Breast Anatomy

51. Breast Anatomy

Melissa A. Crosby, Glyn Jones



The breast is ectodermally derived.

From week 8-10 of embryologic development, breast growth begins with differentiation of cutaneous epithelium of pectoral region.

In week 6, milk ridge develops extending from axilla to groin.

From week 7 of gestation to birth, mammary anlage on chest wall develops into an epithelial bud with 15-20 ducts, and nipple develops into circular smooth muscle fibers.

First 7 weeks after birth, clear fluid similar to colostrum (“witch’s milk”) containing water, fat, and cellular debris may be secreted from the neonatal breast, stimulated by maternal hormones.

Normal breast development in anterolateral pectoral region at level of fourth intercostal space

Supernumerary breasts (polymastia) and nipples (polythelia) can occur along milk ridge.

Most common location for polymastia is lower left chest wall below the inframammary crease.

Polythelia is the most common congenital breast anomaly, occurring in 2% of the population.

Abnormal regression of milk line can lead to underdevelopment of breasts (hypoplasia).

Complete absence of breast (amastia) usually associated with hypoplasia of ipsilateral pectoralis musculature and chest wall (Poland syndrome).


Puberty begins at 10-12 years of age as a result of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormones secreted into the hypothalamic-pituitary portal venous system.

Anterior pituitary secretes follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).

FSH causes ovarian follicles to mature and secrete estrogens.

Estrogens stimulate longitudinal growth of breast ductal epithelium.

As ovarian follicles become mature and ovulatory, the corpus luteum releases progesterone, which, in conjunction with estrogen, leads to complete mammary development.

Stages of breast development described by Tanner1:

Stage 1: Preadolescent elevation of nipple only; no palpable glandular tissue or areolar pigmentation

Stage 2: Presence of glandular tissue in the subareolar region; nipple and breast project as single mound

Stage 3: Further increase in glandular tissue with enlargement of breast and nipple but continued contour of nipple and breast in single plane

Stage 4: Enlargement of areola and increased areolar pigmentation with secondary mound formed by nipple and areola above level of breast

Stage 5: Final adolescent development of a smooth contour with no projection of the areola and nipple

Normal variants in breast development

Infantile hyperplasia of breast

Result of transplacental estrogen from maternal-placental unit

Occurs in both sexes and may be associated with secretion of colostrum

Found in more than half of newborns

Pubertal gynecomastia

Occurs in 70% of boys

May be unilateral or bilateral


Can persist for up to 2 years

Premature thelarche

Breast development beginning before 8 years of age in girls without other signs of puberty or skeletal maturation

Most often bilateral but can be unilateral

Usually noted with first 2 years of life and ends after 3-5 years

Delayed maturation

Absence of breast development by 14 years of age in absence of chronic illness or endocrine abnormality

Family history of delayed maturation typical

Because relatively uncommon, need to rule out primary ovarian failure by testing for abnormal gonadotropin levels


Premenstrual: Estrogen peak, breast engorgement, breast sensitivity

Follicular phase (days 4-14): Mitosis and proliferation of breast epithelial cells

Luteal phase (days 5-28): Progesterone levels rise, mammary ducts dilate, and alveolar epithelial cells differentiate into secretory cells; estrogens increase blood flow to breast

Menstruation: Breast involution and decrease in circulating hormones

Breast engorgement and tenderness (at a minimum 5-7 days after menstruation): Palpation is most sensitive for detecting masses and most comfortable for patient at this time.


Marked ductal, lobular, and alveolar growth occurs under influence of estrogen, progesterone, placental lactogen, prolactin, and chorionic gonadotropin.

First trimester: Estrogen influences ductal sprouting and lobular formation, early to late breast enlargement ensues, superficial veins dilate, and pigmentation of nipple-areola complex (NAC) increases.

Second trimester: Lobular events predominate under influence of progestins, and colostrum collects within the lobular alveoli.

Third trimester: By parturition, breast size triples from vascular engorgement, epithelial proliferation, and colostrum accumulation.

Withdrawal of placental lactogen and sex hormones with delivery results in breast being predominantly influenced by prolactin.

Anterior pituitary secretion of prolactin influences milk production and secretion.

Posterior pituitary secretion of oxytocin leads to breast myoepithelial contraction and milk ejection.

Prolactin and oxytocin secretion is stimulated by nursing infant’s tactile stimulation of nipple.

Postlactational involution occurs during the 3 months after cessation of nursing; regression of extralobular stroma is a primary feature.


Involves loss of glandular tissue and replacement with fat

Some lobules remain, but postmenopausal breast consists mainly of fat, connective tissue, and mammary ducts.



Fig. 51-1 Vascular supply of breast.



Receives blood supply from subdermal plexus, which communicates through perforators with underlying deeper vessels supplying the breast parenchyma.


Supplied by:

Perforating branches of internal mammary artery

Lateral thoracic artery

Thoracodorsal artery

Intercostal perforators

Thoracoacromial artery

Nipple-areola complex

Receives both parenchymal and subdermal blood supply


Follows the arterial supply

INNERVATION2 (Fig. 51-2)


Fig. 51-2 Innervation to breast.

Dermatomal in nature

Derived from the anterolateral and anteromedial branches of the thoracic intercostal nerves T3-5

Supraclavicular nerves from lower fibers of cervical plexus also provide innervation to the upper and lateral portions of the breast.

Nipple-areolar sensation is derived from the anteromedial and anterolateral T4 intercostal nerve.

Intercostal brachial nerve courses across axilla to supply upper medial arm and is often injured during axillary dissection, resulting in anesthesia and paresthesia.


Schlenz et al3

28 unilateral breast dissections in female cadavers

Found consistent innervation of the NAC by the anterior and lateral cutaneous branches of the third through fifth intercostal nerves

Lateral cutaneous branch (LCB) supplied innervations through posterior innervations of the nipple in 93%.

Fourth LCB provided posterior innervations in 93% of cases and was the only source 79% of the time.

Anterior cutaneous branch (ACB) had superficial course to supply medial aspect of NAC.

Third and fourth ACB combined to provide innervations in 57% of cases.

Würinger et al4,5

28 anatomic dissections and 14 arterial injection studies of female cadavers

Defined a “brassierelike” connective tissue suspensory system

Found neurovascular supply to the nipple runs along this well-defined suspensory apparatus

Vertical ligaments originated from the pectoralis minor (laterally) and sternum (medially)

Defined parenchymal borders and carried corresponding neurovascular structures

Horizontal septum originated from the pectoral fascia along the fifth rib: Würinger septum (Fig. 51-3).

Nov 3, 2020 | Posted by in Aesthetic plastic surgery | Comments Off on Breast Anatomy

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