Bipedicle Upper Eyelid Flap (Tripier) for Lower Eyelid Reconstruction

Bipedicle Upper Eyelid Flap (Tripier) for Lower Eyelid Reconstruction
The bipedicle upper eyelid flap has been used to repair horizontally oriented losses of the lower eyelid, both marginal and nonmarginal, of less than 10 to 15 mm in vertical height. Usually, when repairing a marginal loss, a composite chondromucosal graft is used on the undersurface.
The flap is outlined with the inferior edge corresponding to the supratarsal fold from point A to point B (Fig. 17.1A). These two points are located above the medial and lateral canthi, respectively, where the fold disappears. The superior incision (CD) is made parallel to line AB (Fig. 17.1A), creating a bipedicled flap approximately 10 to 15 mm wide, depending on the amount of redundant tissue present in the preseptal area. A wider flap may be used, but this will require a skin graft to close the donor area.
FIGURE 17.1 A: Bipedicle flap has been outlined, with inferior edge and supratarsal crease from point A to point B. Superior edge is 10 to 15 mm above crease. B: Flap is sutured into central defect, leaving bases in canthal areas intact. Donor area is closed up to bases.

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Jun 26, 2016 | Posted by in General Surgery | Comments Off on Bipedicle Upper Eyelid Flap (Tripier) for Lower Eyelid Reconstruction

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