Treatment: Therapy is specific to each syndrome. The molecular understanding of the pathogenesis has led to specific therapies. Because of their rarity, no randomized studies have been performed on the treatment of these conditions. HIDS has been successfully treated with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), statin medications, and the interleukin antagonist, anakinra. The cryopyrinopathies have been treated with cold avoidance in the case of FCAS, and NSAIDs, oral steroids, anakinra, and other immunosuppressants have been tried. FMF has been treated with good success with colchicine, taking advantage of its antineutrophil effect. TRAPS has been successfully treated with etanercept or anakinra. Etanercept is believed to remove the soluble TNF that is responsible for activating the mutated receptor.