5. Basics of Anesthesia for the Aesthetic Surgery Patient
Deborah Stahl Lowery, Jeffrey E. Janis
■ Anesthesia for patients undergoing purely elective aesthetic procedures presents specific challenges that encompass:
• Patient selection
• Surgical venue selection (ambulatory surgery centers, offices, hospital)
• Choice of anesthetic technique(s)
• Personnel requirements
• Postoperative care and pain management
• Discharge criteria
• Patient satisfaction
■ Requires high level of understanding, communication, and cooperation between surgeon and anesthesia provider to ensure optimal surgical outcome and patient experience
■ Regulatory agencies establish minimum standards of care in aesthetic surgery environments.
• Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC)
• The Joint Commission (TJC), formerly Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
• American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF)
• Regulations may vary with regard to state and type of facility.
■ Professional societies provide consensus statements, guidelines, recommendations, practice parameters, and advisories for evidence-based best practices for ambulatory surgery centers (ASC) and office-based practices.
• American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
• Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia (SAMBA)
• American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)
• American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association (ACC/AHA)
• American College of Surgeons (ACS)
• American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)
• American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS)
■ Anxiolysis
■ Amnesia
■ Analgesia
■ Sedation
■ Unconsciousness or hypnosis
■ Immobility, including muscle relaxation or paralysis
■ Quiet, nondistracting operating milieu, if patient awake
■ Attenuation of autonomic responses to noxious stimuli
■ Preservation of vital functions
■ Safe implementation of chosen technique
■ Fast-track characteristics with rapid onset and emergence
■ Predictable and reliable methodology
■ Prevention of undesirable side effects
■ Confidence in ability to meet accepted discharge criteria
■ Patient satisfaction commensurate with entirely elective, often self-funded, procedures
General Anesthesia
■ “Balanced” technique incorporates multiple classes of IV drugs (sedative-hypnotics, narcotics, muscle relaxants), along with the volatile/inhalational agents (desflurane, sevoflurane, less commonly isoflurane and nitrous oxide).
■ Volatile agents
• Easier titration of depth, faster emergence, and early recovery
• Lesser risk of intraoperative awareness
• Simple administration
• Typically less expensive maintenance agent
Total Intravenous Anesthesia (TIVA)
■ Component therapy involving sedative-hypnotic infusion (propofol, ketamine, dexmedetomidine)
• Additional drugs such as midazolam, choice of narcotic, or muscle relaxant supplemented either by IV bolus or infusion
• Aided by liberal surgical use of local anesthetic block or infiltration
■ Reduced incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV)
■ High degree of patient satisfaction
■ More complex administration
■ Increased cost
■ Avoids gas delivery systems and therefore need for scavenging equipment
■ Avoids malignant hyperthermia (MH) triggers (see Malignant Hyperthermia section later in the chapter)
■ Various well-described “recipes” for TIVA5,6,8 commonly include:
• Propofol: Sedation/hypnosis
• Midazolam: Anxiolysis and amnesia
• Ketamine: Dissociation and analgesia
• Opioids (fentanyl, alfentanil, remifentanil): Analgesia
• Rocuronium: Muscle relaxation
• Dexmedetomidine: Anxiolysis, sedation, analgesia, decreased adrenergic output
• Acetaminophen: Nonopioid analgesic
• Ketorolac: NSAID
■ Frequently accompanied by use of “depth of anesthesia” or “level of consciousness” monitoring
■ Employs algorithm-driven surface EEG to calculate an “index” number that correlates with hypnotic level
■ Bispectral Index (BIS; Medtronic) commonly used in the United States
• Airway can be natural or controlled (endotracheal tube or supraglottic airway), with either mechanical or spontaneous ventilation.
Regional Anesthesia
■ Neuraxial (spinal or epidural)
■ Nerve blocks: Plexus, peripheral, paravertebral, intercostal, specific nerve branch, transversus abdominal plane (TAP), truncal, or other
■ IV sedation, at multiple and varying levels
■ Local infiltration
■ Selection determined by
• Type, extent, and duration of surgery
• Patient or surgeon preference
• Anesthesiologist experience
• Patient’s underlying medical status and/or any pertinent psychological aspects
■ Can be isolated anesthetic technique or involve combinations listed previously
■ Standard of care for nonhospital locations should be equivalent to those of hospitals.
■ ASA Standards for Basic Anesthetic Monitoring10 (last amended 2011) must be met.
■ Emergency protocols must be established, documented, and rehearsed.
■ Transfer agreement with nearby/associated hospital for unplanned admission must be established.
■ Preoperative risk assessment and evaluation are required, including laboratory tests and specialty consultation as needed.11
■ Selection of anesthesia type with appropriate monitoring
■ Selection of appropriate model of provider(s)
• Anesthesiologist, alone or as part of anesthesia care team, with certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) or, in some states, an anesthesia assistant (AA)
• CRNA supervised by surgeon
• Surgeon supervising RN whose sole responsibility is administration of ordered medication(s) and monitoring patient
■ Appropriate education, training, and certification of staff involved in all phases of patient care
■ Duration and complexity of procedure(s), especially if multiple procedures will be performed simultaneously or concurrently
■ Preoperative medications and postoperative pain control plans
■ Discharge criteria and postoperative follow-up
■ Identify and optimize comorbid conditions.
■ Assess suitability for ASC or office.
■ Align anesthetic needs and resources with proposed procedure and patient needs.
■ Minimize perioperative risk.
■ Reduce delays and cancellation.
■ Assess ability for safe and timely discharge.
■ Provide education and reassurance to patients to build confidence.
■ Checklist-format patient questionnaire
■ Primary care physician/practitioner evaluation
■ Subspecialty consultations as needed
■ Old anesthesia records
■ In-person or phone interview with anesthesiologist or nurse
■ Video chat, Skype, or telemedicine
■ Process guided by
• Patient demographics
• Patients’ clinical conditions
• Invasiveness of procedure
• Nature of the health care system
■ Can be done day of surgery (DOS) if low severity of disease and procedure of low-medium surgical invasiveness, otherwise in advance
■ Up-to-date history and physical examination
■ Pertinent active medical conditions
■ Current medications and therapies in place
■ Status of optimization of current problems
■ Pertinent subspecialty consultation
■ Pertinent diagnostic studies of record
■ Pertinent psychosocial conditions
■ Surgical findings and operative plan
■ History of difficult intubation
■ History of PONV or postdischarge nausea and vomiting (PDNV) (discussed later in the chapter)
■ History of other anesthetic complications like delayed emergence, unanticipated admission, or prolonged postanesthesia care unit (PACU) stay
■ Personal or familial history suggestive of malignant hyperthermia
■ Intangibles, nuances, or needs that may affect patient’s satisfaction or experience in this highly specialized, consumer-driven patient population
■ Red flags of unsuitability for general anesthesia in an ASC or office 2,5,9,12
• Unstable angina
• Myocardial injury within 3–6 months
• Severe cardiomyopathy
• Uncompensated heart failure
• Aortic stenosis (moderate to severe) or symptomatic mitral stenosis
• Uncontrolled or poorly controlled hypertension
• High-grade arrhythmias
• Implantable cardiac devices (pacer-dependent or defibrillator)
• Recent stroke within 3 months
• End-stage renal disease (ESRD)/dialysis
• Severe liver disease
• Awaiting major organ transplant
• Sickle cell anemia
• Symptomatic or active multiple sclerosis
• Myasthenia gravis
• Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
• Abnormal/difficult airway
• Severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
• Morbid obesity
• Psychiatric status unstable, dementia
• Acute substance intoxication
• Poor functional status <4 metabolic equivalents (METs) (discussed later in the chapter)
• Mathis et al 15 (2013) suggested seven independent risk factors associated with increased 72-hour morbidity and mortality in ambulatory surgery:
1. Overweight BMI
2. Obese BMI
4. History of transient ischemic attack/stroke
5. Hypertension
6. Previous cardiac surgical intervention
7. Prolonged operative time
■ The culture shift is to NO routine testing.
■ Tests should be for indication only, as per current medical conditions or per procedure.
■ Avoid baseline laboratory studies when:
• Patient is healthy
• Patient has less than significant systemic disease (ASA I or II)
• Blood loss expected to be minimal
• Procedure is designated low risk
■ Testing guidelines available from ASA, SAMBA, ACC/AHA
■ Positive pregnancy tests have been reported in 0.3%–1.3% of premenopausal menstruating females, which led to postponement, cancellation, or changes in management of 100% of the cases.14
■ Routine testing of all females within childbearing years remains controversial.
■ Evidence-based medicine is inadequate or unsupportive with regards to anesthetic exposure and teratogenic effects or other harmful effects, e.g., spontaneous abortion, stimulation of contractions, or premature birth.
■ ASA provides no consensus on routine testing versus based on clinical menstrual history.
• Recommends “offering” rather than “requiring” hCG testing
• Affords “individual physicians and hospitals the opportunity to set their own practices and policies” according to ASA Choosing Wisely initiative16
■ Many institutions perform routine point of care (POC) urine hCG on day of surgery.
■ Some institutions perform rapid qualitative serum hCG testing should urine results be equivocal or contested by patient.
■ Significant blood loss anticipated (>500 ml)
■ Patients with liver disease
■ Extremes of age
■ Preexisting anemia
■ Hematologic disorders
■ Factor deficiencies
■ High-grade dysrhythmia, pacemaker, cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED), e.g., defibrillator
■ H/O heart failure
■ Diabetes
■ Chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) or ESRD
■ Hepatic disease
■ Poorly controlled hypertension
■ Malabsorption/malnutrition (note history of eating disorder or bariatric surgery)
■ In diabetics, obtain by blood draw as preadmission testing (PAT) or by point of care testing on day of surgery
■ HbA1C is helpful in perioperative glucose interpretation and management
■ Bleeding disorders
■ Liver disease
■ Factor deficiencies
■ Chemotherapy
• Patient with known CAD or risk factors
• Patient for high risk (>1%) surgery
• Patient with known arrhythmias (helpful to have a baseline)
• Patient with known peripheral or cerebral vascular disease
• Patient with significant structural heart disease
• Patient with signs or symptoms of active cardiac conditions, e.g., chest pain, diaphoresis, shortness of breath (SOB), dyspnea on exertion (DOE)
• Patient with DM requiring insulin or end-organ damage
• Patient with renal insufficiency
■ Based on cardiac risk
■ Not indicated for asymptomatic patients undergoing low-risk surgery, regardless of age (ACC/AHA 2014)
■ Moderate-risk cosmetic procedures (abdominoplasty, large-volume liposuction, or body contouring after massive weight loss) with at least one clinical risk factor supports obtaining baseline or current/updated ECG.
■ ECGs valid for 6 months, if patient clinically stable
■ Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI) clinical risk factors:
• Coronary artery disease (CAD) with H/O myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) bypass, percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), intracoronary stents
• Cerebral vascular disease, with H/O stroke or transient ischemic events
• Heart failure
• Diabetes, requiring insulin, poorly controlled, or with end-organ damage
• Renal insufficiency, serum creatinine >2.0 mg/dl or ESRD
■ RCRI stratifies risk of major cardiac complications.
• No risk factors: 0.4%
• One risk factor: 1.0%
• Two risk factors: 2.4%
• Three or more risk factors: 5.4%
Risk interpreted as:
• Patients with <1.0% are low risk and need no further testing.
• Patients with ≥1.0% are a greater risk and should be evaluated for optimization or further workup before elective surgery.
■ High-risk indicators that should command attention and dissuade from elective surgery in anything but a hospital setting, or not at all, are:
• Recent MI
• Unstable angina
• Uncompensated heart failure
• High-grade arrhythmias
• Hemodynamically significant valvular disease, e.g., aortic stenosis
■ Additional considerations used as risk factors
• Morbid obesity
• Poorly controlled hypertension
• High-grade arrhythmia, pacemaker, or implanted defibrillators
• H/O significant peripheral arterial disease
■ Not many indications in the elective aesthetic surgery patients
■ Active symptomatic pulmonary disease
■ Stress test, ECG, carotid duplex, vascular studies guided by subspecialty consultation
Table 5-1 American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification
Physical Status | Description |
Class I | Normal, healthy patient |
Class II | Mild systemic disease |
Class III | Severe systemic disease |
Class IV | Severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life |
Class V | Moribund patient not expected to survive without operation |
Class VI | Patient declared brain dead for organ donation purposes |
Emergency surgery (E) denotes any of the above patient classes requiring emergency operation (e.g., normal, healthy patient for surgery is class IE).
■ Used as a global descriptor of a patient’s clinical state based on history, physical examination, and laboratory data
■ Most widely used and accepted method of describing preoperative health status
■ Gross predictor of overall risk; does not assess surgical risk per se9
■ Robust predictor of postoperative morbidity and mortality
■ Validated by and incorporated in current risk assessment models18
■ Other applications include allocation of resources and anesthesia reimbursement.19
■ Limitations include subjectivity and interrater inconsistency.18
■ Recently updated by ASA 2014
• Definitions remain unchanged, but clinical examples reflect liberalization with some stable chronic severe diseases, e.g., ESRD with hemodialysis, moving from class IV to class III
■ Patients frequently present for aesthetic surgery with multiple medical problems that represent an ASA III status.
■ ASA III patients are a widely disparate group with huge variations in pathophysiology.
NOTE: The presence of stable, optimized preexisting diseases consistent with an ASA III status is NOT a contraindication for elective surgery.
Table 5-2 ASA Guidelines for Fasting (in adults, updated 2011)
Ingested Material | Minimum Fasting Period (hours) |
Clear liquids | 2 |
Dairy, nonclear juices | 6 |
Light meal (toast and clear liquid) | 6 |
Heavy meal (fried, fatty foods; meat) | ≥8 |
■ Guidelines are limited to healthy patients undergoing elective procedures.
■ Modification based on clinical indicators may be needed.
■ Modification may be needed if difficult airway is anticipated.
■ Patients need to be informed (verbal, written) and status verified on day of surgery.
■ Following the guidelines does not guarantee sufficient gastric emptying.
NOTE: Allowing black coffee and plain tea as “clear liquid” intake per guidelines for healthy patients without aspiration concerns can have added benefit of preventing caffeine withdrawal headaches.
■ Pulmonary aspiration: Aspiration of gastric contents occurring after the induction of general anesthesia, during a procedure, or in the immediate period after surgery
■ ASA and SAMBA recommend NO ROUTINE administration of preoperative acid aspiration prophylaxis medications.
■ Clinical indications for use of medications, AS WELL AS EXTENDING OR MODIFYING NPO GUIDELINES, incorporate comorbidities that affect or delay gastric emptying:
• Obesity
• Pregnancy
• Diabetes
• Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
• Hiatal hernia
• After bariatric surgery (especially laparotomy band)
• Ileus or bowel obstruction
• Emergency surgery (e.g., return to OR for hematoma or wound dehiscence after PO intake in PACU)
■ Preoperative prophylactic medications include:
• Gastrointestinal stimulants (metoclopramide)
• Gastric acid blockers
► H2-receptor antagonists (cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine)
► Proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, lansoprazole)
• Antacid, nonparticulate (sodium citrate)
• Antiemetics (ondansetron, prochlorperazine) used alone or in combination
■ Derived by estimating patient’s abilities to perform various tasks and activities of daily living (ADLs)
■ Expressed in METs
• 1 MET = 3.5 ml O2 uptake/kg/min (resting oxygen uptake in sitting position)
■ Adjunct to assess cardiac risk
■ Although not a formal component of the ASAPS classification, it is part of the routine anesthetic preoperative evaluation described as:
• <4 METs; = 4 METs; <4 METs
■ Used as an indicator on Gupta Myocardial Infarction and Cardiac Arrest (MICA) Perioperative Cardiac Risk Calculator22
■ Used as an indicator on ASC National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) Surgical Risk Calculator11
■ Has been suggested as a useful adjunct in assessing ASA class II-IV patients and an independent predictor of outcome and mortality23
■ Patient descriptors:
• Totally independent
• Partially dependent
• Totally dependent
■ Has been suggested for use as an additional (downgrading) subset to the ASA PS criteria24
• <4 METs is of concern and indicates poor functional status with increased risk of cardiopulmonary complications.