulties with, 439
primary surgical repair of, 468–473
complications of, 472–473
Furlow double-opening Z-palatoplasty in, 470–471
outcomes of, 472
Oxford/three-flap technique in, 471–472
patient positioning for, 468–469
postprocedural care of, 472
preoperative planning and considerations of, 468
techniques for, 469–473
timing of, 468
two-flap palatoplasty in, 469–470
Von Langenbeck palatoplasty in, 471
secondary. See also Velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI).
effect on speech and resonance, 446
surgical repair of, 467–476
alveolar cleft management in, 473–475
classification schemes in, 468
genetics and prenatal diagnosis in, 467–468
introduction to, 467–468
key points of, 467
multidisciplinary approach to, 468
patient assessment for, 468
physical assessment for, 468
primary, 468–473
summary of, 475
Cleft rhinoplasty, for cleft nasal deformity, 487–494
bilateral cleft lip anatomy in, 488–489
definitive, timing of, 489
developmental characteristics of, 487–489
intermediate, timing of, 488–489
introduction to, 487
key points of, 487
preoperative evaluation of, 489–490
summary of, 494
techniques for, 489–493
alar appearance in, 492
alar base symmetry in, 492
columellar length in, 489–490, 493
dorsal augmentation as, 493
graft harvest in, 489
internal valve rehabilitation in, 491
nasal sill symmetry in, 493
nasal tip correction as, 491–492
septal reconstruction as, 489–491
surgical approaches in, 489–490
timing of, 488–489
unilateral cleft lip anatomy in, 487–488
primary, for cleft lip, 464
bilateral, 455–456
outcomes of, 464
unilateral, 459
Cleidocranial dysplasia, craniosynostosis associated with, 534
parietal foramina and, 534
Clinical assessment/evaluation, of cleft lip/cleft palate, 405–416
for surgical repair, 454, 468, 474
of craniofacial anomalies, bedside, for early airway intervention, 427–428
Closed reduction, of craniomaxillofacial fractures, in pediatric patients, 607
mandibular condyle, 613
nasal, 611
CLP. See Cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CLP).
Cognitive impairment, with craniosynostosis, nonsyndromic, 517, 521–522
syndromic, 531–532
Columellar lengthening, for cleft nasal deformity, 489–490, 493
Columellar strut graft, for cleft nasal deformity, 491
in nasal tip correction, 491
Compensatory strategies, for feeding management, with craniofacial anomalies, 443–444
Complex craniosynostosis, nonsyndromic, 521, 524
Complex microsurgical midface reconstruction, 593–603 . See also Midface reconstruction.
Computed tomography (CT) scan, in midface reconstruction, 598
3-D stereotactic, 593, 595, 597–598, 601–602
of craniofacial anomalies, for early airway intervention, 428–430, 433
of craniofacial microsomia, 497, 509
of craniosynostosis, nonsyndromic, 519, 528
syndromic, 533, 535–537
of facial fractures, frontal sinus, 608–609
in craniomaxillofacial trauma, 607
Le Fort, 611–612
mandible, 611, 613
mandibular angle, 614
mandibular condyle, 614
nasal, 611, 613
orbital, 610
zygomatico-maxillary complex (ZMC) fractures, 610
of genetic craniofacial conditions, 413–414, 416
Condylar fractures, mandibular, with craniomaxillofacial trauma, 613–615
Conformers, nasal, for airway intervention, in midline deformities, 434
Congenital craniofacial anomalies/conditions. See also Craniofacial anomalies.
clefts as. See Facial clefts/clefting; specific cleft.
craniosynostosis related to. See also Craniosynostosis.
secondary, 540
facial nerve paralysis related to, 573
genetic evaluation of, 405–425, 467–468. See also Genetic evaluation.
in craniofacial microsomia, 495–496, 498
vascular lesions as, 559–571 . See also Vascular lesions.
Conservative management. See Observation.
Cordeiro and Santamaria classification, of midface defects, 594
Cornelia de Lange syndrome, cleft lip/cleft palate associated with, 417
Coronal craniosynostosis, nonsyndromic, 521–522, 525
syndromic, 532
Cousley and Calvert treatment proposal, for craniofacial microsomia, 508–509
CP. See Cleft palate (CP).
Cranial cleft, medial, 553–555
Cranial nerve, in craniofacial microsomia, 498, 500
in facial nerve rehabilitation, 574
Cranial sutures, in craniosynostosis, nonsyndromic, 517, 519
secondary, 540
syndromic, 531–532
in deformational plagiocephaly, 517
in normal skull, 519–520
Cranial vault distraction osteogenesis, for craniosynostosis, nonsyndromic, 526, 528
syndromic, 533–537
risks of, 535–536
Cranial vault reconstruction, for nonsyndromic craniosynostosis, 523–526
advantages of, 523
frontoorbital advancement in, 523–525
posterior cranial vault reconstruction in, 525–526
total cranial vault reconstruction in, 525–526
for syndromic craniosynostosis, 533–537
anterior cranial vault reconstruction in, 533, 535
frontoorbital advancement in, 532–533, 536–537
Le Fort osteotomies in, 533, 536–537
posterior cranial vault reconstruction in, 534
Craniofacial anomalies, craniosynostosis associated with. See Craniosynostosis.
early airway intervention for, 427–436
additional considerations of, 434–435
craniofacial syndrome classification in, 427–428, 434
diagnostic evaluation of, 427–428
bedside clinical assessment in, 427–428
laboratory studies in, 428
polysomnography in, 428
introduction to, 427
key points of, 427
mandible hypoplasia and, 430–432
midface hypoplasia combined with, 432
midface hypoplasia and, 428–430
mandible hypoplasia combined with, 432
midline deformities and, 432–434
feeding management for, 437–444
difficult mechanics of, 438–440
evaluation for, 441–443
healthy, typical developing newborn vs., 438
introduction to, 437
key points of, 437
social-emotional interactions in, 440–441
outcomes and goals of, 441
summary of, 444
techniques in, 443–444
genetic evaluation of, 405–425
additional aspects of, 413–416
family history in, 408, 410–411
genetic counseling in, 416
genetic testing in, 406–407
introduction to, 405
key points of, 405
laboratory analysis in, 411–413
medical history in, 407–408, 410
physical examination in, 409–412
prenatal, 406–407
purpose of, 405–406, 467–468
syndromes and disorders associated with, 414–423
cleft lip with or without cleft palate as, 414–416, 419
cleft palate as, 417–420
craniosynostosis as, 421–423
Pierre Robin sequence as, 418, 420, 422
syndromic craniosynostosis and, 534, 538
teratogens in, 406–408
iatrogenic, 540
microtia as, 577–591 . See also Microtia.
speech and resonance evaluation with, 445–451
instrumental assessment in, 449–450
intraoral examination in, 448–449
introduction to, 445–446
key points of, 445
perceptual assessment in, 446–448
summary of, 450–451
surgical repair of. See specific pathology or procedure.
Craniofacial clefts. See also Facial clefts/clefting.
Tessier classification of, 545–558 . See also Tessier clefts.
Craniofacial microsomia (CFM), 495–515
cause of, 495
classification systems for, 496–500
cleft lip/cleft palate associated with, 417, 419, 550–551
clinical presentations of, 496, 498
environmental factors of, 496
epidemiology of, 495
genetics of, 496–497
introduction to, 495
key points of, 495
pathogenesis of, 495–496, 498
summary of, 510–511
surgical treatment of, 497–510
delayed, increasing support for, 501–510
distraction osteogenesis in, 500–501
distraction stability in, 501
ear anomalies correction in, 509–510
grafts in, 500–501
history of, 500
modern approach to, 500
overview of, 497
soft tissue correction in, 508–509
timing of, 498, 500–501
TMJ reconstruction in, 500–501, 508
terminology for, 495
treatment goals for, 497
Craniofacial syndromes. See also specific syndrome.
classification of, cleft palate repair and, 468
for early airway intervention, 427–428, 434
Craniofrontonasal dysplasia, craniosynostosis associated with, 421, 534
Craniomaxillofacial fractures, MMF of, condylar, 613, 615
in pediatric patients, 607
mandibular, 612–613
mandibular angle, 613–614
Craniomaxillofacial trauma, 605–617
antibiotic prophylaxis for, 606–607
closed reduction for, in pediatric patients, 607
epidemiology of, 605–606
evaluation of, 607
fixation for. See Maxillomandibular fixation (MMF).
fractures with, 608–615
frontal sinus, 608–609
Le Fort, 607, 611–612
mandible, 606–607, 611–613
mandibular angle, 613–614
mandibular condyle, 613–615
nasal, 611, 613
naso-orbito-ethmoidal, 608–609
orbital, 607–610
zygomatico-maxillary complex, 610
key points of, 605
open reduction and internal fixation for, in pediatric patients, 607
pediatric, 606–607, 614–615
perioperative prophylaxis for, 606–607
soft tissue injuries with, 607–608
avulsions as, 607–608
bites as, 608
facial nerve and, 608
lacerations as, 607–608
parotid duct and, 608
steroid prophylaxis for, 607
Cranioplasty, frontal, for syndromic craniosynostosis, 533
secondary, for nonsyndromic craniosynostosis, 528
Craniosynostosis, as genetic craniofacial condition, chromosome studies of, 413
definition of, 422
syndromes associated with, 421–423, 531
bicoronal, 524, 539
classification of, 519–520
definition of, 517, 519
nonsyndromic, 517–530 . See also Nonsyndromic craniosynostosis.
shunt-induced, 533, 536–537
syndromic, 531–543 . See also Syndromic craniosynostosis.
Cranium, normal anatomy of, 519–520
Crouzon syndrome, craniofacial anomalies related to, airway intervention for, 434
craniosynostosis associated with, 421–422
clinical characteristics of, 532, 538–539
molecular genetics of, 534, 538
CSF (cerebrospinal fluid), in syndromic craniosynostosis, 531–532, 535
CT scan. See Computed tomography (CT) scan.
Cupid’s bow, in orofacial clefting, 454, 546
in unilateral cleft lip repair, 458
Cupid’s peak, in bilateral cleft lip repair, 455
Cutting guides, for midface reconstruction, 599
Davison classification, of midface defects, 594
Debulking, surgical, for hemangioma, 565–567
in midface reconstruction, 601
Definitive cleft rhinoplasty, for cleft nasal deformity, 489
Deformational brachycephaly, 519
syndromic craniosynostosis vs., 529, 532–533, 535, 537
Deformational dolichocephaly, 519–520
Deformational plagiocephaly (DP), 517–519
anterior, 521
causes of, 517–518
description of, 517, 519
head shape in, 517–519
lambdoid craniosynostosis vs., 521–523
terminology for, 517, 519
treatment of, 518–519
Deglutition, normal mechanics of, 438
Dental development, craniomaxillofacial fractures treatment and, 607, 614–615
in craniofacial microsomia, 500, 508–509
Dental implants, in midface reconstruction, 594, 597
Developmental anomalies, craniofacial microsomia as, 495–496
Developmental history, for craniofacial conditions, 407–408, 410
for syndromic craniosynostosis, 532
Diabetes, maternal, fetal craniofacial conditions related to, 406
Diabetic embryopathy, cleft lip/cleft palate associated with, 417, 419
craniofacial conditions related to, 414–415
DiGeorge syndrome, cleft palate associated with, 420
Displacement, of mandibular condyle fractures, in children, 614–615
Distraction osteogenesis (DO), cranial vault, for nonsyndromic craniosynostosis, 526, 528
for syndromic craniosynostosis, 533–537
risks of, 535–536
mandibular. See Mandibular distraction osteogenesis (MDO).
transsutural, for syndromic craniosynostosis, 535
Dolichocephaly, deformational, 519–520
Dorsal augmentation, for cleft nasal deformity, 493
Double-opposing Z-plasty palatoplasty, for velopharyngeal dysfunction, 479–481
Down syndrome, chromosome anomalies associated with, 411–412
craniofacial anomalies related to, airway intervention for, 434
Drug abuse, craniomaxillofacial trauma related to, 606
Dynamic blink rehabilitation, for facial nerve paralysis, 574
Dynamic flaps, for smile restoration, free muscle transfer, 574–575
temporalis regional, 574
Dysplasia syndromes. See Skeletal dysplasia syndromes.

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