Eccrine Syringoma

Pathogenesis: Eccrine syringomas are believed to be an overgrowth of the eccrine sweat ductal apparatus. Researchers have proposed that this proliferation is caused by an inflammatory response to an as yet undetermined antigen. The precise pathogenesis of eccrine syringomas is unclear. Familial patterns suggest a genetic predisposition, but most patients do not have a family history to support genetic transmission.

Treatment: No treatment is necessary. If one wishes to pursue therapy, it should be done with caution, because treatment experiences are anecdotal, and scarring may have a worse appearance than the syringoma itself. Electrocautery, light cryotherapy, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, and excision have been reported with variable results.

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Aug 11, 2016 | Posted by in Dermatology | Comments Off on Eccrine Syringoma

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