Fig. 20.1
These pictures show the patient before full-face approach

Fig. 20.2
Particular attention is given to nasofrontal and nasolabial angles

Fig. 20.3
a–c The pictures shows the patient before and after (pictures on the right) a full-face treatment approach

Fig. 20.4
The nasal tip elevation is obtained with the injection of 0.2 cc of botulinum toxin (bocouture 50 unites diluted with 1.25 cc saline) is injected into the depressor nasi muscle in two sites of injection located bilaterally to the columella

Fig. 20.5
Combining botulinum toxin and filler injections the nasofrontal and nasolabial angles are improved

Fig. 20.6
Patient face before the treatment

Fig. 20.7
Patient’s hands before the treatment

Fig. 20.8
An accurate planning is done; the forehead, crow feet and glabella will be treated with botulinum toxin; the tear trough, the nasolabial folds and marionette lines are corrected using medium density HA; Calcium Hydroxylapatite is used in temple, zygomatic, cheek and chin areas

Fig. 20.9
Treatment of neck, decolleté and arms is done performing several injections of low-density HA

Fig. 20.10
Calcium hydroxylapatite is used to address hands loss of volume

Fig. 20.11
Pre-treatment and post-treatment pictures of the patient’s face

Fig. 20.12
a Before treatment, b after treatment c closer comparison before (left) and after (right) treatment

Fig. 20.13
A.C., 34-year-old; pre-treatment image; a marked asymmetry is evident. The blue line evidences face scoliosis