Swanson Center, Leawood, KS, USA
A supra-inframammary fold (supra-IMF) dissection preserves the inframammary fascial condensations. This safe dissection plane minimizes the risk of bottoming out or the dreaded double-bubble deformity. A trans-areola incision may be used to simultaneously correct inverted or protruding nipples. Finger dissection preserves the lateral intercostal nerve branches to the nipples. Subpectoral implant placement is preferred for optimal upper pole appearance. The lower sternal origin is released cautiously to avoid symmastia. “Dual plane” is a misnomer. Three-dimensional simulations are not yet capable of predicting postoperative appearance.
The patient’s size preference is most relevant in determining implant size, not tissue-based calculations. There is no evidence that large implant sizes (i.e., >350 cc) are especially risky. An average implant size of 390 cc is typical.
The mean overall pain rating is 5.9 on a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best). A 24-h recovery is unrealistic. Patients report being “back to normal” approximately 25 days after surgery and being able to sleep comfortably 18 days after surgery.
Although shaped “form-stable” implants have been heavily promoted, there is no evidence for their superiority over round implants. Their disadvantages include cost, firmness, and the possibility of malrotation. Anaplastic large cell lymphoma is linked to textured implants. Wrinkling can occur with both silicone gel and saline implants.
As expected, breast implants reliably increase breast projection, upper pole projection, and breast area. The nipple level is unchanged. The IMF normally descends after a breast augmentation. Breast self-consciousness drops from 86% before surgery to 13% after surgery. Breast augmentation reliably improves self-esteem (91%) and quality of life (64%). Nipple numbness is common after breast augmentation (39%), but persistent numbness is unusual (2.3%). Almost all women (98.7%) would repeat the surgery.
Breast augmentationSupra-inframammary foldDouble bubbleSubpectoralTextured implantsForm-stable implantsSilicone gel implantsWrinklingSaline implantsNipple sensationDual planeIntroduction
Breast augmentation with implants is arguably the most important advance in the history of cosmetic plastic surgery [1]. Breast augmentation is one of the most satisfying procedures for both the patient and the surgeon in its almost magical ability to transform human shape. Gratification is often immediate. About one-third of all women are dissatisfied with the appearance of their natural breasts [2].
In part because of its success and popularity, no plastic surgical procedure has received as much public attention, and scrutiny, as breast augmentation. Breast augmentation decreased in popularity in the early 1990s because of media attention regarding the safety of silicone gel implants and the moratorium on silicone gel implants imposed by the US Food and Drug Administration from 1992 to 2006. In the last decade, breast augmentation has regained its popularity, replacing liposuction as the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery operation in the United States [3].
The procedure is by no means perfect. Complications are common and test the patient–physician relationship. Appropriate management of complications is important because the alternative, deflated breasts, is aesthetically unacceptable. Accordingly, this subject is given its own chapter (Chap. 4).
Patient-Reported Results
Patient-reported perceptions of the surgical result, including patient satisfaction and changes in quality of life, are essential components of any outcomes assessment [4–6]. Prospective studies of consecutive patients with high response rates are preferred so as to avoid selection bias [7, 8]. Large sample sizes increase statistical power and improve reliability [9]. Perhaps surprisingly for such a popular procedure, there is limited information available from prospective outcome studies of breast augmentation [2, 10–15]. Patient-reported outcome data are either absent [16–19] or limited to overall patient satisfaction scores [20] in published reviews of breast augmentation. It is difficult to reasonably discuss ways to optimize outcomes without such outcome data [6]. Surgeon-reported complication and reoperation rates do not provide this needed information [6].
Cash et al. [2] published the first large prospective study of 360 breast augmentation patients. Unfortunately, there was no discussion of how the participants were chosen and the inclusion rate. Banbury et al. [10] mailed questionnaires to 47 patients and received responses from 25 patients (response rate 53%). Niechajev et al. [12] compared two silicone gel implant brands in 74 patients. Recent studies using the BREAST-Q questionnaire [10, 14, 15] have important methodological limitations (discussed in more detail in Chap. 1) [21]. None of these studies evaluates consecutive patients.
The response rate for mailed surveys is typically low, in the range of 49–66% [13, 22–25], with various levels of completion. Existing generic breast questionnaires may lack sufficient specificity to assess the psychological impact of surgical changes [4, 26]. Quality-of-life measures typically focus on physical symptoms rather than on cosmetic concerns [11]. A commonly used self-esteem scale may be too generalized to detect changes related to the breasts [11, 23]. The BREAST-Q [5] provides three general indices: breast satisfaction, psychological well-being, and sexual well-being [13]. Not surprisingly, breast augmentation patients show improvements in these categories [13–15]. However, many procedure-related questions that may be of clinical interest to the patient and surgeon remain unanswered [6].
Women often inquire as to how much pain to expect and the length of recovery. Limited patient-derived information is available from published prospective outcome studies [2, 10–13]. Implant size and feel characteristics are major preoperative concerns of patients; yet, there is a lack of prospective outcome data evaluating patient satisfaction with either breast size or firmness after surgery in consecutive patients [6]. Nipple sensation is important to women but is often overlooked.
To remedy these deficiencies, the author undertook a prospective study evaluating breast augmentation from the patient’s perspective [6]. Using an in-person interview, an 80% response rate was achieved, satisfying the benchmark for evidence-based medicine [7], with all questions answered in almost every survey. The average survey duration was 11 min (range 3–30 min). Remarkably, survey participation among eligible patients who returned for follow-up appointments at least 1 month after surgery was 100%.
Follow-up times in the author’s study were comparatively short (mean 4.5 months) [6]. Short follow-up times were tolerated to optimize the response rate. Longer follow-up times are generally preferred so as to detect any late complications and to assess the result once swelling has subsided [6]. However, insistence on a long minimum follow-up time, for example, 6 months, lowers the inclusion rate. Cosmetic surgery patients are notoriously unreliable in keeping long-term follow-up appointments, particularly for research purposes [23]. A 37% attrition rate at 1 year is typical [23]. A lower inclusion rate invites selection bias, because the experience of patients returning in long-term follow-up is unlikely to be representative of all patients. Selection bias violates a major provision of evidence-based medicine [7]. Minimizing exclusion criteria is recommended to avoid losing essential patient data [8].
Measurement studies show that postsurgical changes in breast shape occurring after 3 months are minimal [27, 28], suggesting that at 3 months swelling has resolved sufficiently for the purpose of measurements, although settling will occur over the long term. The lack of a significant correlation between measurements of breast shape and follow-up times suggests that at 3 months the swelling has sufficiently resolved so as not to constitute an important confounding factor [28]. Therefore, 3 months would seem to represent an appropriate balance of inclusion rate and follow-up time.
Anesthesia and Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
Surgery is performed by the author on an outpatient basis in a state-licensed ambulatory surgery center using total intravenous anesthesia and a laryngeal mask airway. This type of anesthesia avoids intraoperative hypotension and preserves the calf muscle pump, reducing the risk of venous thromboembolism [29, 30]. Patients presenting for cosmetic breast surgery participate in a clinical trial [31] investigating the natural history of deep venous thromboses in plastic surgery patients using Doppler ultrasound screening performed preoperatively, the day after surgery, and approximately 1 week after surgery [32]. Chemoprophylaxis is not used. Patients typically receive cefazolin 1 g IV preoperatively followed by three doses of cephalexin 500 mg p.o. q12h.
The local anesthetic solution injected into the breasts consists of 50 cc of bupivacaine 0.5% with 1:200,000 epinephrine, 50 cc of lidocaine 1% with 1:100,000 epinephrine, and 100 cc saline, resulting in a concentration of lidocaine of 0.25%, bupivacaine 0.125%, and epinephrine 1:300,000 [33]. The usual volume infiltrated into each breast is 60–100 cc. No pocket irrigation is used, other than saline. Nadeau et al. [34] recently published a randomized study comparing bupivacaine with liposomal bupivacaine (Exparel Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc. San Diego, CA) in subpectoral breast augmentation and found that liposomal bupivacaine was marginally more effective but not worth the extra cost according to 70% of surveyed patients. A 20 cc bottle of bupivacaine costs about $1 versus $285 for the same volume of liposomal bupivacaine [34]. Notably, the authors [34] administered these agents in the form of irrigation of the pocket prior to wound closure rather than by injection. Standard, nonliposomal bupivacaine injected in dilute form into the breast tissue is absorbed into fat cells and gradually released, acting as a “physiological pain pump [35].”
A recent survey [36] found that the majority (83.9%) of members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons prefer an inframammary incision for implant placement. A periareolar approach is favored by 12.6% of respondents, and only 3.3% prefer an axillary approach. The umbilical approach, which cannot be used for secondary surgery [20], has few advocates (0.2%). The transareolar and trans-nipple approaches may be used in cases of coexisting nipple protrusion or inversion (Fig. 3.1).

Fig. 3.1
In the majority of cases, a supra-IMF incision is used (above, left). The periareolar approach is an alternative (above, right). In patients with a protruding nipple, the nipple protrusion may be corrected simultaneously with the breast augmentation using a transareolar approach (below, left). In patients with inverted nipples, a trans-nipple approach is used (below, right) with simultaneous correction of the inverted nipples and implant insertion. The axillary approach is not illustrated
Supra-Inframammary Fold (Supra-IMF) Incision
The inframammary incision provides optimal exposure. The ease of approach is important because the breast shape and quality of the cleavage are vital, even more important than the incision placement. In many women, the incision may be located 0.5 cm to 1 cm cephalad to the inframammary fold (IMF), rather than exactly in the IMF as is traditionally recommended (Figs. 3.2 and 3.3) [37]. The dissection proceeds obliquely and superiorly to the inferior border of the pectoralis muscle, parallel to the fascial condensations. It makes sense, whenever possible, to avoid dissection through the fascial condensations and horizontal ligaments (Figs. 3.4 and 3.5) [38] deep to the IMF by staying superior to them, rather than disrupting these attachments and then repairing them. This safe dissection plane also minimizes the risk of the double-bubble deformity, characterized by inferior displacement of the breast implant relative to the breast mound [39], which creates an unnatural second crease across the lower pole of the breast (Fig. 3.6). To reduce the risk of bottoming out, the subpectoral pocket may be dissected slightly high on the chest, anticipating descent of the implant with time (Figs. 3.2, 3.3, and 3.7) [40].

Fig. 3.2
The supra-inframammary (supra-IMF) incision is made just above the existing inframammary crease. The dissection proceeds obliquely to the free margin of the pectoralis muscle, parallel to the inframammary fascial attachments that originate from the fifth rib. This dissection preserves the fascial condensations holding the inframammary fold and avoids a need to repair them

Fig. 3.3
The implant has been inserted deep to the pectoralis major. The red hatched line indicates the oblique dissection plane. The deep fascia is repaired using two 2-0 Vicryl sutures placed side by side (one suture is illustrated). The fascial connections to the IMF are preserved. The skin is closed using 4-0 Vicryl dermal sutures and a 5-0 Prolene intradermal suture (not illustrated)

Fig. 3.4
A traditional inframammary incision is made at the level of the existing IMF, and dissection proceeds through the fascial attachments to the IMF that originate in the fascia overlying the fifth rib

Fig. 3.5
The deep fascia is repaired, approximating the fascial attachments that have been released

Fig. 3.6
The divided fascial attachments are unable to support the implant despite suture repair. The implant settles too far inferiorly. The original inframammary fold leaves a second crease running horizontally across the lower pole, creating an undesirable double-bubble deformity. The nipple is inclined upward. This deformity may be largely avoided by using a supra-IMF approach

Fig. 3.7
Intraoperative photos of a patient undergoing a subpectoral breast augmentation with a saline implant. A 3-cm incision is marked just above (1 cm) the existing inframammary fold (above, left). A smooth, round saline-filled implant (Mentor Corp.) is prepared for insertion with an injection of 50 cc of saline and withdrawal of air in the implant (above, right). The implant is inserted subpectorally (below, left). The incision is closed using two 3-0 Vicryl sutures (Ethicon, Inc., Somerville, NJ) in the deep fascia, followed by dermal repair using inverted 4-0 Vicryl sutures and skin closure with an intradermal 5-0 Prolene suture (below, right)
It makes sense, whenever possible, to avoid dissection through the fascial condensations and horizontal ligaments deep to the IMF by staying superior to them, rather than disrupting these attachments and then repairing them.
The scar is still well hidden on the underside of the breast (Fig. 3.8) and is unlikely to be exposed when the patient wears a bikini top, which is an occasional problem if the scar is located too low [40]. This incision is used by the author in almost all cases (96%) [6]. Occasionally a periareolar (2%) or trans-nipple (1%) approach is used. The author rarely uses an axillary approach (1%).

Fig. 3.8
Appearance of the scar, above the inframammary fold but still hidden on the underside of the breast 3.5 years after a breast augmentation using a supra-IMF incision and 375 cc smooth, round moderate profile subpectoral saline implants (Mentor Corp.)
Periareolar Incision
The obvious advantage of a periareolar incision is that it makes use of the natural border around the areola to hide the scar (Figs. 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11). Care must be taken to make the incision exactly at the border of the pigmented areola [20]. It is a very acceptable alternative to the inframammary incision. A 3 cm diameter areola has a 4.7 cm hemicircumference (πr), allowing insertion of small- and moderate-sized silicone gel implants; larger sizes in women with small areolae may be a tight squeeze. A traditional criticism of this method is the risk of nipple numbness because of the proximity of the incision to the nipple. However, several studies suggest no greater risk to nipple/areola sensation compared with an inframammary approach [41–43]. Some investigators believe that a periareolar approach increases the risk of infection and capsular contracture [44, 45], although a recent microbiological study of cultures obtained from breast skin and parenchyma at surgery found that the cultured organisms are not distinct from ordinary skin flora and that the periareolar (or transareolar) approach is microbiologically safe [46].

Fig. 3.9
This 23-year-old Asian female was an exotic dancer and requested a periareolar incision. She did not want her breasts to look “fake.” She is seen before (left) and 2.5 months after (right) a subpectoral breast augmentation using smooth, round, moderate profile saline implants (Mentor Corp.) inflated to 330 cc on the right side and 325 cc on the left side

Fig. 3.10
Periareolar scar of the same patient 2.5 months after breast augmentation

Fig. 3.11
This 33-year-old woman has deflated breasts after breastfeeding her three children (left), a problem corrected with 400 cc subpectoral smooth, round moderate plus profile saline implants (Mentor Corp.). Six weeks after surgery (right), the periareolar scar is almost imperceptible. The collapsed appearance of the areolae has been corrected, although the areola diameter is increased (right)
Axillary Incision
Avoidance of a scar on the breast has obvious appeal and can be a marketing advantage. In their chart review of 2430 patients, Gryskiewicz and LeDuc [47] conclude that a nonendoscopic transaxillary breast augmentation produces greater patient satisfaction than other approaches that leave a scar on the breast. Surveys were obtained in 28% of patients. Because the study was retrospective, only a single postoperative BREAST-Q questionnaire was obtained from each respondent. (Normally two questionnaires are administered, one before surgery and one after surgery so as to assess any change caused by the surgery [15].) This questionnaire evaluates breast satisfaction and quality of life at the time of the questionnaire, which in some cases was completed 11 years after the surgery. Clearly, other factors affecting breast satisfaction and quality of life may influence the scores. Unfortunately, the authors [47] compared transaxillary breast augmentation patients with women who had other breast incisions, including not only periareolar and inframammary incisions, but also mastopexies. Patients with ptosis, pseudoptosis, or tuberous breasts were not selected for an axillary approach. This difference in patients undermines the authors’ conclusion regarding aesthetic superiority of the axillary method.
A recent Korean study [48] reports that women with an indistinct inframammary fold, which is common among Asian women, are good candidates for an endoscopic axillary approach. Patients should be aware that although there is no scar on the breast, there is a scar in the axilla. Usually this scar heals well and is inconspicuous (Figs. 3.12 and 3.13). However, there may be a visible area of alopecia in the stubble of axillary hair growth, which might be an issue for a hairdresser who constantly holds her arms up, or a beach volleyball player. (One patient told me she knew her hairdresser had implants because she could see the armpit scar).

Fig. 3.12
This 28-year-old woman is seen before (left) and 7 months after (right) a transaxillary breast augmentation using subpectoral smooth, round, moderate profile 350 cc saline implants (Mentor Corp)

Fig. 3.13
Close-up view of the scar in the same patient 7 months after transaxillary breast augmentation
Asymmetry of the inframammary folds is more common using the axillary approach [48, 49]. Gryskiewicz and LeDuc [47] concede that inadequate medial dissection can be a problem. Inadequate dissection may leave the implant too high [48, 50]. If the dissection extends too far inferiorly, a bottomed-out breast will be the result (Fig. 3.14) [47]. Successful management of this problem using a shoestring wrapped under the breast [47, 51] seems unlikely. Some surgeons prefer endoscopic assistance to visualize the pectoralis muscle origin and optimize hemostasis [48]. Interestingly, operators using a nonendoscopic “blind” approach report low (e.g., ≤ 0.4%) [47, 51] hematoma rates, an observation attributed to intimal damage to the vessels caused by blunt dissection [47]. Care must be taken to avoid injury to the intercostobrachial nerve in the axilla [48, 51]. A fibrous band forming along the upper arm typically resolves spontaneously or with massage [47].

Fig. 3.14
This 28-year-old patient saw me in consultation after having an axillary breast augmentation performed by an experienced surgeon using a transaxillary approach 1 year previously. She was dissatisfied with the breast shape. She thought the implants were too low and the space between her breasts was too wide. Her observations were accurate
A revision or reoperation to treat a capsular contracture usually requires another incision [20, 48, 51], although Huang et al. [51] re-use the axillary incision in 60% of reoperations. A subsequent inframammary incision leaves the patient with four scars rather than two. Concerns that a transaxillary augmentation may disrupt the lymphatic channels in the axilla [52], compromising sentinel node identification in a patient who develops breast cancer, are probably unfounded [20]. Successful sentinel node biopsies have been reported in women who have developed breast cancer after an axillary breast augmentation [53, 54].
Huang et al. [53] recommend keeping the approach high and anterior in the axilla, within the subcutaneous plane. Lymphoscintigraphy in volunteers treated with axillary breast augmentation reveals minimal disruption of the axillary lymphatics [55–57].
Jacobson et al. [58] report an increased rate of capsular contracture after axillary breast augmentation, but the authors concede that their sample size was modest (197 breast augmentations). Gryskiewicz and LeDuc [47] note that superior implant malposition may be mistaken for a capsular contracture. Stutman et al. [59] find no correlation between incision location and five complications (capsular contracture, hematoma, rippling, infection, and rupture). Ruiz et al. [60] report no difference in reoperation rates comparing an axillary incision with a periareolar incision.
Trans-Nipple-Areolar and Transareolar Incisions
A trans-nipple-areolar incision is seldom mentioned in the literature. This approach has been described for the treatment of inverted nipples [61]. A trans-nipple-areolar incision can be used simultaneously for breast augmentation (Fig. 3.15). In the transareolar approach, rather than bisecting the nipple, the incision courses from 3 to 9 o’clock along the inferior hemicircumference of the nipple. Patients who request nipple reduction can be treated simultaneously with implants using the same incision, avoiding a second scar for implant placement (Figs. 3.16, 3.17, and 3.18). A circumferential “donut” of skin is resected at the base of the nipple [62], preserving the integrity of the ducts. This method is particularly valuable when the patient has little or no inframammary crease (Fig. 3.16). The scar quality tends to be excellent (Fig. 3.17). The transareolar incision may be an overlooked option for thin women with ill-defined inframammary folds, who also may be more likely to form hyperpigmented scars , such as Asian women [48]. Any scar hyperpigmentation that may develop is less visible within the confines of the areola. There is typically less room for implant insertion, depending on the areola width , so that saline implants may be preferred.

Fig. 3.15
This 24-year-old woman underwent a breast augmentation in combination with correction of her inverted nipples . A trans-nipple approach was used to repair the inverted nipples and to introduce the implants, avoiding any additional scars. She is seen before (left) and 2.5 years after (right) subpectoral placement of 380 cc smooth, round moderate profile saline implants (Mentor Corp.)

Fig. 3.16
This thin (88 lbs.) 40-year-old Asian female had virtually no breast tissue, very little body fat (body mass index, 15.1 kg/M2), and large, pendulous nipples. The nipples were reduced by removing a donut of nipple tissue around the base, preserving the stalk. The implants were inserted subpectorally using the same incision, extended on to the areola on either side of the nipple. This incision typically heals very well with an inconspicuous scar. She is seen before (left) and 3 months after (right) a trans-nipple approach with subpectoral insertion of smooth, round moderate plus profile implants inflated to 270 cc (Mentor Corp.)

Fig. 3.17
Close-up view of left breast scar in the same patient 3 months after surgery

Fig. 3.18
This 43-year-old Hispanic woman underwent a breast augmentation, nipple reduction, and abdominoplasty. She was self-conscious about her protruding nipples (left) and would wear nipple pads to help conceal them in clothing. Three months after surgery (right), the transareolar scar has healed imperceptibly
Implant Placement
The vast majority (92.2%) of surveyed plastic surgeons prefer a submuscular pocket for implant insertion [36]. Only 5.4% of surgeons report that they most commonly use a subglandular pocket. A subfascial dissection [63], preferred by 2.4% of respondents, remains unpopular [36]. The fascia is much thinner than the pectoralis muscle, providing little additional soft-tissue coverage of the implant [63]. Most plastic surgeons partially (and cautiously, to avoid symmastia [20]) release the lower sternal origin of the pectoralis muscle (Fig. 3.19) [20, 64, 65] to avoid a wide intermammary space (Fig. 3.14).

Fig. 3.19
The origin of the pectoralis muscle is released along the lower sternum and above the inframammary fold by sharp dissection (red hatched line). Blunt dissection is used for the rest of the dissection, taking care not to overdissect medially so as to avoid symmastia
Moderators at meetings frequently ask panelists which plane they prefer for breast augmentation. The usual choice is subglandular or subpectoral. However, many surgeons today respond “dual plane ”; others (the author included) respond “subpectoral,” which is synonymous with submuscular or retropectoral. “Dual plane” sounds more sophisticated. What exactly does “dual plane” mean?
When an implant is placed subpectorally, about two-thirds of the breast implant is covered by muscle; the inferolateral portion remains subglandular simply because of the triangular shape of the pectoralis major [64]. Total submuscular placement requires elevation of the serratus anterior and rectus abdominis muscles, limiting lower pole expansion, and is not recommended [20, 65]. Compared with subglandular augmentation, subpectoral implant placement achieves greater tissue coverage, a more natural appearance of the upper pole [20], less wrinkling [66], and possibly less risk of capsular contracture [20, 65–67]. However, subglandular placement may be a valid alternative, particularly in women with adequate breast tissue, and it avoids an animation deformity. Distortion of the breast during pectoralis muscle contraction is common (77.5% of patients) after a subpectoral breast augmentation, but rarely severe [68]. Nevertheless, this possibility should be discussed with patients, especially those for whom daily exercise is part of their lifestyle or livelihood (e.g., fitness enthusiasts, body builders, personal trainers).
Tebbetts’ dual plane modification was meant to free plastic surgeons from having to choose between subglandular and submuscular implant placement [66]. In his words, one could “combine retromammary and partial retropectoral pocket locations in a single patient to optimize the benefits of each pocket location while limiting the tradeoffs and risks of a single pocket location” [66]. In theory, surgeons could have their cake (a submuscular plane) and eat it too (still expand the breast skin envelope to treat women with glandular ptosis). In all patients, the implant is placed subpectorally. In Type 1 , there is no prepectoral dissection, so that Type 1 (representing 60% of patients [66]) is not really a dual plane dissection. In Types 2 and 3, a prepectoral dissection extends around the pectoralis border to the level of the inferior (Type 2) or superior (Type 3) areola margin [66].
Conceptually, a subglandular implant might be expected to expand a deflated skin envelope without being limited by the pectoralis muscle, avoiding a snoopy deformity (sometimes inaccurately called double bubble ), which is characterized by breast tissue that appears to slide off the implant [39]. In practice, however, even large implants fail to prevent a snoopy deformity in women with glandular ptosis [39]. These women are more effectively treated with an augmentation/mastopexy [28, 39].
Tebbetts [66] believes that a partial prepectoral dissection elevates the pectoralis border, improves breast shape in patients with glandular ptosis or constricted lower poles, and also elevates the nipple. Gryskiewicz [69] promotes this approach for the treatment of women with mild ptosis, the “in-between” patient. An unfilled prepectoral dissection plane is likely to scar together shortly after surgery [70]. It is possible, although unproven, that the pectoralis border moves up as a result of the dissection. It remains unclear whether breast shape is affected by elevating the pectoralis border. In a patient treated with a traditional subpectoral dissection (Fig. 3.20), horizontal and vertical breast dimensions are substantially increased, but the nipple is only slightly elevated. These changes are similar to a patient treated with a Type 3 dual plane dissection (Fig. 3.21). There is no evidence that the pectoralis muscle, released at the inframammary fold and partially released from its lower sternal origin [64], restricts breast expansion [70].

Fig. 3.20
This 28-year-old woman with two children is seen before (left) and 3 years after (right) a subpectoral breast augmentation using a 400 cc smooth, round moderate plus profile silicone gel implant (Mentor Corp.) on the left side. Her original breast shape was constricted. Upper pole projection, breast projection, and the vertical dimension of the lower pole are all increased. This case demonstrates expansion of the breast envelope without a prepectoral dissection. Parenchymal scoring was not performed. Photographs have been matched for size and orientation (Reprinted from Swanson [70]. With permission from Wolters Kluwer Health)

Fig. 3.21
These lateral photographs are reproduced from Fig. 18 in Tebbetts’s publication and depict a 24-year-old woman with a constricted lower pole before (left) and 2 years after (right) a Type 3 dual plane breast augmentation using a 270 cc McGhan Style 468 (Allergan Inc.) textured, anatomic saline-filled implant. Photographs have been matched for size and orientation using the Canfield 7.4.1 Mirror (Canfield Scientific, Fairfield, NJ) imaging software. A 30-cm upper arm length was used for calibration (Reprinted from Swanson [70]. With permission from Wolters Kluwer Health)
In a cadaveric study, Sanchez et al. [71] found that the width of the pectoralis muscle at its origin is variable and narrow, and its medial border is typically <1 cm from the midline, leaving little margin for error when releasing the muscle. The authors [71] recommend preserving the sternal fibers and releasing the inferior portion of the origin instead, as recommended by Tebbetts [66]. The incidence of symmastia in my own series, which included cautious release of the lower sternal origin, was 1/522 (0.2%) [72].
A recent survey [36] interpreted dual plane responses as synonymous with subpectoral; the methods do appear equivalent in their effect on breast shape (Figures 3.20 and 3.21). Dual plane, which implies two planes, is really a misnomer – the implant inhabits only one plane [70]. A plane that starts under one tissue and continues under another is not a dual plane . For example, a sub-superficial musculoaponeurotic system (sub-SMAS) facelift dissection starts subcutaneous and continues under the SMAS. Surgeons call it a deep plane, not a dual plane.
In secondary breast augmentation , the pocket is usually expanded superiorly to accommodate the new implant at a higher level on the chest wall. Implants typically settle over time, or the patient may request a larger size. By using a supra-IMF approach and judiciously releasing the inferior and lower sternal pectoralis origin, the implant may be correctly situated slightly high on the chest and allowed to settle [40]. A common error is placement of the implant at the desired level without taking into account the normal implant settling and the expected downward migration of the inframammary fold [73]. Reoperation for implant malposition is unusual (1%) [72]. Importantly, this approach avoids the double-bubble deformity.
A common error is placement of the implant at the desired level without taking into account the normal implant settling and the expected downward migration of the inframammary fold.
“Controlling” the Inframammary Fold
Two recent studies describe suture techniques to control the inframammary fold [37, 74]. Campbell et al. [74] use 3-0 Vicryl (Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) deep fascial sutures to reinforce the IMF and report no complications in 600 patients and implant malposition in fewer than 1% of patients. Similarly, Montemurro et al. [37] describe a “stable reset” of the IMF, using Quill barbed sutures (Surgical Specialties, Wyomissing, PA). These authors [37] report that 1.15% of their 436 patients experienced bottoming out and 1.38% had a double bubble , although the patients were evidently nonconsecutive and the inclusion rate was not reported [75]. Neither study [37, 74] used measurements or compared their results with controls.
It is uncertain whether large sutures, such as slow-absorbing 0 PDO Quill [37], are beneficial. Wounds are known to heal by a “one wound” concept [76], not respecting tissue layers. Scar tissue seems to morph (cheese-wire) around sutures. At reoperation, permanent sutures are typically loose [77]. The strength of the bond depends on the scar tissue, not the suture [78].
Measurements reveal that the IMF drops after breast augmentation (Fig. 3.22) [73]. Three months after surgery, it has descended 0.71 cm on average (range 0.06–1.55 cm) in patients treated with smooth, round, subpectoral saline-filled implants inserted through an inframammary incision, and no extra reinforcement [73]. Textured implants are designed to adhere to local tissue and resist movement [79]. However, reports of bottoming out in some patients [37] and photographs (Fig. 3.23 and Fig. 3.27) suggest that textured implants do settle [40].

Fig. 3.22
This 27-year-old woman is seen before (left),1 year after (center), and 7 years after (right) a breast augmentation using 360 cc smooth, round, subpectoral saline-filled implants with a moderate plus profile (Mentor Corp.). A supra-inframammary incision was made just above the existing IMF (not visible). The wound was closed in three layers: 3-0 Vicryl sutures to close the deep fascia, 4-0 Vicryl dermal sutures, and a 5-0 Prolene (Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) running intradermal suture. One year postoperatively, her IMF has dropped 0.72 cm. Seven years after surgery, it has dropped 1.26 cm. The photographs have been matched for size and orientation using the Canfield Mirror 7.4.1 software (Canfield Scientific, Fairfield, NJ). MPost, plane of maximum postoperative breast projection (Reprinted from Swanson [40]. With permission from Oxford University Press)

Fig. 3.23
Before (left) and 1-year postoperative (right) right lateral photographs of the 32-year-old woman depicted in the authors’ Fig. 4 have been matched for size and orientation using the Canfield 7.4.1 Mirror imaging software. She has Allergan Style 410 implants, 335 cc on the right side and 320 cc on the left side. The IMF has dropped 2.12 cm despite a “stable” reset with large barbed sutures, and the use of a textured implant designed to adhere to local tissue. A 30-cm upper arm length is used for calibration. MPost, plane of maximum postoperative breast projection (Reprinted from Montemurro et al. [37]. With permission from Oxford University Press)
In truth, the operator may have little control over the descent of the IMF [40]. The IMF descends gradually (Fig. 3.22). A recent cadaveric study introduces rib fixation using absorbable anchors [80]. In view of the dynamic nature of the IMF [73], a static repair may appear unnatural over time. Reinforcement of the IMF potentially increases the risk of hematoma or implant damage [74], and causes more patient discomfort [37].
Breast Implant Settling After Surgery: Clinical Examples
Examples of implant settling are provided in Figs. 3.24, 3.25, 3.26, and 3.27.

Fig. 3.24
This nulliparous 30-year-old woman had a small frame and wanted to be a D cup size. Despite her small size and the fact that her breasts had not yet been stretched by pregnancy (left), the desired size was achieved in one operation using 450 cc subpectoral smooth, round moderate plus profile saline implants (Mentor Corp.). The photos demonstrate the tightness of the skin after surgery and the high implant position (center). Three months after surgery (right), the skin has relaxed and the implants have settled nicely into position

Fig. 3.25
This patient’s before-and-after photographs are depicted in Fig. 3.24. She is seen in these modeling photographs 5 months after surgery

Fig. 3.26
This 33-year-old woman is seen before (left), 1 month after (center), and 1 year after (right) a breast augmentation using subpectoral 400 cc smooth, round moderate profile subpectoral implants (Mentor Corp.)

Fig. 3.27
A 26-year-old woman is seen before (left), 6 weeks after (center), and 10 years after (right) breast augmentation using subpectoral 400 cc textured, round moderate profile saline implants (Allergan, Inc.). She had two children, one before her augmentation and another child after surgery and before her 10-year follow-up photographs
Breast Implant Size
Breast size is a primary concern for women undergoing breast augmentation [6]. Limited information is available regarding patient assessment of postoperative breast size [12, 81, 82]. The mean implant size for my study patients was 390 cc (Figs. 3.28 and 3.29) [83], very similar to the mean implant volume reported by Lista et al. (385 cc) [84]. Breast implant manufacturers report that the average breast implant volume is approximately 390 cc, and most women choose a larger size when undergoing implant replacement (Sarah Eason, sales representative, May 2016, Mentor Corporation (Mentor Corp., Santa Barbara, CA), Personal communication; Jeff Shoenfeld, sales representative, May 2014, Allergan Incorporated (Allergan Inc., Irvine, CA), Personal communication). Although breast size has long been a source of controversy for surgeons [85, 86], most patients prefer convexity [87]. In my study of 225 patients (mean implant volume 390 cc) [6], only three women (1.4%) would have preferred a smaller size, versus 29 patients (13.2%) who would have preferred a larger size. By contrast, a multicenter study of saline-filled implants reported that 23.3% of women treated with a mean implant size of 275 cc would have chosen a larger volume [81]. The data clearly support the use of breast implant sizes that exceed conventional recommendations that, for example, implant size should generally be limited to approximately 350 cc, ostensibly for the patient’s benefit [85]. Indeed, plastic surgeons have been paternalistic in telling patients what size is best for them, rather than having their patients inform them [6, 83]. Figure 3.29 shows the distribution of breast implant sizes in 225 patients. The bell-shaped curve reflects a normal distribution and is characteristic of many biological parameters, such as height, weight, or body mass index.

Fig. 3.28
This 24-year-old Hispanic woman is seen before (left) and 9 months after (right) subpectoral insertion of subpectoral smooth, round 400 cc moderate plus profile silicone gel implants (Mentor Corp.). This volume approximates the mean implant fill volume for patients undergoing breast augmentation

Fig. 3.29
Distribution of implant volumes (n = 450) in 225 breast augmentation patients (Reprinted from Swanson [83] with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health)
Many experienced plastic surgeons insert implant sizes as high as 800 or 900 cc in some patients [47, 84]. Approximately 1% of my patients choose implants of this size. Clinical decisions rest on the risk-to-benefit ratio . Even if there were an increased risk (which has not been demonstrated), women who desire larger breast sizes may be willing to trade more risk for more benefit. Surgeon size prejudices should not keep them from achieving their goals; it is their choice after all [83]. Of course, it may not be possible to achieve an extreme breast size in one operation. In a thin, nulliparous woman with very small breasts and no ptosis, it may not be possible to exceed a volume of approximately 450 cc [83].
Transgender patients (Figs. 3.30 and 3.31) perceive the breasts as a strong image of the female gender [88]. Not surprisingly, larger than average implant volumes are usually indicated, and a second operation may be needed to obtain the desired size (Fig. 3.31). These patients report high levels of satisfaction after surgery [88].

Fig. 3.30

This 28-year-old transgender martial arts instructor was treated with 550 cc smooth, round moderate profile subpectoral saline implants (Mentor Corp.). The patient is seen before (left) and 6 weeks (right) after surgery

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